US Marine Corps

Guam 1944
1st Provisional Brigade

by Loren Wiseman and Greg Novak

For the invasion of Guam in 1944 the advance elements of the 6th Marine Division took part as the 1st Provisional Brigade, with the following organization:

1st Provisional Brigade

Troop Quality: Veteran
Morale: 10

Headquarters Battalion

4th Marines

    1st Battalion
    2nd Battalion
    3rd Battalion
    4th Tank Company
    4th Engineer Company
    4th Pack Howitzer Battalion

22nd Marines

    1st Battalion
    2nd Battalion
    3rd Battalion
    22nd Tank Company
    22nd Engineer Company
    Pack Howitzer Battalion

    53rd Naval Construction Battalion


1. The above formations used the standard F series organization for the battalions and separate companies, ie the tank company was organized as a regular tank company from the F Series Tank Battalion. The 1st Provisional Brigade was to become the 6th Marine Division.

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