US Marine Corps

1945 Marine Division G Series

by Loren Wiseman and Greg Novak

The 1944 F Series Divisional Organization underwent additional modification based on battlefield experience. The final organization, the G Series was only officially used by the 6th Marine Division, though major elements of it were in effect prior to its effective date of September 4th, 1945. The failure of the F Series Infantry Battalions to effectively use the battalion flamethrowers due to a lack of experienced personnel led to the formation of a battalion assault group within the battalion headquarters company. In addition the 75mm Pack Howitzers were deleted from the Artillery Regiment, and a new organization of three 105mm battalions and one 155mm howitzer battalions.


Troop Quality: Veteran
Morale: 10

1st, 5th, 7th, and 11th (Artillery) Marines

2nd, 6th, 8th, and 10th (Artillery) Marines

3rd, 9th, 2 1st and 12th( Artillery) Marines

23rd, 24th, 25th, and 14th (Artillery) Marines

26th, 27th, 28th, and 13th (Artillery) Marines

4th, 22nd, 29th, and 15th (Artillery) Marines

Division Headquarters:

    1 command stand
    1 staff radio truck
    1 jeep
    2 support stands
    2 medium trucks

    Divisional Rocket Platoon
    1 Command Stand
    1 Jeep
    3 1-ton trucks with M7 4.5" barrage rocket launcher

    Assault Signal Company: 10 ASCO jeeps

    War Dog Platoon: 3 Recon war doghandler Patrol Stands

    Divisional Scout Company, with

      1 command stand
      3 Recon Jeeps with MG
      3 Recon Jeeps with AAMG
      3 recon infantry stands

3 Infantry Regiments, each with:

    Headquarters and Service Company:
      1 command stand
      1 staff radio truck
      1 jeep
      1 recon infantry stand
      2 support stands

    Weapons Company: with

      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 M7 HMC
      2 37mm AT guns
      2 gun crew stands
      2 light trucks

    3 Infantry Battalions, each with:

      Headquarters and Service Conpany:
        1 command stand
        1 jeep
        2 support stands
        2 medium supply truck
        1 assault flarnethrower stand
        1 81mm mortar stand (ds)

      3 Rifle Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 weapons stand
        1 MMG stand
        3 rifle stands
        3 rifle stands

Artillery Regiment, with:

    Headquarters and Service Battery:
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      2 support stands
      4 medium trucks

    1st 2nd, and 3rd Battalions, each with:

      Headquarters and Service Battery:
        1 command stand 1 FO stand 2 jeeps 1 support stand 1 medium truck

      3 105mm howitzer batteries: each with

        1 105mm howitzers 1 gun crew stands (ds) 1 medium trucks

    4th Battalion, with:

      Headquarters and Service Battery:
        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        2 jeeps
        1 support stand
        2 medium trucks

      3 155mm howitzer batteries, each with:

        1 155mm howitzer
        1 gun crew stand
        1 tractor

Tank Battalion, with:

    Headquarters and Service Company:
      1 command M4A2/M4A3 Link
      2 M4A3 Flamethrower tanks
      1 staff radio truck
      1 M32B2 recovery vehicle
      2 support stands
      2 medium supply trucks

    3 Tank Companies, each with:

      1 command M4A2/M4A3 tank
      1 M4A2/M4A3 tannk
      1 M4A2/M4A3 tankdozer

Engineer Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company: with
      1 command stand
      1 Engineer Stand
      2 medium trucks
      1 Assault Boat Trailer
      1 Light bridge on Trailer

    3 Engineer Companies: each with

      1 command stand
      1 engineer stand
      1 engineer flamethrower stand
      1 bulldozer

Pioneer Battahon, with:

    Headquarters Company: with
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      2 support stands
      2 medium trucks

    3 Pioneer Companies: each with

      1 command stand
      3 pioneer stands

    2 Replacement Drafts, each with

      1-3 Command Stands
      8-16 Infantry Stands

Divisional Notes

1. All command, rifle, and engineer stands have integral bazookas.

2. The War Dog Patrols function as standard Recon Patrols, though with an additional +2 (the modifier for any Japanese stands within 2").

3. The later organized Marine Tank Battalions were equipped with the M4A3 tanks while the earliest organized Marine Tank Battalions preferred to keep their older diesel powered M4A2's due to their diesel engines.

4. The Marine Tankdozers can be used to destroy a bunker if they start the turn adjacent to it, and spend a full turn there under a full movement order. At the end of the close fire phase, the bunker is considered as destroyed.

5. The Replacement Drafts were made made up of the replacements that would be needed to replace causalities. They were assigned to work with the Pioneer Battalions to help provide the manpower needed for the shore party during the opening stages of a landing operation, after which they would be moved forward as needed.

6. The Artillery Regiment was reinforced with a Squadron of Light Observation Aircraft (3 in game turns) from the Marine Corps Aviation assets.

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