Korea 1950 Update

Communist Chinese Forces

by Greg Novak

In Command Post 7, there appeared a supplement entitled Police Action-Korea, 1950. That was written in 1989/90, with the result that the troop quality ratings need to be updated, and some additional information added. To start with, I can present a revised TO&E on the CCF (Communist Chinese Forces) units, including some information on the divisional elements not given in t supplement.


Veteran; Morale: 10, unless otherwise noted

Divisional Headquarters Troops, with:

    Headquarters Company, with:
      1 mounted command stand
      1 command infantry stand
      1 support stand
      1 baggage wagon

    Divisional Signal Company, with:

      1 staff radio wagon
      1 support stand
      1 repair wagon
      1 general supply wagon

    Divisional Guard Company, with:

      1 command SMG stand
      2 SMG stands

    Divisional Recon Company, with:

      1 recon "spy" stand
      2 recon SMG stands

    Divisional Engineer Company, with:

      1 command engineer stand
      1 engineer stand

    Divisional Transportation Company, with:

      1 command stand
      1 support stand
      4 general supply wagons

Notes For Headquarters Troops

1. The "spy" recon stands were to wear civilian clothing while on their recon missions. They were not to be used as combat elements, and were not normally armed while on their rnissions.

2. All single-figure command stands may be considered "mounted" as the player wishes.

Divisional Artillery Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company, with:
      1 command stand
      1 staff telephone wagon
      1 support stand
      1 ammunition wagon
      1 baggage wagon
    Gun Battery, with:
      1 command stand
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 limber
      1 field gun
    Antitank Battery, with:
      1 command stand
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 limber
      1 antitank gun
    Heavy Weapons Battery, with:
      1 command stand
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 wagon
      1 mortar

Notes For Artillery Battalion

1. The gun batteries were equipped with a vast variety of weapons ranging from 70mm to 150mm, including ex-Japanese weapons, as well as American and Russian equipment acquired by the CCF over the last five years. The battalion or battery commander acts as the spotter for the weapon.

2. The antitank gun batteries were equipped with either 37mm, 45mm or 47mm AT guns. Again, Japanese, Russian and American weapons were encountered in the field.

3. The heavy weapons batteries were equipped with a either 81mm, 82mm or 120mm mortars. The battalion or battery commander acts as the spotter for the weapon.

4. All single-figure command stands may be considered as ,'mounted" as the player wishes.

3 Infantry Regiments, each with:

    Headquarters Company, with:
      1 command stand
      1 command infantry stand
      1 SMG recon stand
      1 staff telephone wagon
      1 support stand
      1 ammunition wagon
      1 baggage wagon

    Infantry Gun Battery, with:

      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 limber
      1 infantry gun

    Antitank Battery, with:

      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 limber
      1 antitank gun
      1 ATR stand

    Regimental Guard Company, with:

      1 command SMG stand
      2 SMG stands

    Regimental Engineer Company, with 1 recon engineer stand

    Regimental Transportation Company, with 1 support stand and 2 general supply wagons

    3 Infantry Battalions, each with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command infantry stand
        1 recon SMG stand
        1 ATR or bazooka stand

      3 Infantry Companies, each with:

        1 command SMG stand
        1 infantry stand
        1 SMG stand

      1 Machinegun Company, with:

        1 MMG stand
        1 81/82mm mortar stand (ds)

Notes For Infantry Regiment

1. The infantry gun batteries were equipped with either the Japanese 70mm or 75mm infantry guns, the Russian 76.2mm infantry gun, or the US 75mm pack howitzer.

2. The antitank gun batteries were equipped with either 37mm, 45mm or 47mm AT guns. Again, Japanese, Russian and American weapons were encountered in the field. The ATIR was the Soviet PTRD, though American 2.36" bazookas were also used in the field.

3. All single-figure command stands may be considered as "mounted" as the player wishes.

4. The Chinese weapons characteristics are as follows:

SMG Stand12"/4"
Rifle Stand18" /16"
MMG Stand215"/30"
Recon Engineer22"/4"
All Other Stands14"/8"

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