by Dick Bryant
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If all goes well this will be the third issue mailed on a bi-monthly basis, so I guess I can say that on schedule at last! We are fast coming to the convention season as is witnessed by the lengthening con calendar in The Courier Dispatch. I have noticed an upsurge with the number of small not-so-small, Historical Miniature ONLY conventions. This is a healthy sign of the increase size of the Historical Miniature side of the hobby and I hope you all support these conventions. The Courier would like to do its part to help by publicizing these historical conventions more in the past. Please send in a short (1 page, I side double-spaced typed) synopsis of your convention. It should contain the events, place, time, cost, and an address where to get more information and be sure to get these in at least 3-4 months before the event (i.e., those held in June should be about now). We will print as many as space permits in The Courier Dispatch. REMEMBER this HISTORICAL MINIATURE ONLY conventions. The standard, mixed topic conventions will be reported on in the usual way. After the convention, send us a report of about equal length with B & W photo or two on how it went. We will print that also. ANCIENT EDITORThis issue introduces Kruse Smith, our new Ancient Editor. Kruse, along with several others, up a committee selected by Phil Barker to answer WRG Ancients questions in the US -! knows what he is about. This does not mean that Kruse is interested in WRG ancients only as witnessed by the articles he has planned for these pages in the near future. SUBSCRIPTION COST INCREASEDue to a 10% increase in printing cost, we are forced to increase our subscription rate and price. Starting with this issue and as of January 1, 1984, the cover price is $3.00; a subscription issues cost $14.00 (U.S.), $17.00 in Canada and for foreign surface mail, and $35.00 for foreign air. MAILING CODESeveral people have written to say that they could not decipher the new mailing code. We added an explanation on the mailing cover that should clear up the problem. But don't worry do not let you forget that your renewal is due! A post card is sent at the same time as the last iss your current subscription advising you of that fact. If you renew immediately you will not miss issues. If you do not renew you will get another postcard mailed at the time of the next issue stating "this would have been another issue if you had re-subscribed". If you now subscribe you will to pay individual copy price plus postage for the issue you missed! If you still have not renewed then you get a nasty letter questioning your commitment to the hobby, your intelligence level, number of legitimate births in your family, what dungeon you have been made prisoner and anything else I can think of to get you back on our subscription roles. Seriously, it pays to resubscribe early so as to not miss issues. Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. V #2 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1984 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |