By Dick Bryant
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HMGS Historical Miniatures Weekend a SuccessThe "First Annual Historical Miniatures Mini-Convention" has come and gone. HMGS thanks each sponsor, player, vendor and interested bystander whose participation made this event a solid success- enough of a success, in fact, that a second annual HMMC is in the works. Practically every pre-scheduled gaming event came off not only without a hitch but with flying colors, and the open gaming expanded to fill available tables from the night before until we.had to close down Sunday afternoon. just about the only thing that didn't succeed was the Saturday night cash bar. People didn't stop playing long enough to drink very much. From the turnout (just under 300) and the enthusiastic activity of all present it would appear that a modest convention for miniature gamers in this region was overdue. In both intent and scope the HMGS seems to have filled a void left when the old MFCA Wargame Convention grew up and became absorbed into the larger adventure gaming gatherings. However, it looks as though we can have one of our own from time to time. As smoothly as things seemed to be going it would be easy to take credit for a good job of organizing, but things weren't all that organized. People apparently came prepared to play, meet other gamers, shop, and have a good time. Sportsmanship was good, noise at an acceptable level, and things could be done with little hassle. In spite of limited security provisions, there were no reports of theft. In fact, someone apparently abandoned some 30mm horses and other miscellaneous figures in the flea market area with price information, and someone on the hotel staff took some and left payment. The $1.25 and some remaining figures are still in custody.
PAINTING COMPETITIONSAfter the relatively small number of entries at Origins 82 and other recent gatherings, the number and quality of entries came as a pleasant surprise. Unfortunately the press of getting things "organized" overtook the distribution of categories and criteria used in judging the entries. In addition some of the detail may have eluded the eyes of the judges who were unable to obtain a magnifying glass in time for the convention. All of this will be rectified before we have another go at in the second annual HMMC. In addition to paining, mass, composition of forces, support services, accuracy, use of conversions and original figures were considered. Other confusion may have arisen from the fallibility of the judges (Bob Coggins and Pat Condray). By and large the entries set a good example for the rest of us.
PREVIEWS OF COMING EVENTS - THE SECOND ANNUALBest we have been able to tell, everyone seemed to have had a good time, so we've decided to press our luck and do it again. At the moment planning is for a relatively modest 3 day affair - possibly at the same place 9-11 March 84. With some care in organizing, including more flexible (and undiverted) use of the "seminar room" an increase in games and gamers should be possible at no appreciable increase in cost. Between now and then we are interested in your opinions, advice, and help on this and any other HMGS projects. We, by the way, are the newly appointed men on the spot for HMGS-Pat Condray and Wally Simon. We have been handed some central responsibility, but we hope not all the work by the outgoing triumvirate at the HMMC. This was not a coup and reflects no change in objectives and is mainly because we are more central than they are. WRG ARMY LIST ERRATAWRG has asked us to give notice of an error in list 26 in Volume III of their Ancient army lists. Please delete the line: Starship Troopers, EHI, +4 Energy WPN, Laser, SH, LL Torp 6 to 20 40MM COLONIALSJack Scruby has recently released a range of Colonial Period figures in 40mm scale. These figures are the same size as the old Britains 'Toy Soldiers' and in some cases, reproduce the Britains W- series line. The range is extensive and includes infantry and cavalry for many of the colonial powers (including U.S. Marines), Sepoys, Ghurkas and Egyptians. The 'natives' are Boxers and 'Arab types' which can represent dervishes or Pathans. Prices range from $1.25 for the basic foot figure to $4.50 for cavalry. You can even buy the Camep Corps for $6.00 per figure. The figures may also be purchased painted if desired. For more information on the range send for a list to: Jack Scruby's 40mm Wargame Soldiers, P.O. Box 1658, Cambria, CA 93428. NEW BOOK ON NAPOLEONICSHippocrene books have recently published 'Napoleon's Army' by Col. H.C.B. Rogers. This book takes a look beyong Napoleon at the men who served in his army, and the conditions under which they served. Col. Rogers describes the French Army by staff, arms and services at it existed and changed during the long period that separated the battles of Valmy and Waterloo. 'Napoleon's Army' is 190 pp, fully illustrated for a price of $8.95. THE CIVIL WAR IN PENNSYLVANIAA new book chronicling the events of the Civil War in South-Central Pennsylvania. Topic covered include Patterson's campaign of 1861. The regiments raised in the area, Guerilla warfare and copperhead activity in the region and the burning of Chambersburg. The book will also include previously unpublished diaries and eyewitness accounts and new information on campsites. The book is titled'When War Passed This Way' by W.P. Conrad and T. Alexander. Copies can be ordered from Lillian S. Memorial Library, 305 East Baltimore St., Greencastle, PA17225 for $20.00+ $1.00 p.p. The book is in hardcover with over 450 pp and 60 illustrations. When ordering checks should be made payableto Besore C.W. Book Fund. GLEANINGSArquebusier (Published bi-monthly, free to members of the Pike and Shot Society). Membership information from Andrew Whitby, 17 Stanley Road West, Oldfield Park, Bath, Avon BA11 3HO. The January/February issue has articles on The Battles of Pinkie and Langside, a review of the New Model Army in Flanders, solo wargaming Pike and Shot in 1:300 scale, and an ancient of the expeditions of Yermak (a cossack) against the tactics and Mongols of Sireria. There arealso letters and club news columns. Arquebusier has never been a particularly lengthy publication (it's usually about 18 pages) but the articles are well written and extremely informative. Recommended for anyone with an interest in the period. Gorget & Sash (Published quarterly, $10.00 for four issues) G & S, 5218 Landgrave Lane, Springfield, VA 22151. Covering the period from (roughly) the E.C.W. to the American Revolution, G & S is another fine publication. The latest issue to hand has Part 11 of a lengthly and extremely well documented article on the deployment of Tallard's Army at Blenbeim. An appendix to the body of the text examines the possible order of Battle of Tallard's Army together with the losses suffered by the various regiments. There are other articles on cavalry in the Yorktown campaign, the first Virginia Regt. (1775-80) and a short piece on the tactical use of artillery using the WRG Renaissance rules. A letters column and an informative book and figure review department round out the issue. G & S is well worth a look. Empires, Eagles and Lions (8 issues per year, $12.00 for 8 issues) Rafm Co., 19 Concession St., Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N3L 3E5. E.E & L covers literally everything of interest to the student of Napoleonic Military history and the Napoleonic wargamer. Strategy, tactics, formations, O.B.'s, firepower, marching rates, uniforms - anything associated with the militaryof the Napoleonicera is examined, discussed and, if necessary, argued over. As an example, the January issue (No. 69) contains an examination of the'Battalions of Detachments' in the British Penninsular Army, an article on Melee and morale by George Jeffrey, a piece on the performance of the Napoleonic Musket, book review, notes on uniforms of the Austrian Army, a wargames section, and much more. In all cases the articles are annotated and extensive sources are given. E.E. & L is excellent and is thoroughly recommended. OTHER MAGAZINE NOTESGame Designer's Workshop, P.O. Box 1646, Bloomington, IL 61701, announces new publication,'The Workshop Newsletter'. The newsletter is free from GDW for a stamped, self-addressed envelope and will supply gamers with current information on new and upcoming games. It is expected to appear 10-12 times a year. International Graphics Corp., 218 Beech St., Bennington, VT 05201 will be publishing 'Weapons and Warfare Quarterly', a historical/technical magazine aimed at military historians and wargamers. The magazine plans to cover all aspects of weapons and warfare. The emphasis will be primarily on the more 'modern wars' (WWII onwards) but there will be coverage of AMR, Napoleonic and Spanish-American Wars. There are also a series of specials either available or planned that give an in-depth review of very specific subjects. Examples are the 1st SS Panzer Division in the Battle of the Bulge and a chronology of U.S. submarine operations in the Pacific (1939-42). 'Weapons and Warfare Quarterly' is available from the above address. Subscriptions are $20.00 for 4 issues or $35.00 for 8 issues. The specials are available separately. THE SOCIETY OF ANCIENTSThe Society's aims are to promote interest in the Ancient and Medieval periods of history, and to encourage wargaming in those periods. Members' interests range from the legions of Imperial Rome to the Medieval armies of the Crusades and the Hundred Years War; from the Egyptian warriors of earliest times to the Ancient Britons,- and from the Mongols of Genghis Khan to the Aztecs of Mexico. Members receive our bi-monthly magazine "Slingshot" which is published in January, March, May, July, September and November. "Slingshot contains 48 pages of articles, drawings and photo graphs, printed to a high standard. The articles cover the history of the Ancient and Medieval periods, wargaming and military modelling. No commercial advertising is permitted, and we review commercial products of interest to members 'without fear or favor.' The subscription year runs from January to December and new members receive the issues from January of the year in which they join. "Slingshot" is held in high regard both by those particularly interested in our period and by wargamers in general. We can honestly say that there is no better Society magazine. The historical articles concentrate on military history. They cover the armies and navies, the weapons and tactics they used, the dress they wore, their organization, their generals and admirals, and the battles and campaigns they fought. On the wargaming side there is a regular correspondence column about wargames rules. Considerable numbers of articles about wargaming with particular armies, and battle reports of wargames - sometimes including refights in miniature of some of the great battles of history. To round off the magazine there are regular columns of news views and reviews of interest to members. There is a section for members to advertise items they wish to buy or sell, or to seek wargames opponents in their neighborhood. Such advertisements are accepted at the discretion of the Editor, to whom they should be sent, and such insertions are free. It should be noted, however, that it is not the Society's policy to send lists of names and addresses drawn from the Society's records to members seeking contacts. Members requiring such contacts should advertise in the magazine. Members also have the right to take part in the annual Society Wargames Championship, the biggest individual wargames competition in the hobby. This is run as a league competition and to participate members merely play fellow-members of their choice and submit the results to the Organiser, whose address appears in every issue of the magazine. The detailed rules of the competition appear in "Slingshot" from time to time and all the league table calculations are done by the Organiser. Weekend meetings are held from time to time at various regional centers at which members have the opportunity to meet and wargame against kindred spirits from elsewhere. Currently the Society's A.G.M. is held in London on a Saturday in September. In addition to the business meeting there are usually painting competitions, an auction, a number of trade stands, and the opportunity to play wargames. Details of all these meetings are published well in advance in "Slingshot." Membership is $20.00 U.S. (add $10.00 for Airmail) . ZULU WAR THEME EDITOR WORKS ON TV FILMTHE COURIER'S Zulu War Theme Editor, Ian Knight, was recently involved in the production of a TV film which was broadcast on South African TV just before Christmas. Called BLUE BLOOD ON THE SAND, the film was directed by David Millin, whose past work includes feature films like MAJUBA and SHANGANI PATROL (discussed in Ian's article on "Film and the Zulu Wars" in THE COURIER Vol. 3 No. 2). Part drama, part documentary, BLUE BLOOD ON THE SAND was a reconstruction of the incident in June 1879 when the Prince Imperial of France was surprised and killed by Zulus while accompanying a British patrol. Ian's work entailed researching the incident in the UK and arranging for the South African-based production company to film there. Ian tells us he is currently working for an independent American TV company on a long-term project detailing the involvement of the 24th Foot in the famous battles of Isandhlwana and Rorke's Drift. HISTORICAL MINIATURES-A SMALL MARKETThe Armory is a major distributor to the Adventure Gaming (read WARGAMING - ED) market with over 800 retail outlets as customers. They have reported that their market is broken down in dollar volume as:
Historical Games 8% Fantasy/Sci-Fi Miniatures 11% Fantasy/Sci-Fi Games 41% The remaining 37% of their market is publications and periodicals, dice, paint, etc which they do not differentiate. Even assuming that Historical Miniature Garners buy a fair percentage of those items -- iature Garners buy a fair percentage of those items -- our market share is the smallest. No wonder our suppliers sometime seem to our market share is the smallest. No wonder our suppliers sometime seem to have deaf ears! CONVENTION NOTESAnnouncements of your convention here are FREE. However, The Courier must receive your notice at least 4 months before your convention to assure timely appearance in these pages. S.W. Texas State 15mm vs 25mm Ancients Tournament: Using WRG 6th Edition rules and army lists. Trophies will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, and there will be awards for the best painted units. Cost will be $6.00for non-members ofthe Southwest Society of Ancients and $5.00for members. MIGS IV: A free day of wargaming plus tutorials, seminars, painting contest, a flea marketand a dealerarea. Therewill also be board game and R.P.G. tournaments. The price can't be beaten. Wargamers Weekend: All types of gaming plus an auction and a painting competition. Doors open at noon on Friday and preregistration is $2.00 for Friday and $3.00 each for Saturday and Sunday. Registration at the door is an extra $1.00 per day. The fee to participate in the games is $2.00. EastCon: Run by the same gaming organizations that have sponsored Origins, GenCon East and PennCon over the past 10 years. The convention will feature seminars, demonstrations and tournaments by most major manufacturers and game designers. There will also be miniatures, board gaming, video and role playing events. Food and housing are available on site, in addition to hotels and restaurants. No details of cost. CONVENTION CALENDARApr 23,1983 Salute 1983 London, England J. Merritt, 110 Salehurst Rd., London SE4. Apr 22-24, 1983 Contretemps Omaha, NE Contretempa, POB 12422, Omaha, NE 68112 May 20-21,1983,S. W. TEXAS STATE ANCIENTS TOURNAMENT San Antonio, TX May 20-22,1983, CWI Spring Con Chicago, IL Chicago Wargaming Inc. POB 217, Tinkley Pk, IL 60477 May 29, 1983 MIGS IV Cambridge, Ont. Kitchener-Waterloo Regional Police Assoc. Rec. Ctr.,Ontario, Can. L9A4T6 June 3-5,1983 Wargamers Weekend Newburyport, Ma. Chris's Game and Hobby Shop 1 Hales Ct. Newburyport Ma. 01950 June 17-19,1983 GENGHIS CON IV Denver, Co. Denver Canters Assoc. POB 2945 Littleton Co. 80161. June 24-26,1983 EASTCON Classboro, N.J. Eastcon, POB 139 Middleton NJ 07748 (include SASE). Jun 4-6,1983 Dallcon Dallas, TX Dalcon, POB 345125, Dallas, TX 75230 July 24,19831983 TEXCON Austin Tx. Villa Capri Motor Hotel, Autin, Texas July 14-17,1983 Origins-83 Detroit MI Metro Detroit Garners POB 787 Troy MI 48099 Jul 22-24, 1983 Flying Buffalo Con Phoenix, AZ Flying Buffalo Inc. POB 1467, Scottsdale, AZ 85252 Aug 18-21 1983 GEN CON XVI Kenosha WI. University of Wisconsin, Parkside Kenosha WI Gen Con, c/o TSR Hobbies, POB 756, Lake Geneva WI 53147 Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. IV #4 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1982 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |