Buying Time
Vire (Northern France) 1944

CD Scenario

by Greg Novak

This is not an actual historical scenario per se, but it is based on the events during late August of 1944 somewhere on the Western Front. It's a variation on one of Frank Chadwick's favorite games, and can be played on the Eastern Front as well, with either side attacking or defending. It does require a referee to make it work well, and can be played with anywhere from 2 players on up to 8 or more. It deals with the hardest of all military operations, a rear guard action in the face of a pursuing enemy force.

The referee should give the following information to the chief commanders on each side:

German Information

You area Lieutenant Colonel assigned to the Corps which has just been given the task of checking the American advance in this sector. You have been sent to the town of Luzrene sur Vire with a small force to take command of the forces in the area. Your orders are:

First, to hold the crossing points over the Vire River as long as possible to allow as many units to escape across the river. Second, to prevent the Americans from capturing any boats or bridges in the area that would allow them to cross the river. Third, to hold the Vire River line for as long as possible.

You arrived in Luzrene sur Vire a half hour ago. As of the moment the following forces are in the area:

Kampgruppe (Your Name Here) Headquarters, with: Veteran, Morale: 9

    1 command stand
    1 kubelwagen
    1 staff radio truck
    1 motorcycle recon MMG stand

437th Engineer Battalion, with: Regular, Morale: 8

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      1 support stand
      1 general supply wagon
      1 baggage supply wagon
      1 horse-drawn field kitchen

    2 Engineer Companies, each with:

      1 command engineer stand
      1 engineer stand
      1 engineer supply wagon (2 tons)

    Engineer Company, with:

      1 command engineer stand
      1 engineer stand
      1 Class VI Ferry

    Security Company (Attached), with:

      1 command infantry stand
      2 infantry stands
      1 weapons stand

318th Flak Battalion (Luftwaffe), with: Regular, Morale: 8

    Battalion Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand 1 kubelwagen
      1 support stand
      1 general supply truck
      1 baggage supply truck
      1 truck with field kitchen

    2 Batteries, each with:

      1 gun crew stand
      1 support stand
      1 37L98 Flak gun

    2 Batteries, each with:

      1 gun crew stand
      1 support stand
      1 20L113 Flak gun

The Allied bombers attacked the bridges over the Vire River early in May, destroying the road bridge and damaging the railroad bridge to the point that only personnel stands can cross it. The 437th Engineer Battalion arrived late in June with orders to restore rail service across the river, as well as operate a ferry service. As a result, the battalion HQ and two companies are in Luzrene sur Vire where they have just finished building a single-track low bridge across the river, and one company is downstream at la Madeleine, where it operates a Class VI Ferry. (The ferry can cross one vehicle and one stand during a single turn.) The railroad bridge can be used by vehicles, but at cross-country movement rates and at a cost of 4" per inch actually moved.

The Security Company is based in Luzrene sur Vire.

The Flak Battalion HQ is at Dufayel, with two batteries deployed on the hill southwest of there. One battery is located between Luzrene sur Vire and la Madeleine, and the other is south of Luzrene between the two rail lines. All batteries are dug in with weapons pits and bunkers for their gun crews and support stands. Ammunition is not a problem, but moving the guns will be. It will take from 2-4 hours to displace each gun.

Two notes on terrain:

The rail line is double-tracked and carried on an low embankment. It will not block line of sight but will give cover to stands adjacent to it. The River Vire has been canalized over the years in this area. Except in the village areas where ramps exist, it would be difficult to attempt to launch boats or build bridges across it without working on its banks.

As units arrive, you may press them into service as needed. It is now 0700-what are your orders?

American Information

You are a lieutenant colonel commanding the 114th Cavalry Recon Squadron, Mechanized. Most of your command has been detached and assigned to other units. You have been summoned to the Corps HQ and ordered to take what remains of your command, and form it into Task Force (Your Name Here). Your mission is to drive on the village of Luzrene sur Vire and attempt to deny to the Germans the crossing points there. If possible, you are to cross the river and press on. The following are the units assigned to your command; however, not all are present. Immediately following are

what you have at the moment:

114th Cavalry Recon Squadron, Mechanized, with: Regular, Morale: 8

    Squadron Headquarters, with: 1 command stand 1 jeep 1 staff radio halftrack with AAMG 1 recon jeep with AAMG 1 recon M-8 armored car 1 medium ammo truck with trailer 1 M-5 armored recovery vehicle

    Troop B, with: 1 command stand 1 jeep 3 recon jeep with MG 3 recon M-8 armored car 1 M-3 halftrack with AAMG 1 weapons stand

Company A, 775th Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP) , with: Experienced, Morale: 8 1 command M-20 armored car 1 recon M-8 armored car 3 M-10 TDs Under orders to report to you are the following units:

3rd Battalion, 170th Infantry Regiment, with: Regular, Morale: 8
Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command stand and 1 jeep
Headquarters Company, with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 gun crew
    1 light truck
    1 57L52 AT gun
    1 bazooka stand

3 Rifle Companies, each with:

    1 command stand 3 infantry stands 1 weapons stand

Weapons Company, each with:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 81mm mortar stand (ds)
    2 MMG stands
    2 medium trucks

Company A 53rd Armored Engineer Battalion, with: Experienced, Morale: 8

    1 command stand
    1 jeep with MG
    1 halftrack with AAMG
    1 dump truck
    1 medium supply truck with assault boat trailer
    3 engineer stands

Cannon Company, 170th Infantry Battalion, with: Regular, Morale: 8

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 gun crew (ds)
    1 medium truck
    1 105L16 pack howitzer
    1 medium ammo truck with trailer
    1 support stand

Company C, 753rd Tank Battalion, with:Experienced, Morale: 8

    1 command M-4 (75) tank
    1 M-4 (75) tank
    1 M-4 (76) tank

Company D, 753rd Tank Battalion, with: Experienced, Morale: 8

    1 command M-5 tank
    2 M-5 tanks

Battery B, 801st AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion, with: Regular, Morale: 8

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    2 M-16 MGMCs

The referee will advise you of the arrival of these units. There are three points that you can enter the board: X, Y, and Z. You may have units enter the board starting at 0730 at any or all of the locations.

Referee's Information

None of the units listed above are cast in stone. Please feel free to substitute units if you don't have what is listed. You can, for example, replace the TD Company with a Tank Company with Sherman 75s. You could use a quad 20L 113 in place of the 37L98. You could use an American Infantry Regiment HQ in place of the Cavalry Squadron HQ. The German stands in italics need not be used if you don't have them. Use what you have, both in the lists above and below.

None of these units should be presented as being very interested as being pressed into service. They will stand and fight if ordered, but are not thrilled about it. The German commander should be reminded that he gets points for units that escape-he has to decide which ones should be allowed to go. To get credit for a unit, twothirds of the stand/vehicles must escape from the board.

For the American player, a similar procedure is followed. Starting at the 1200 hour turn, roll 1D6. If a 6 is rolled, a unit will enter at either X, Y, or Z. Roll 1D10, and use the following table (if a unit has already arrived, reroll):


Terrain is simple-buildings are a mixture of wood and stone. Fields provide cover and hedges can be added to their edges to block line of sight. The small streams can be waded across at any point by personnel and tracked vehicles, but wheeled vehicles will need a crossing point.

Winning the Game

The game should last until the end of the 1845 turn, or when the bridges across the Vire are destroyed, whichever comes first. If night falls first, a second day can be run if the situation presents itself. Victory is accomplished by preventing the Germans from exiting troops off the board. If the German player can be held to less than 100 points of troops, it should be considered an American victory. If the German player can exit over 100 points of troops, it is a German victory. Remember that troops still on the table are not counted for the purposes of victory. After all, when other American units cross upstream and downstream from Luzrene sur Vire, it just makes the pocket bigger and allows more troops to fall into American hands.

Other Thoughts

This is a game that has a number of variations. One can double up on the Allies, and run separate British and American commands heading for Luzrene sur Vire. German players can be given points for units under their control that they exit off the board so as to ensure cooperation on their behalf. American units moving into a French town not occupied by German units can lose a D6+2 worth of turns as the town celebrates its "liberation." A wandering fighter bomber can attack the German bridge. The FFI can supply information to the Americans. There are a number of things that the referee can do to control the tempo of this game.

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© Copyright 1994 by Greg Novak.
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