Battle of Arras
May 21, 1940

WWII CD Scenario

by David Hughes

In May 1940, the French and British launched a desperate attempt to cut off or at least delay the sweep of the German Panzers though the rear of the Allied armies. The British attack ran into Rommel's 7th Panzer Division, and the apparent invulnerability of the Matilda gave the Germans a shock. This scenario simulates a section of this attack.


The British attacked with what would now be called two battlegroups, formed from two battalions of the 1st Army Tank Brigade and two battalions of the 151st Brigade of the 50th (Northumbrian) Motorised Division. This division was motorized only in the sense that its two infantry brigades had integral transport. Its only true mobile infantry were in a motorcycle battalion, split up between the two battlegroups. Elements of the brigade and divisional antitank assets were also available. The scenario only covers the attack of the Left battlegroup, whose composition is shown below.

Experienced, Morale: 9 (4th RTR: Veteran, Morale: 10)

151st Infantry Brigade, with:
Headquarters Company, with:

    1 command stand
    1 car

Antitank Company, with:
    125L72 AT gun
    1 gun crew
    1 light truck

6th D.L.I. Inf Battalion, with:
Headquarters Company, with:

    1 command stand
    1 car
    2 recon carriers
    13" mortar stand
    1 light truck

3 Infantry Companies, each with:
    1 command infantry stand
    2 infantry stands

4th Royal Tank Regiment, with:
Headquarters Company, with:

    1 command Mk VIB
    1 recon Mk V IB
    1 Matilda I

2 Companies, each with:
    1 command Matilda II
    1 Matilda I

Company, with:
    2 Matilda I

Y Company 4th RNF, with:
    1 motorcycle command infantry stand
    2 motorcycle infantry stands
    1 Daimler scout car

206th Antitank Battery RA, with:
3 21b AT guns
3 crew stands
3 light trucks


1. Abbreviations: 6th DLI is a Territorial battalion of the Durham Light Infantry. 4th RNF is the 4th Battalion of the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers, the motorcycle battalion of the 50th Division. 4th RTR is the 4th Battalion of the Royal Tank Regiment. It has received 7 Matilda II tanks from the 7th RTR in the Right battlegroup.

2. All command infantry and command motorcycle stands have integral Boys ATR.

3. Many units are at less than full strength.


The British attack ran into the flank of Rommel's 7th Panzer Division which was advancing west in three separate groups. From south to north, the three groups were the 25th Panzer Regiment, the 7th Rifle Regiment, and the 6th Rifle Regiment. The Panzers managed to miss most of the battle, the 7th Rifle Regiment was hit by the British Right battlegroup, and the scenario covers the clash between the northern group and the British Left battlegroup. The 6th Rifle Regiment Group, the unfortunate target of the attack, consisted of one of its two battalions (the second appears to have been in reserve), most of the 7th Motorcycle Battalion, and about half of the divisional support assets. Rather late in the day, the group received support from elements of the 5th Panzer Division. The attack caught the group in line of march, hence the appalling initial deployment. Its OB is shown below:

Veteran, Morale: 9

6th Rifle Regiment, with:
Headquarters Company, with:

    1 command stand
    1 kubelwagen
    1 radio staff truck

7th Motorcycle Battalion, with:
Headquarters Company, with:

    1 motorcycle command stand

2 Motorcycle Squadrons, each with:
    1 motorcycle command infantry stand
    1 motorcycle MMG stand
    2 motorcycle infantry stands

Heavy Company, with:
    1 motorcycle command infantry stand
    2 gun crew stands
    1 engineer stand
    1 37LA5 AT gun
    1 75L12 inf gun (battalion gun)
    3 light trucks

1st Rifle Battalion, with:
Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 car

3 Infantry Companies, each with:
    1 command infantry stand
    1 MMG stand
    2 infantry stands
    2 medium trucks

Heavy Company, with:
    1 command stand
    1 car
    1 8cm mortar (ds)
    2 gun crew stands
    1 37L45 AT gun
    1 75L12 inf gun (battalion gun)

1st Comp, 42nd Antitank Bn, with:

    1 command stand
    1 kubelwagen
    3 gun crew stands
    3 light trucks
    3 37L45 AT guns

1st Battery, 75th Art Regiment, with:
Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand
    1 kubelwagen

3 Firing Batteries, each with:
    1 command stand
    1 kubelwagen
    1 gun crew (ds)
    1 105L28 howitzer
    1 medium truck
    1 support stand
    1 light truck

Battery 5 Flak Regiment 23, with:

    1 command stand
    1 car
    1 gun crew
    1 88L56 AA gun
    1 light tractor
    1 medium truck

59th Light Flak Company, with:

    1 command stand
    1 car
    3 10/4 halftrack with 20mm AA

Attached from 5th Panzer Division:

1st Bn. 15th Panzer Regiment, with:
Headquarters Company, with: 1 command Pz IIB
2 Light Companies, each with:

    1 command Pz IIB
    1 Pz I
    1 Pz IIB
    1 Pz IIIE

Medium Company, with:
    1 command Pz IVE
    1 Pz IVE

1. The motorcycle battalion is understrength.
2. The 23rd Flak Regiment is an attached Luftwaffe unit.



The scenario starts with the 1600 hour game turn and ends with the 2000 hour game turn.


The German player deploys first. Place all stands of the following units on the road from C3 to the map edge at 14: 7th Motorcycle Battalion, 1st Battalion, 7th Rifle Regiment, 59th Flak Company. The units must be deployed in the order given (for example, with 7th Motorcycle Battalion furthest west), and stands must be within 1" of each other. All units start either mounted or limbered. Stands of the 6th Rifle Regiment Headquarters and 1st Company 42nd AT Battalion may be placed within any of the units listed. All command stands are considered to have issued a no command order. After all, the Germans were taken by surprise!

The British player puts all stands of the 4th RTR and Y Company 4th RNR in the map square C2. All remaining stands are placed in the map square B2. No stand may be 10" or closer to a German stand. A stand may be attached to any command stand starting in the same square. The British player then places command chits and the game starts with the 1600 hour turn.


There are no British reinforcements.
The German player receives the following reinforcements;

    at 1700 hours on the road at the 14 map edge, the 1st Battalion, 75th Artillery Regiment
    at 1800 hours at the same point, Battery 5 Flak Regiment 23
    at 1900 hours on the Ii map edge, the 1st Battalion, 15th Panzer Regiment

Special Rules

When German units roll for morale, the modifier for enemy AFV within 10" is increased from +1 to +2.

Optional Rules

1. The German player may choose to place cautious advance instead of no order chits prior to the start of the scenario.

2. Add to the headquarters of the 151st Brigade one staff radio wagon. The British had major command problems controlling the various formations. Adding the staff radio truck may help reduce these.

3. The 7th Panzer Division had one of the early SP batteries attached. The scenario assumes that it was supporting the Panzer Regiment, but to simulate its presence: Add to 6th Rifle Regiment.

    705th Heavy Infantry Gun Company, with: 1 GwI


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