Back at the Keyboard Again


by Greg Novak

What you am reading is the first Command Post Quarterly, in a style and format which I hope that you as the reader will enjoy. It is my task to see that we continue to turn these out at a rate of four per year. There are a number of similarities and differences between the old Command Post and the new Command Post Quarterly which I will quickly go over.

First and foremost will be size and publication. The old CP was to be an eight-page supplement for those interested in OTT/CD/CA. It ended up being whatever we could get out at that time, with the smallest page count being 16, and the largest 48. As a newsletter, it didnothave a place on the production schedule, but was squeezed in whenever possible.

The CPQ is to be 64 pages each and every issue, and is to see daylight every three months. It will be sold by subscription and in hobby shops in the same manner as GDW's Challenge magazine and Journeys journal. It will, in fact, squeeze a number of projects out as it makes room for itself on the drawing board.

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© Copyright 1993 by Greg Novak.
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