by Lorrin Bird
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As an example, you're playing a game with TANK CHARTS (or just about any other rule system that compares shell AP to armor thickness). A PzKw IIId has just landed a 37mm round on the front upper hull of a Somua, at 275 meters range. According to the armor mechanics of the ruleset, the 500 meter range penetration figure for the 37mm L/45 gun is used as the guns' "punching power" (a real lightweight, by the way), which cross references to 39mm of armor penetration. Since the Somua has 40mm of hull armor at the point where the shot landed, no damage has been caused due to the effect of one silly little millimeter of armor. In just about all rule systems of this type, the effectiveness of guns is reciuced to a "hit or miss" affair based on whether the precise amount of armor carried by the target can be equaled. This is not only somewhat illogical due to a number of other factors that have been left out of the analysis (angle of impact, use of 500 meter range although hit at 275 meters, etc.), but also implies that penetration data can be figured out with the precision of a moonshot, which it obviously can't. Each round will probably differ by a tiny bit in penetration, and in the Somua- PzKw IIId case, an increase of 2.5% in penetration would have succeeded. Having suffered through a multitude of "hair-splitting" victories or defeats that hung on one millimeter of armor in our France, '40 games, our group decided to work out a procedure that would take account of many of the factors that play an important role in determining whether a shell penetrates.
Take the case where the 500 meter penetration figure
is exactly equal to the armor it hit. If the range is between
250 and 500 meters, the shell penetration can range from
10-15% higher depending upon where in the range interval
the shot was made. A 250 meter range increment is used
for playability, since a million arguments would ensue if
tape measurements came down to the nearest 1/4 inch.
There is also a small chance that the round will have a little
more speed so one might except a +10-20% greater
penetration. [1]
Negative Side
For our analysis we utilized the results from a 1948
U.S. Army Technical Manual (TM-1917) that provided highly
detailed accounts of proving ground tests of shell
penetration. An analysis of the effect of angle on
penetration indicated that 30 degree obliquities (a really
fancy word) increased armor resistance by about 25%,
more than what the traditional 1/COSINE forumla would
predict (about 12%). [2]
This infers that not only does armor
effective thickness increase rather rapidly with angle as one
deviates from the target facing, but angle effects can
overcome the effects of reduced range within an interval as
the angle of incidence of the hit increases (a 20 degree
angle increases armor by roughly 15%).
In view of the proceeding, it was decided to use a
method somewhat similar to the CROSS OF IRON
approach (kill probabilities represented by dice roll scores),
but heavily dependent on an analysis of shell penetration
versus armor, damage tendencies of rounds, and the
factors that were identified above.
After much experimentation, Table I was prepared as
the basis for our system:
To explain the charts' subtleties, the AP Ratio signifies
the ability of a given round to overcome the effects of angle
on armor thickness and still equal or exceed the value
needed for a penetration.
As the ratio goes up, the shells should penetrate
greater percentages of the time, leading up to a 97%
chance by rounds that "overpenetrate" more than 50%
(damage is dependent on the "overkill," to a degree, since a
round with a lot of power left after entering a tank will
probably do more in the way of significant damage than a
shell that just made it through and fragmented on the way).
The ratios less than 1 introduce an idea that is fairly
interesting, since rounds that theoretically should fail to
penetrate have the ability to do some major damage. In the
case of ratios from 0.0 to .95, the main effect of hits will be
to immobilize the target, which is probably a track hit that
separates the treads from the wheels (even a 20mm round
has a chance of detracking a Tiger II, although here it is
less than 3%).
From .95 to 1.05, we're dealing with shells that
theoretically are right around the value needed to penetrate,
and the real difference between them is small (.95 of 40mm
is 38mm, the case where the shell failed to penetrate by
2mm in a strict comparison). This range takes into account
the often "hairy" case where one fails or succeeds based
on a millimeter by millimeter analysis, and it introduces
some "reasonableness" into the results.
Although these ratios are straddling the number needed
to pierce the basic armor thickness, any angle at all on the
hit will likely deflect the hit, and they are going to penetrate
(if they do) with a low lethality, so the "kill" probability is
only 28% (roll 5 or less with two die).
In addition, of the 28% of rounds that do some
worthwhile damage, about half will only immobilize the
target, which corresponds to the case where hits get into
the turret or hull with a minimum of kinetic energy left to
generate useful mayhem.
Special Modifiers
Owing to the mass of the rounds, one would expect the
heavier and larger shells to do more damage after getting
into a tank owing to more bits of metal blowing about, and
more explosive power when they explode (many AP rounds
had primers and HE charges for added killing power). While it could penetrate quite a bit of
armor, the 2 pounder round was solid, which decreases its
effect somewhat due to the lack of a follow-up explosion
inside the penetrated tank. Thus, its lethality suffers
penalties with regard to shell size and explosive power,
allowing some penetrated targets to roll along unperturbed
after being hit by 2pdr rounds.
Having prepared a basic system that relates shell
penetration and size effects with damage potential, one
then has to apply it to target armor in order to prepare
scores that can be used in games. The problem of
developing vehicle specific kill scores was then solved by
copying down the armor and weapon penetration data from
a popular set of armor miniature rules (TANK CHARTS),
and comparing the AP Ratios to the die scores previously
decided upon.
As an example of the process, the French 47mm gun
could blast through 45mm of armor at 500 meters (an
average range in our games), and a common target was the
German PzKw IIId (which had 32mm frontal armor). With
45mm of penetration and a 32mm thick target, the AP Ratio
is 1.41, which corresponds to a kill score of 10 (83%
chance of a "kill," 9% for an immobilization). This procedure
was then carried out for every gun and major armor plate for
the vehicles that fought in 1940 France, and the following chart was prepared:
To illustrate the use of the procedure, say a Somua has
hit a PzKw IVd in the front at a range of 650 meters. From
the chart, the unmodified kill score is a 10, which then is
reduced by one due to the range and the shell size. Thus,
rolling 2-8 (72%) will destroy the unlucky panzer and a roll
of 9 (11 % chance) will stop the German tank in its tracks.
Although this method pretty much incorporates the
share of hits that will land on the tracks, the turret/hull split
has yet to be determined. For simplicity, assume that one-third of the frontal hits will bounce up against the turret,
and one-sixth of the flank hits (treat the rear like the front).
Therefore roll one colored die with the regular die To Hit roll,
with scores of 1 or 2 on frontal/ rear hits and 1 on flank hits
indicating a turret hit (if hulldown, increase the range of rolls
needed for a turret hit by three (1-5 for frontal, 1-4 for flank).
Range Modifications
A few words about the range modifications are in order
since some results might be hard to rationalize. For
instance, 700 meters was chosen as the limit beyond
which a single modifier is used since very few hits (except
by 88's) that mean anything will be made much beyond that
range (37mm guns are fairly worthless much after 800 meters), and 88's don't decrease in killing power all that much.
To show how this method stacks up against a mathematical comparison of AP versus armor (where AP must equal or exceed armor for damage), the following chart was put together. The results were taken from TANK CHARTS:
Most of the differences in damage effects are due, in
part, to the fact that 37mm rounds are highly penalized
under our approach, while the armor miniatures ruleset
treats 20mm rounds exactly the same as it does 47mm. In
addition, most armor rules treat a through penetration of
armor exactly the same as a partial penetration, while
we've differentiated between clean penetrations (where the
round easily pierced the plate due to an abundance of
"zing") and minimal breakthroughs (where the round hardly
manages to get inside the vehicle).
While there are a number of factors that would seem to
indicate that our approach is superior to other rules, it
should be noted that so much of this material is subjective
and based on personal guesses, and that it is impossible
to say "this is right, and that is wrong."
TANK CHARTS, despite widely disparate results, is
just as "correct" insofar as it is consistent with the
designers' view of what is important and is likely to occur,
which just points out the tremendous subjectivity of rule
design. Owing to our interest in allowing rounds to cause
damage even if their penetration is 1 or 2 millimeters
short, we've chosen to take a different approach which
must of necessity create different results.
The Char B1 had an engine grill on the left flank of the
vehicle that formed a sort of "Achilles Heel," and enabled
the German 37mm anti-tank guns to disable the tank. This
weak spot can be modeled by increasing the flank Kill
Score by "2" whenever a hit is made on the left side armor
(the left as one is sitting on the rear of the AFV facing the front).
In addition, the 75mm gun carried by this tank only
fired high explosive rounds (HE), which could severely
damage the lightly armored vehicles it was up against. The
lethality of the 75mm HE can be incorporated by treating its
kill score as a "6" against all target vehicles (the problem is
mostly in hitting targets, since the 75mm gun was "fixed,"
in the literal sense, and useless against moving targets).
Treating rolls of 5 and 6 as immobilizations.
As a bit of general clarification, immobilization of a
tanks' turret (as opposed to hull immobilization, which
wipes out the movement capability) not only eliminates the
target's turret weapons, but may wipe out the turret crew
(roll one die, with 1-3 killing the turret crew and leading to a
bailout of the rest of the crew). Hull immobilizations stand a
fair chance of causing a crew bailout, so roll the one die
and 1-2 scatters the entire crew.
by Rod Burr
[1] 1. A variation of + or - 10-
15% is plausible due to munitions quality and other factors.
Note: Round weight is a function of the diameter cubed (diameter
x diameter x diameter) for shells of the same shape when comparing
guns of significantly different lengths in calibers, a conversion factor
of the ratio of the calibers should be included.