by Paul Koch and Sam Grippi
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The following is based on a game played by my long time gaming buddy Sam Grippi. It has given us such good service that we wish to share it with the readers of THE COURIER. Note: all unit morale factors and commander types must be diced for as per the rules. The medium size scenario takes place in the pre-Gettysburg Eastern Theater. It is a combination straight ahead bash with reinforcements coming in and just a touch of limited terrain intelligence. It is played on a 6'x8' table. CSA ORDERS AND OBDuring the night the daring, flamboyant but proud and rash cavalry leader has taken his entire command north on a raid, thus leaving the Southern CinC blind. His two infantry divisions are now marchingwest at first light. As the dawn clears they find Yankees in division strength in line of battle across the fields just west of Cobb's farm. To make matters even more interesting there is a large dust cloud moving east on the Sudley Road to the direct front of the Second Division. As an old veteran from a Mississippi regiment put it, "Thar's gonna be a real wing ding of a fight fer sure." CSA 1st Division: in march column moving west through Laneville at point (C). 4 infantry brigades of 8 stands each and a battery of smoothbore Napoleons. CSA 2nd Division: In march column moving west along the Sudley Road atpoint(A).3 infantry brigades of 8 stands each and 2 artillery batteries (1 Rifle& 1 Napoleon). The CinC has an even chance to be riding with either of the divisions (roll a 136). USA ORDERS AND OBThe 2nd Division had flank security but did not think much about it. That is until about 4AM. Jacob Cobb, a local farmer of strong abolitionist views, rode into camp warning of a strong Confederate force in the vicinity of Laneville. The divisional CO then called the troops to arms, deployed for battle and sent urgent notes to corps to concentrate on his position. As dawn lit the eastern sky it revealed long lines of grey and butternut moving on the division. USA 2nd Division: Deployed in line of battle along line (13). 3 infantry brigades of 6 stands each and 2 artillery batteries (1 Rifle and 1 Napoleon). USA 1st Division: In march column moving east on the Sudley Road; arrives on board on turn 1. 3 infantry brigades of 6 stands each and 1 artillery battery (Napoleon). USA 3rd Division: in march column moving east on Cobb's Lane; arrives on board on turn 3. 3 infantry brigades of 6 stands each and 1 artillery battery (Rifle). CinC attached with 1 cavalry brigade of 8 stands with breechloading carbines. FORDSNot all of the fords on the map exist. Mark four slips of paper each with a ford number and place them in an envelope. Beforethegame starts, draw two slips and keep them where you can show Union player when the fords come to be used. Otherwise the Union does not know where the fords are. Alternately, if you are gaming with someone who does not have this issue then the Confederates only know where all four fords are. Give the Union a map without the fords marked.
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