By Paul Koch
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Fight at Elkhorn Tavern. Photo by Orv Banasik. Rebs are Dixon figures, Unionist line are Hinchliffe and Union 2nd line are Tradition figures, all 25mm painted by the photographer. For the following 13 scenarios I suggest Western armies, that is, both sides using the CSA troop quality chart, Command Quality chart, and all brigades having 6 stands. Each side should have 4 Infantry Divisions of 3 Brigades and a battalion of guns, divided equally between rifled and smoothbore. An independent Cavalry brigade of 6 stands completes each force. THE SYSTEM Each side chooses a numbered option. The number of options are then compared and the result tells the combatants what has happened and directs them to the maps to be used for that scenario. (NOTE: each map is of a 6'x8' table.) It allows for multiple games without repeat or boredom. The types of battles resulting will be: Hill line defense, Attack on a flank, Meeting Engagement, Maneuvering army attacked in flank, and Maneuvering armies collide. CSA OPTIONS With both armies deployed, retreat would be too dangerous and is out of the question. Your Commanders in Council of War present the following alternatives. As CinC you must choose!
B: Raise the Rebel Yell and frontally assault the Damn Yankees! (again, give the referee a deployment sketch). C: Take the army and maneuver right, through the difficult wooded country (list your order of March). D: Take the army and boldly maneuver left, through the open, gentle rolling hills (again, list order of March). USA OPTIONS With both armies deployed and the usual interference from Lincoln, retreat is out of the question. A Council of War convenes and presents the following options. As CinC you must choose.
2.: Advance and crush the ragged traitors! (again, sketch deployment). 3: Move the army in a daring flank march to the left through the rugged wooded terrain (list Order of March). 4: Move the army in a daring flank march to the right through open gently rolling hills (again, list Order of March). RESULTS A1: No contact, please choose again. A2: Union frontal attack on Confederate positions. Go to Scenario 1. Union read Red attack instructions and Confederates read Blue (sorry) defender instructions. A3: Union attacks Confederate right flank. Rebs defend. Go to Scenario 2A. Union Red attack instructions and Rebs read Blue defender instructions. A4: Union attacks Confederate left flank. Rebs defend. Go to Scenario 3. Union consult Red attack instructions, Confederates read Blue defender orders. B1: Confederate frontal attack. Union defend. Go to Scenario 1. Rebs read Red attack orders, Yanks consult Blue defender instructions. B2: Meeting Engagement: Both sides deployed, and blunder into each other. Go to Scenario 4. Rebs consult Red orders while Yanks follow Blue instructions. 83: Confederate attack on Union march column's right flank. Go to Scenario 5A. Rebs follow Red attack orders. Poor Yanks follow blue defender instructions. B4: Confederate attack on Union march column's left flank. Go to Scenario 6. Rebs consult Red attacker's instructions, Yanks read blue defender's orders. C1: Confederate attack on Union left flank. Go to Scenario 2B. Confederates read Red attacker's orders as Yankees consult Blue defender's instructions. C2: Union attack on Confederate march column's left flank. Go to Scenario 5B. Union read Red attacker's orders while the Johnies read Blue defender's instructions. C3: Meeting Engagement. Both sides march on and deploy. Go to Scenario 7A. Both USA and CSA read Red instructions. C4: No contact, please select another option. D1: Confederate flank attack on Union right flank. Go to Scenario 3. Confederates read Red attack orders and Yanks blue defender orders. D2: Union attack on Confederate flanking column moving right. Go to Scenario 6. Union read Red attack and Rebs Blue defender instructions. D3: No contact, please decide again. D4: Meeting Engagement; go to Scenario 7B and both sides read and follow Red attack orders. THE SCENARIOSSCENARIO I Red Attack Orders: After Blue has deployed in the sector marked "A", set out your troops anywhere in Sector "B" up to 18" from table edge. Blue Defend Orders: You must deploy first in sector marked "A". After that Red deploys and play commences. SCENARIO 2A & 2B These are the same scenario but 2B is the map mirror image of 2A. Red Attack Orders: Blue deploys first in sector "B". Red then deploys full on the flank in Sector "A". Blue Defend Orders: Blue must deploy first and all units must face front, not to the flank. As the movement cards are turned up Blue is free to maneuver to face the threat. SCENARIO 3 RedAttack Orders: Blue deploys first in sector "B" facing frontal attack. Red then deploys full on the flank in sector "A". Blue Defend Orders: Blue must deploy facing front and not to the flank. As movement cards come up Blue units may maneuver freely to face threat. SCENARIO 4 Red & Blue Orders: Each side rolls a die. The high die then has the choice of deploying a division (or the cavalry) or letting the opponent do so. Divisions are then alternately deployed or marked as off table. Units may be placed freely up to 18" in from their respective table edges. SCENARIO 5A & 5B (5B is the mirror image of 5A) Blue Defend Orders: You must deploy first with all units in march column as shown. The Cavalry can be in screening formation if desired (see special Cavalry screening rule). Red Attack Orders: Red must deploy with units abreast across its base line, up to 18" from edge. SCENARIO 6 Blue Defend Orders: You must deploy first with all units in march Column as shown. The Cavalry can be in screening formation if desired. As with Scenario 5 units may maneuver to face the enemy when their movement cards come up. Red Attack Orders: After Blue has deployed you must deploy with units abreast up to 18" from your table edge. SCENARIO 7A & 7B (7B is the mirror image of 7A) Red & Blue Orders: each side rolls a die, the high die then has the choice of deploying a division in one of its marked sectors or letting the opponent do so. Divisions are then alternately deployed until all are on the table. The Cavalry of each side is then deployed anywhere on friendly half of the table. Cavalry Screening Rule: In the Flanking Column scenarios the cavalry may be set out a base at a time along the column flank facing the enemy. These are presumed to be a light screened. If an enemy contacts them the enemy must stop. A die is then rolled. If a 2-9 is rolled against infantry or a 7-9 against formed cavalry the screening cavalry escapes unharmed; otherwise, the base is lost. Scenario Maps (very slow: 204K) Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. IX No. 2 Back to Courier List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1989 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |