US Marine Corps

1942 Marine Division

by Loren Wiseman and Greg Novak

In the spring of 1942 a revised table of organization was established for a Marine Corps Division. This establishment was known as the D Series, and was used by the 1st Marine Division when it sailed for the South Pacific in the summer of 1942. This TO&E is set up to first show all of the elements that were to be in a Marine, and then goes over the division in a unit by unit organization showing what is present, as well as any notes on that unit.

It should be noted that this organization was designed for worldwide usage, and not tailored for operations in the Pacific. Where lighter weapons were used in comparison to the US Army, ie 75mm howitzers and M2/M3 light tanks, the reason was due to the limitations imposed by the amphibious craft available, and not by Marine Corps doctrine. In terms of having specialized supporting elements attached to a division, the Marine Corps was far ahead of the US Army.

1942 Marine Division (D-Series)

Troop Quality: Experienced +
Morale: 9

Divisional Headquarters

3 Infantry Regiments

    Weapons Company
    3 Infantry Battalions

Artillery Regiment

    3 75mm Pack Howitzer Battalions
    105mm Howitzer Battalion
    155mm Howitzer Battalion

Engineer Regiment

    Engineer Battalion
    Pioneer Battalion
    Naval Construction Battalion

Amphibian Tractor Battalion
Tank Battalion (light)
Parachute Battalion
Special Weapons Battalion
Service Battalion


Divisional Headquarters: with:

    1 command stand
    1 car
    1 staff radio truck
    2 support stands

3 Infantry Regiments, each with:

    Headquarters and Service Company:
      1 command stand
      1 staff radio truck
      1 jeep
      1 recon infantry stand
      2 support stands

    Weapons Company: with

      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 75mm M3 GMC
      3 20mm AT/AA guns
      3 light trucks
      3 gun crew stands

    3 Infantry Battalions, each with:

      Headquarters and Service Company:
        1 command stand
        1 jeep
        1 support stand
        1 light supply truck

      Weapons Company:

        1 command stand
        1 jeep
        1 20mm dual purpose AA/AT gun
        1 gun crew stand
        1 81 mm mortar stand (ds)
        3 MMG stands
        1 Light truck

      3 Rifle Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 weapons stand
        3 rifle stands


1. Marine Corps Infantry Regiments organized under this TOE werethe 1stto 3rdand 5th to 8th MarineRegiments. The 1st, 5th and 7th Marines were assigned to the 1st Division, while the 2nd, 6th, and 8th were assigned to the 2nd Division.

2. Though the Marine Corps had officially adopted a Madsen 20mm AA/AT gun, there were insufficient numbers of the weapon available. It was replaced by the Army 37mm AT Gun.

3. Companies within each regiment were lettered, so that companies A to D were in the 1st Infantry Battalion, E to H in the 2nd, etc. Companies D, H, and M were officially known as "Machine Gun Companies.

4. The primary AT weapon for the infantry platoons were to be grenade launchers using the 1903 Springfield rifle. No special rule is needed as this is a close assualt weapon.

Artillery Regiment

Headquarters and Service Battery:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    2 support stands
    4 medium trucks

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battalions, each with:

    Headquarters and Service Battery:
      1 command stand
      1 FO stand
      2 Jeeps
      1 support stand
      1 light truck

    3 75mm pack howitzer batteries: each with

      1 75L16 pack howitzer
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 light truck

4th Battalion, with:

    Headquarters and Service Battery:
      1 command stand
      1 FO stand
      2 jeeps
      1 support stand
      2 medium trucks

    3 155mm howitzer batteries, each with:

      1 155mm howitzer
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 tractor

5th Battalion, with:

    Headquarters and Service Battery:
      1 command stand
      1 FO stand
      2 jeeps
      1 support stand
      2 medium trucks

    3 105mm howitzer batteries, each with:

      1 105mm howitzer
      1 gun crew stand
      1 tractor


1. The two Marine Regiments organized under this TO&E were the 10th Marines (2ridDivision), and the 11th Marines (1st Division).

2. Batteries within each regiment were lettered, so that Batteries A to C were in the 1st Battalion, D to F in the 2nd, etc.

3. Due to the weight of their World War I model French howitzers, the 4th Battalions never served in the field as part of their parent divisions.

Engineer Regiment

Headquarters and Service Company:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 staff radio truck
    2 support stands
    2 medium trucks

1st (Engineer) Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company: with
      1 command stand
      1 Engineer Stand
      2 medium truck
      1 Assault Boat Trailer
      1 Light bridge on Trailer
      1 bulldozer

    3 Engineer Companies: each with

      1 command stand
      1 engineer stand
      1 engineer flamethrower stand

2nd (Pioneer) Battalion, with:

    Headquarters Company: with
      1 command stand

    3 Pioneer Companies: each with

      1 command stand
      3 pioneer stands

3rd (Navy Construction Battalion), with:

    Headquarters and Service Company:with
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      2 Medium Supply Trucks

    3 Construction Conpanies: each with

      1 command stand
      5 construction stands
      2 Bulldozers
      1 Dragline
      3 Dump trucks
      2 Medium Supply Trucks


1. The Marine Regiments organized under this TO&E were the 17th Marines (1st Division), and the 18th Marines (2nd Division).

2. The Naval Construction Battalions were also allowed to use their individual number in place of the 3rd Battalion.

3. Companies were numbered within each battalion from A to C.

4. The Pioneer Battalion's main task was to provide the manpower needed for the Shore Party during a landing operation.

Amphibian Tractor Battalion

Headquarters and Service Company: with

    1 command LVT-1
    2 support Stands
    2 Medium Trucks

3 Amphibian Tractor Companies: each with

    1 command LVT-1
    4 LVT-1s

1 Tank Battalion (light), with:

    Headquarters and Service Company: with
      1 command M3 light tank
      1 staff radio light truck
      2 support Stands
      2 Medium Trucks

    Scout Company: with

      1 command stand
      3 M3A1 scout cars
      3 recon infantry stands

    4 Light Tank Companies, each with:

      1 command M2/M3 light tank
      2 M2/M3 light tanks

    1 Parachute Battalion, with:

      Headquarters Company: with
        1 command stand
        1 engineer stand
        2 support stands

      3 Parachute Companies: each with

        1 command stand
        2 parachute SMG stands
        1 parachute weapons stand


1. Weapons stands of the Parachute Battalions have integral bazookas.

Special Weapons Battalion

Headquarters and Service Battery:

    1 command stand
    1 jeep
    1 staff radio light truck
    2 support Stands
    2 Medium Trucks

40mm Antiaircraft Battery: with

    1 command stand
    4 40mm AA guns
    4 gun crews
    4 light trucks

90mm Antiaircraft Battery: with

    1 90mm AA guns
    1 gun crew stand (ds)
    1 tractor

3 Antitank Batteries, each with:

    1 command stand
    2 SP 37mm AT guns


1. The 37mm SP guns were replaced in the field with towed 37mm guns and light trucks.

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