US Marine Corps

1943-1944 Marine Defense Battalion

by Loren Wiseman and Greg Novak

The organization of additional Marine Defense Battalions continued, though with a modified TO&E. Again, no set organization existed, but the battalions were organized for the destination that they were tasked with holding. As these units were intended to go ashore with the landing forces to seize and hold hostile territory, they were equipped with sufficient transport to move their weapons.

With the turn in the tide of the war after 1943, however, defensive organizations were no longer needed as badly as before, and though a total of 20 Defence Battalions were organized, all were converted to serve as AA battalions. Two of these battalions are important in that the 51st and 52nd Defense Battalions were organized with black Marines, the first in the Corps since the War of 1812.


Troop Quality: Experienced
Morale: 9

Headquarters and Service Battery: with

    1 command stand
    1 staff radio stand
    2 support stands
    2 Medium Supply Trucks

Detection Battery: with

    2 support stands
    1 Radar Set
    2 Searchlights

Antiaircraft Group, with

    Headquarters and Service Battery: with
      1 command stand
      2 support stands
      2 Medium Supply Trucks

    3-4 Antiaircraft Batteries: each with

      1 command stand
      1 90mm AA Gun
      1 gun crew stand (DS)
      1 tractor

Artillery Group, with

    Headquarters and Service Battery: with
      1 command stand
      2 support stands
      2 Medium Supply Trucks

    2-3 155 Artillery Batteries Group: each with

      1 command stand
      1 155mm Gun
      1 gun crew stand (DS)

Special Weapons Group, with:

    Headquarters and Service Battery: with
      1 command stand
      2 support stands
      2 Medium Supply Trucks

    Light AA Group:

      1 command stand
      3 40mm AA guns
      3 gun crew stands
      3 Light Trucks

Plus any three of the following

    1 Light AA Battery:, with:
      2 20mm AA Guns
      2 Gun Crew Stands
      2 Light Trucks

    1 AAMG Group: 8 AAMG stands (DS)
    1 Beach Defense Group: 8 MMG Stands

    75mm Pack Howitzer Battery

      1 Command Stand
      1 75L16 Pack Howitzer
      1 Gun Crew (DS)
      1 Light Truck

    1 Infantry Company

      1 command stand
      3 Infantry Stands
      1 Weapons Stand

    Tank Platoon, with 1 M3 Light Tank

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