By Alan B. Croft
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Answers at bottom... 1. What was the price of the first issue of the new COURIER (Vol. I, No. 1)?
2. When the first issue of the new COURIER came out in 1979, what was the theme - for both the cover and the first volume?
3. Name the only manufacturer of wargame figures to appearon the cover of THE COURIER. 4. What wargame period has been on the cover of THE COURIER more times than any other period?
5. Which of the following wargame periods has never made it on the cover of THE COURIER?
6. Of the following wargame periods, which is the only one to ever appear on the cover of THE COURIER?
7. Which of the following periods has been THE COURIER's most modern (historically) theme year period?
8. Which of the following periods has been THE COURIER's oldest theme year period?
9. Out of the first 42 issues, how many times does Napoleon Bonaparte appear on the cover?
10. How many covers of THE COURIER are devoted to Napoleonic cavalry?
Answers1. b. $1.75 (Vol, VII, No. 6 cost $3.50, and is still worth every penny). 2. b. Zulu War (100 years after Isandlhwana). 3. Jack Scruby (Bravo! a fitting tribute). 4. d. Napoleonic (11 covers! I suppose it's fitting that the flagship of wargame periods should dominate 26% of the first 42 covers. British Colonial and Pike & Shot tied for second with five covers each). 5. a. American Revolution (You'd think that one of my favorite magazines could spare one cover out of 42 for my favorite wargame period. But, nooooo!). 6. c. 20th Century Naval (Twice! But, not the American Revolution - even once!). 7. a. The Sudan (WWI Colonial has never been a theme year). 8. d. Medieval (Roman imperial has never been a theme year). 9. b. 3 (Fine! But, when was the last time you saw George Washington, Lord Cornwallis, Daniel Morgan or Banastre Tarleton on the cover?) 10. d. 6 (Napoleonic Cavalry does make for a colorful, action-packed cover. But what about Hessian Grenadiers, Mohawk Indians, American Riflemen, Tarleton's Dragoons?). Quiz Questions