Europa Campaign Maps

Letter to the Editor

by Dudley Garidel

Mr. Novak:

Since it seems that all the campaign materials for Command Decision are going to be based on the Europa series game maps, can I get the map sheets separate from the Europa games through GDW? Also, do you plan a "CD Campaign Package" that includes the Europa game maps and CD campaign rules together as a "CD Campaign Module" for us gamers that want to use Bathtub armies?

--Barry Hayes

Dear Barry:

Sorry about the delay in answering your note asking about maps and campaigns.

Not all all of the campaigns that the CPQ and GDW will run will use the Europa map system. The last issue used a point-to-point system, while the proposed Sicily minigame will use a special set of maps. We will use whatever best suits the game that we are setting up. We may issue a special supplement to the CPQ on the entire Bathtub system if interest is there.

Maps for the Europa system are not available from GDW, but can be ordered from:

    Game Research and Design
    822 4th Ave
    Grinnell, Iowa 50112

Hope this helps. -- Greg Novak

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