The Bathtub Files

Tank Production of WWII

by Frank Chadwick

Since the base representation of AFVs in the Command Decision is one model per five actual vehicles, and since the Bathtub scale is reduced at a rate of 1:25, game production and actual strength at any given time can be derived by taking actual production and dividing by 125. This does not give an accurate indication of the tanks in service at any one time, but lets one know what the maximum number of tanks of of a type can beat any given moment Based on this information, the German tank strength on June 1, 1941 was:

Panzer I8777
Panzer 35t1871.5
Command tanks3302.6
Panzer II10728.5
Panzer II (Flame)85.6
Panzer 38t7546
Panzer III144011.5
Panzer IV5174
StuG III3773

As to actual production from this point, the following is a month by month breakdown of major German AFV production from July 1941 to the end of the war on a scale of 1: 125. In all cases, the notation L means the long barrel version of the vehicle.

Month Production

July, 1941 PZ III
August, 1941 -
September,1941 Pz 38t, Pz III
October, 1941 Pz III
November, 1941 PZ III
December, 1941 StuG
January, 1942 PZ III
February, 1942Pz II, Pz 38t, Pz III, Pz IV
March, 1942 Pz III (L)
April, 1942 Pz III
May, 1942 Pz III (L), Marder
June, 1942 Pz 38t, Pz III (L), Pz IV (L), StuG (L)
July, 1942 Pz II, Pz III (L), Marder
August, 1942 PZ III
September,1942Pz III (L), Pz IV (L), Marder
October, 1942Pz III (L), StuG (L)
November, 1942Pz III (L), Pz IV (L), Marder
December, 1942 StuG (L)

From this point on, all models are long barrel
January, 1943Pz IV, StuG, Marder
February, 1943 Pz IV, StuG
March, 1943 Pz IV, StuG, Marder
April, 1943 Pz IV, PzVle, Marder
May, 1943 Pz IV, StuG, Marder
June,1943 Pz IV, StuG
July, 1943 Pz IV, Pz V, Pz V, StuG
August, 1943 Pz IV, Pz V, Pz Vle, StuG, Marder
September, 1943 Pz IV, Pz V, StuG, Nashorn
October, 1943 Pz IV, Pz V, StuG
November, 1943 Pz IV, Pz V, Pz VIe, StuG, Marder,
December, 1943 Pz IV, Pz V, Pz V, StuG January, 1944 Pz IV, Pz V, StuG, StuH
February, 1944 Pz IV, Pz V, StuG
March, 1944 Pz IV, Pz V, Pz VIe, StuG
April, 1944 Pz IV, Pz V, StuG, StuH, Hetzer
May, 1944 Pz IV, Pz V, Pz V, StuG, StuG, JPz IV
June, 1944Pz IV, Pz V, Pz V, Pz VI, StuG, StuG, StuH Hetzer
July, 1944Pz IV, Pz V, Pz V, StuG, StuG, JPz IV, Nashorn
August, 1944 Pz IV, Pz V, Pz VIb, StuG, StuG, Hetzer
September, 1944 Pz IV, Pz V, StuG, StuG, Hetzer, JPz V
October, 1944 Pz IV, Pz V, StuG, StuG, StuH, JPz IV
November, 1944 Pz IV, Pz V, StuG, StuG, JPz IV
December, 1944 Pz IV, Pz V, StuG, StuG, JPz IV, Hetzer
January, 1945Pz IV, Pz V, Pz Vlb, StuG, StuG, StuH, JPz IV, Hetzer, JPz V
February, 1945 - ? -
March, 1945 - ?
April, 1945 -?


Another way to show this information is to compare it to the production figures of the other major powers. The number in the following table presents the average number of vehicles produced a the 1:125 scale per month. If it is preceded by the notation "fh," then the vehicle was only produced in the first half of the year and then discontinued. If the number is preceded by the notation "sh," then i was only produced in the second half of the year. If the number is in parentheses, then it represents the total production for the entire year, and not the production per month.

Type19411942 19431944 1945
M-13/14.5.5 .5--
L-6(1)(1) (1)--
Sm-75-(1) (1)--

Type19411942 19431944 1945
PzII(1)(1) ---
Pz38t(1)(1) ---
PzIII.51 (1)--
PzIV(2).33 111?
PzV-- (7)1.332?
PzVI-- .25.33.33?
StuG(2).33 122?
StuH-- (1).251?
Jpz*-- -12
SPAT-.33 .5(2)-
* Hetzers, JPz IV, JPz V

Type19411942 19431944 1945
M3 Ltsh: 12 1--
M3 Mdsh: 33 ---
M4 75-sh: 6 122-
M4 76-- -52
M4 105-- -13
M5 Lt-sh: 1 2fh: 3-
M24-- -sh: 33
M26-- -(2)1
M18 TD-- sh: 111

Type19411942 19431944 1945
Matilda.5.5 fh: .5--
Valentine13 1--
A-1511 1--
Cromwell-- 2?2?2?
Churchill1?1? 1?1?1?

Type19411942 19431944 1945
KV-1.51 fh: 1--
KV-85-- sh: 1--
T34 7646 63-
T34 85-- -46
T602fh: 2 ---
T70-3 2--
IS2-- -1.51.5
SU-85/100?? ???

Nation19411942 19431944 1945
Italy.5.6 .6--
Germany12.1 3.66.1?
USA28 139.58
USSR6.511 98.57.5
UK3.5?5.5? 5.25?3?3?

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