Return of the CP


by Greg Novak

I apologize for the lateness of the Spring issue of the CP, especially as it's now June, but I have been sitting on it waiting for feedback on the first issue. I have heard from a number of you, and have already started on the next issue as well, so that hopefully we can work on the following schedule:

    Winter Issue January 1st
    Spring Issue April 1st
    Summer Issue July 1st
    Fall Issue October 1st

The deadline for any articles that you may wish to have included in a given issue will be six weeks prior to the date of publication.

However for the remainder of this year look for the Summer issue about the 1st of October, with Fall on the 1st of December. After that we shall attempt to be up to speed.


Those of you which have seen a copy of GDW's latest catalog will have noticed that the CP is listed as having a subscription rate of $8.00 a year for four issues. THAT INFORMATION IS NOT CORRECT!!!! If you have sent your money into GDW, you will receive both a refund, as well as a subscription to the first year of the CP. There will be a subscription fee set at some future date, but for the present the CP will remain free. There has been some discussion about possible rates, but at present GDW has not made any decision other than to continue the present policy. I apologize for any confusion that the catalog notice may have caused the readership.


First the bad - ARMIES OF WORLD WAR II has been put on the back burner at the Workshop for the present. The problem is not a lack of interest on Frank's part, but rather a backlog at the Workshop's typesetting department. There is a vast amount of information that needs to be processed for this booklet, with the resulting problem of needing to work in additional time within GDW's production schedule. As that department only needs to deal with the production demands of TWILIGHT 2000, AD 2300, and assorted other games, one can understand the problem, though one may wish otherwise.

The Good News is that as a result, we will be printing some additional information in the CP that is currently sitting on Frank's desk awaiting a chance to see daylight. If there is a special unit that you are looking for Information on, drop me a line and I will try to find what information that we have on it, and run an article on it in the CP.


I need to apologize in that I have not been able to answer all of the letters and notes that I have gotten from the readership so far. I am working on it, but am currently bogged down in my annual stint of summer school. I hope to send a postcard at least to all who have written, or at least give you a phone call. I have enjoyed your comments and articles, and must encourage you to keep them coming.


The single most requested TO&E according to Frank is that for the French Army in 1940. Thanks to Jeff Glasco, with supporting information from Frank Chadwick and John Reeves, the bulk of this issue will be devoted to the French Army. The center pages are designed to be detached from the issue and used as Player Charts, and include the updated Rules Chart from the 2nd Edition of CD, for those of you who don't have a copy.


For this Issue of the CP, I have had to delete sections for S-3, S-4, and S-5, which brings up an interesting problem. The first issue of the CP was to have been 8 pages, and ran 16 instead.

This issue almost ran 32 pages, which is would have put me way over budget. I had to drop scenarios on Malmedy and the Balkans (1990), an article by Frank on the German Heavy Antitank Battalions of WWII, an TO&E for North Korea (19801s), as well as other articles, all of which will hopefully see light in the next issue of the CP.

In my mind, each issue of the CP needs to have something for both the CD and CA player, which means that I think that we will end up pushing he size of the CP upwards in the future, but not right now. However, with your support, we should grow!!

I have gotten some requests for information on clubs and sources of supply, and hope to publish lists, requests, and other information on these topics. Hencefore under S-4 we shall publish a want/sell list for those readers either looking for specific items, or who are willing to sell what they have. There will be no charge for the present on such adds.

In addition, under S-5 I will be glad to publish names of individuals or clubs seeking other CD/C& players. I will not list any names however unless I have a letter from you stating that you want your name listed. I shall attempt to maintain a file at home, and send copies out to those in an area as well, but again I will need a letter from you stating that you want your name used.

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