by George Gush
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As you will note, some of the interpretations alter the basic rules set because Mr. Gush had not foreseen some of the questions that would arise. in all of these cases, rulings were recorded verbatim from conversations with Mr. Gush. In each of these, the interpretations bring Pike & shot wargaming closer to historical accuracy than previously existed in the rules. All of the listed interpretations will be in effect in any sanctioned tournament. Anyone wanting further information can write to: The United States Pike & Shot Federation, 605 Sadie Ave., Metarie, LA 70003. When writing about any of the interpretations, please note the interpretation number (such as interpretation #22). 1. Question: Does the deletion of "and to guns" and "or piece" (listed on the WRG amendment sheet issued in 1983) on page 27 mean that guns can no longer be destroyed? Answer: That is correct. Only the gunners can be fired at and are considered an open order target. you should delete the -2 for firing to destroy guns since it is covered by the -2 or being in open order. 2. Question: Do swedish feathers and stakes cause disorder to chargers on the initial turn of melee as well as cause them to deduct a minus one? Answer: No disorder is caused on the initial melee turn. Disorder is only caused if a unit is slowed down by CROSSING an obstacle. This would happen on the second turn of melee if the unit charged is pushed back. 3. Question: Do chargers count a minus one for attacking a unit directly behind guns? Answer: No. it would only count the minus if the guns are being directly defended by the gunners themselves. 4. Question: What do hand firearms include? Answer: All firearms except guns, bombards, rockets and heavy handguns. 5. Question: Can troops in order with firearms or crossbows advance or retire and shoot? Page 17 is ambiguous. Answer: You have to read sections 13) and C) together. The intent is that infantry in order or close order with hand missile weapons other than grenades, fire weapons or rockets and also in open order with crossbows or firearms may advance at half speed or retire at quarter speed and still shoot. 6. Question: Does retiring at quarter speed in an evade mean that if a unit fires it must divide its evade distance by four? Answer: That is exactly right. It makes it difficult for these types to shoot and evade in the same turn. 7. Question: What is the obligation for "A" class troops with attack orders? Answer: If "A" class troops have attack orders they must move at least half of their normal move toward the enemy they are designated to attacking their orders. if there is no designated enemy, they must move toward the closest enemy unit in the sector required in their orders (move left, right or center). Under all circumstances, they must charge as soon as they are in charge reach of the designated enemy orany enemy unit if enemy unit is not specified. 8. Question: When cavalry issue a charge threat, what is the minimum distance they must move toward the enemy in each turn? Answer: They must move at least 10 paces each turn. "A" class cavalry with attack orders may not issue a charge threat since they are required to attack. 9. Question: Since artillery units can have gaps between each of the guns in the unit, can other units such as pike units be placed in the gaps with either unit being disordered? Answer: Yes. While the interpenetration section of the rules does not state this specifically, artillery units are allowed gaps of 100 paces between each gun of the unit (see page 23, item "m"). Any unit, friendly or unfriendly which can pass through one of the gaps without touching a gun base will not be disordered. 10. Question: When artillery units do have gaps between the guns, what happens when only one of the guns is actually charged? Answer: if the gunners are not allowed to stand in the rules, the crew of the gun being charged must evade. However, only that particular gun crew is required to evade. The other gun crews may maintain their position. You should remember though that if any crew member is more than 100 paces from a gun in the same unit, but not counting the gun that they were manning, the entire unit becomes disordered. Also, if any gun crew within a unit routs, the entire unit must rout. 11. Question: Since subunits may countercharge an enemy attacking its parent unit, how does this work? When does the subunit begin its countercharge? Answer: Let's say that a pike unit has a halberd subunit and an enemy unit declares a charge on the pikes. The subunit did not have to have a charge declared against it to countercharge the enemy. it has the option of delaying for part of its turn to try to hit the enemy unit in the flank or of countercharging immediately along with the parent unit. This makes the combination of a unit and subunit potentially very powerful. The enemy who declared the charge must face the unit most to its front. 12. Question: Can artillery be placed in the edge of the woods at the beginning of the game? Answer: Yes. 13. Question: If so, must the gunners evade if charged since the woods are considered in the rules to be an obstacle? Answer: Yes. Woods are not a man made fortification, which was what I meant in the rules. 14. Question: What is a defended obstacle as regards gunners? Answer: A defended obstacle for gunners to stand would be any field fortification for which points are paid and which are allowed in the army list being used. 15. Question: You stated that "later 17th Century European armies" can have their gunners stand. Could you define that? Answer: Later 17th Century European armies is meant to include any list in western or eastern Europe which covers 1661 or later. This is about the time that most armies took on regular artillerists who were expected to defend the guns. 16. Question: Do both the 1st and 2nd ranks of pikes receive the plus one for a second supporting rank of close order troops? Answer: Yes. The plus one melee factor is given to the unit as a whole rather than to any specific rank. 17. Question: When two units meet in melee how should the bases be placed as regards the possibility of overlaps, etc.? Answer: To avoid arguments as to who reached who first and was able to maneuver, figures should, as much as is practical, be placed directly opposed to each other. For instance, an 8 figure cavalry unit in order meeting a 5 man cavalry unit in order would be allowed to have 7 figures engage in melee. This would includethe 5 figures directly opposed to the enemy unit plus the overlap of one figure on each side. 18. Question: Many lists allow for troops who can be in either order or open order. The rules allow for changing order under certain conditions during a game. Can troops which are counted as being in open order for scouting points be placed in order? Answer: No. This subverts the purpose of scouting points. Troops which are counted for scouting points should not change to order during a game. 19. Question: What is the minimum size of a subunit? What about riflemen? Answer: For tournament play the minimum size should be 3 figures. Riflemen are an exception as they should be a subunit on their own. 20. Question: What is the maximum size of a unit? Answer: There is no stated maximum, although historical reality should dictate. 21. Question: When a gun is a subunit of pikes, can the pikes exchange ranks with the gunners to defend the gun? Answer: Just gunners can defend guns, and only European regulars after 1660 and other so specified can defend. 22. Question: Can shot shelter within pikes when evading? If so, can the pikes fight with their rear ranks? Answer: Shelter in "cover" of pikes means behind pikes or on side of pikes away from charging unit. 23. Question: If shot evades through stationary pikes, and then pikes are charged on a secondary basis, can pikes turn, move or expand ranks without disorder? Answer: Only if pikes have the necessary time after the evaders have cleared the pike unit. Even if in a separate segment, movement must be figured as simultaneous. 24. Question: Can a subunit in base-to-base contact with its parent unit evade from a charging enemy? Answer: Yes. If the charge is declared only on the subunit, the charging enemy must attempt to catch it. if the subunit is in front of the parent unit, the enemy must charge the parent unit on a secondary charge. 25. Question: Can any troop type be a subunit of any other type? Answer: This is covered in the Army Lists under forming units. I would say that historical reality must dictate. Generally, missile armed troops could be subunits of shock troops if both are of the same morale. I am referring here to such as crossbows being a subunit of pikes or to longbows being a subunit to bills or of dragoons or mounted arquebusiers as subunits of heavier cavalry. This can be done only as long as the morale class is the same for both. The only exceptions for this are the specific ones mentions. 26. Question: If cavalry charge a unit with musketeers in the front 2 ranks and pikes in the rear ranks, do the cavalry count a -2 in the morale test for charging pikes frontally? What if the cavalry intend to wheel into the flanks of the pike unit? Answer: They would count the -2 if only one rank of musketeers was in front of the pikes. They would also count the -2 if the cavalry did not start behind the flank of the pikes. 27. Question: Is there a minimum distance that must be travelled in a straight line to count charge and lance bonus? If not, can parts of a unit wheel into contact if other parts of the same unit are already in contact? Answer: There is no minimum distance. They cannot wheel after first contact but can continue straight forward. They can wheel next turn if still in contact. 28. Question: If a unit behind stakes is pushed back by enemy foot, is the enemy disordered on the 2nd turn of melee for being slowed down by an obstacle? Can muskets behind stakes evade or exchange ranks and leave stakes in place? Answer: Yes to the 1st question. If the foot are not defending stakes or Swedish feathers, then I think that no disorder would occur. 29. Question: If a unit receives a "do not advance for 2 turns" and is charged the next turn, do they take a new reaction test? Answer: Yes. 30. Question: Can rifelmen shoot exclusively at a general even when the general is in the front rank of a unit? Answer: Yes. I looked this one up on page 14,7C in the rules. 31. Question: What is the definition of "in their path" for pursuers contacting fresh enemy? Answer: The enemy must be directly in front of at least 1 figure in the pursuing unit. 32. Question: Under reaction tests, when subunits routwithin 15 inches of a unit, does that unit test? Answer: Yes. However, the unit testing does not count the -2 for the routing subunit since it is only a subunit. 33. Question: Do artillerists count in calculation of under fire by 10 figures? Answer: Yes. 34. Question: Can troops in open order fire salvos? Second rank exchanging? Answer: No to both questions. 35. Question: Can horse breaking into foot be charged by other foot? Would other foot be disordered? Answer: Yes, if there are figures to charge other than those breaking in. The charging infantry would not be disordered since they are not meeting charging mounted troops. 36. Question: Do routers count also as retiring in action tests? Answer: Yes. 37. Question: Can infantry subunits countercharge enemy charging parent unit? Answer: Yes, unless enemy are cavalry. 38. Question: Can a subunit detach after melee has begun? Answer: Yes, as long as not in contact. Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. VI No. 3 Back to Courier List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1985 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |