The "2 For" Project Game

Terrain Ideas

by Greg Novak

One problem that I have always had with running convention games is with the ever present problems of terrain. The better the terrain, the nicer the game can become - but - the harder it is to do different games. Sometimes terrain used for one game can be used for another, but it's not always possible. One can run the same game over and over, but that is not always the best solution either.

Recently, I did some reading on the British troops left in France after Dunkirk, and their attempts to fight their way out of the country. It occurred to me that an interesting semi historical game could be done in one of the smaller ports in Brittany, with British and French units falling back on the port and attempting (at least the British) to evacuate, while a German force attempted to overrun the port.

The Allies would be given points for the equipment that they could evacuate, the Germans would gain points for capturing equipment. Both sides could be made up using a random die roll for both troop type and entrance point to simulate the confusion of the times, though the Germans would be reinforced as the game went on. The players would have to determine what to evacuate, what to leave, etc, while the Germans would have an incentive to drive on as quickly as possible.

A second game, based on same terrain could be a 1944 game, though this time the Germans would be attempting to fall back and hold the port, with different units arriving randomly, while an American force of various motorized units, ie Tank Destroyers, Cavalry, etc, is to overrun the port, but keeping a strong enough force to overrun the next town. The Americans would be acting as the 3rd Army did, trying to overrun what they could as quickly as possible, without letting the Germans build up their forces within the port.

In 20m, an area 6 feet by 8 feet would work very nicely, and allow one to run two games on the same table from different periods of World War II.

Having put this out for your inspection, I would be interested in feedback on two issues?

    1. Would this specific game appeal to the You?
    2. Are there any other actions that might fall into this category?

I will be looking forward to any Input on this matter.

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