CD/CA Questions

Artillery Clarifications
Specialist Stands

by Greg Novak

With this issue of the CP, S-1 has been assigned as additional duty the task of answering any and all rules questions from CD/CA. Frank Chadwick wishes to apologize for the fact that he has not always been able to answer those questions sent to him at GDW, as they have an unfortunate tendency to be buried on his desk. I have included some of the questions into this issue, and hope to answer all of them in some form either by direct mail, or here under S-1.

Artillery Clarifications

There was an important item left out of the rule clarifications on artillery fire. Units using a CALL FIRE Order Chit do not need to preplot their fire, but after the fire mission is announced they still must roll to see if it lands on this turn. The accuracy numbers used are no longer based on the distance that the firing weapon, but rather on the spotting stand. If the spotting stand is a trained FO, then consider the roll made as being made at short range.

A Veteran FO stand would need a roll of 5 or less to hit the target on the turn that the mission was called for. Stands calling missions which are not trained for the task, is command stands, are always considered as being at long range.

Specialist Stands

At GENCON, the question was raised by several people as to how specialist stands function when not serving as specialist, ie Flamethrower Stands, AntiTank Rifle Stands, Bazooka Stands, etc? Can a Russian Anti-Tank Rifle Stand fire as an Infantry Stand if it wishes to? What choices does a gun crew or a mortar stands have when firing?

The official answer to this question is that such stands may function as the majority of the stands of the unit to which it is attached if they do not wish or are unable to serve as a specialist stand. Therefore Russian ATR Stands may function as an Infantry Stand. The exception to this rule concerns separate Gun Crew Stands, which should instead be allowed to fire as support stands, ie, with a ROF of 1, and a range of 411/811. Battalion mortar stands of 82mm or less may function as infantry if needed. (Weapons with separate gun crews, regardless of weapon type, ie mortar, gun, etc, will use the gun crew rule.)

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