Ardennes Again!

German Infantry and Panzer Divisions TO&E

by Tom Harris

German Infantry Division

Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 kubelwagen
    1 staff radio wagon
    1 engineer stand
    1 medium supply truck

IG Company (treat as divisional asset), with:

    1 mounted command stand
    1 150L11 Infantry gun L16 howitzer
    1 gun crew (ds)
    1 limber
    1 supply wagon

AT Company, with:

    1 command/RkPzB stand
    1 light truck
    1 75L46 AT gun
    1 gun crew stand (ds)
    1 maultier

Infantry Battalion, with:

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 bicycle infantry stand (+1 level, +2 morale)

    2 Infantry Companies, each with:

      1 command infantry stand
      3 infantry stands
      1 MMG stand

    Weapons Company, with:

      1 mounted command stand
      1 8cm mortar stand (ds)
      1 wagon
      1 12cm mortar
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 wagon

Artillery Battery (treat as attached asset), with:

    1 mounted command stand
    1 105L28 howitzer
    1 gun crew (ds)
    1 limber
    1 support stand
    1 ammo wagon

German Panzer Division

Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 kubelwagen
    1 staff radio SdKfz 251/1
    1 medium supply truck with trailer

Recon Company, with:

    1 recon infantry SMG motorcycle stand
    1 recon infantry stand
    1 SdKfz 250/1

AT Company, with:

    1 command stand 1 kubelwagen
    1 75L46 AT gun
    1 gun crew stand (ds) 1 maultier
    1 maultier with trailer 1 StG III

Engineer Company, with:
1 command engineer stand
1 engineer stand with flamethrower

Tank Company, with:

    1 command Pz V tank
    1 Pz V tank
    2 Pz IV tanks

Armored Infantry Company, with:

    1 command stand
    1 SdKfz 251/1
    1 panzergrenadier stand
    1 weapons stand
    2 SdKfz 251/1
    1 SdKfz 251/2

Infantry Company, with:

    1 command infantry stand
    1 weapons stand
    2 infantry stands
    2 medium trucks
    1 Infantry/RkPzB stand
    1 light truck

Heavy Company, with:

    1 command stand
    1 kubelwagen
    1 12cm mortar
    1 gun crew stand (ds)
    1 medium truck 120L113 AA gun
    1 gun crew stand
    1 light truck

Attached AAA Company, with:

    1 command stand 1 kubelwagen 2 SP 2cm AA

Artillery Battery (treat as attached asset), with:

    1 staff radio truck
    1 Wespe
    1 support stand
    1 medium truck

Airborne, Volksgrenadiers, and other such have yet to be done.

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