Ardennes Again!

US Infantry and Light Armor Divisions TO&E

by Tom Harris


CPQ #4 reported on the plans of the National Association of Modern Wargamers to hold a game called Command Con II: The Ardennes-Again!! The project is still alive, although we are still searching for a site in the Central Illinois area.

Current plans call for a scale of 1/9, so that actual divisions will be reduced to reinforced battalions. Six game boards will be used for the German lines of attack, with the boards four to six feet wide, and up to 40 feet long. There will be limited movement between the boards, and hopefully they will run them in separate areas. Planned date is still October 7-9.

Tom Harris and Frank Chadwick have been working on possible TO&Es for this game. It has been decided to try a 1/9 reduction, with each unit representing a division. One player would be assigned command of such a formation.

Possible Organizations

The following are preliminary divisional organizations for the US Infantry, US Light Armored, German Infantry, and German Panzer. All were developed straight from the CD II Armies of the Second World War book, with some help from Staton's WWII US Order of Battle, and the Bastogne campaign module.

US Infantry Division

Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 recon bazooka infantry stand
    1 light truck

Headquarters Company, with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 staff radio light truck 157L52 AT gun
    1 gun crew
    1 light truck
    1 light truck with ammo trailer
    1 engineer stand
    1 dump truck
    1 supply medium truck with AAMG and trailer

Cannon Company (treat as divisional asset), with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 105L16 howitzer
    1 gun crew (ds)
    1 medium truck

Artillery Battery (treat as attached asset), with:

    1 command stand
    1 FO stand
    2 jeeps
    1 105L23 howitzer
    1 gun crew (ds)
    1 medium truck with AAMG
    1 light truck
    1 support bazooka stand

Infantry Battalion, with: Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    Headquarters Company, with:
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 57L52 AT gun
      1 gun crew
      1 light truck
      1 bazooka stand

    3 Infantry Companies, each with:

      1 command stand
      3 infantry stands
      1 weapons stand

    Weapons Company, with:

      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      2 MMG stands
      1 81 mm mortar stand (ds)
      2 jeeps with light ammo trailers
      2 medium trucks

Attached Tank Battalion, with:

    1 command M4 (75) medium tank
    1 M4 (75) medium tank
    1 light ammo truck

Attached AAA Battalion, with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 M16 MGMC
    1 40L56 AA gun
    1 gun crew
    1 medium truck

Attached Tank Destroyer Battalion SP, with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 recon M8 armored car
    1 M18 or M10

Attached Tank Destroyer Battalion Towed, with:

    1 command stand 1 jeep
    1 3" ATG
    1 gun crew (ds)
    1 M3A1 with AAMG
    1 M18 or M10

Attachments as of December 16, 1944

2nd Div = 741st Tank, 612th TD (M-18), 644th TD (M 10), 462nd AAA
4th Div = 70th Tank, 802th TD (Towed), 803rd TD (M10), 377th AAA
28th Div = 707th Tank, 630th TD (towed), 447th AAA
99th Div = 801st TD (M-18), 535th AAA
106th Div = 820th TD (M-18), 563rd AAA, 634th AAA

US Light Armored Division

CCA/CCB, with:

    1 command stand
    1 M3A1 with AAMG with trailer
    1 staff radio M3A1
    1 recon M-8 armored car
    1 recon jeep
    1 jeep
    1 recon jeep with MG
    1 command M4 (75) medium tank
    1 M4 (76) medium tank
    1 armored infantry stand
    1 weapons stand
    1 M3A1 with MG
    1 M3A1 with AAMG
    1 support bazooka stand
    1 medium truck

CCR, with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 recon jeep with AAMG
    1 recon M-8 armored car
    1 command M5 light tank
    1 M5 light tank
    1 engineer stand
    1 armored infantry stand
    1 support bazooka stand
    1 dump truck with trailer
    1 M4 HTMC 1 ARV

Artillery Battery (treat as attached asset), with:

    1 command stand
    1 FO stand
    1 M3A1 with MG
    1 M3A1 with AAMG
    1 M7 HMC with trailer

Attached AAA Battalion (SP), with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 M16 MGMC
    1 M15 MGMC

Attached Tank Destroyer Battalion SP, with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 recon M8 armored car
    1 M18 or M10

Attachments as of December 16, 1944

9th Arm Div = 811th TD (M-18), 482nd AAA
10th Arm Div =609th TD (M-18), 796th AAA

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