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A Vietnam Skirmish Scenario

by Pete English
Photos by Nick Ciampa

I use the “Battleground” rules set for my Vietnam skirmish games. Any set of skirmish rules will work. Game table is roughly 7.5’ x 6’. American forces can enter within 10” of roadway at “Point A” on map. Communist forces can set up anywhere 20” from “Point A”.

Top: Americans ambush NVC in rice paddy. 20mm Britannia figures.
Bottom: NVC await Americans. 20mm Britannia figures


In November 1967, the Communist forces were moving south in preparation of the Tet Offensive. Contact was taking place more frequently with American patrols. The scenario represents one of the many contacts that took place leading up to Tet.

The game is set in War Zone “C”, north of Saigon.


Huts: The huts are made of grass. They will block for sighting, but the only cover you get from them is shade. Light Woods: Half movement and sighting is a maximum of 2”.

Rice Paddy / Fields: lose 1” movement. The dikes around the paddies should be considered to be same cover as a stone wall.

Trail: Normal movement along trail. Sighting is a maximum of 4” down trail and 2” into woods on the sides.

Victory Points

    US Forces:
      1 points for each VC / NVA light wound.
      3 points for each VC / NVA heavy wound or KIA
      5 points for each VC / NVA captured (HW prisoner doesn’t count)
      1 point for each captured supply point
      1 point for each LMG / RPG captured
      3 points for each HMG captured

    VC / NVA:

      2 points for each US light wound
      5 points for each US heavy wound or KIA

    *If a VC / NVA figure with LMG or RPG is hit, roll 1 die.

      Odd: Weapon is lost and can not be recovered. US forces will find / capture the weapon if they control or were last to control area at end of game.

      Even: May be considered recovered by VC / NVA but not returned to use in game.

United States

Your platoon is part of a “Search and Destroy” operation. You are to sweep the village and surrounding area for any sign of Communist troops and locate any supply caches. Capture of prisoners is encouraged for the intelligence that can be gained for interrogation. Each US soldier has 4 hand grenades.

Rifle Platoon:

    Platoon HQ:
    1 x Platoon Leader – M-16, 14 – 1
    1 x Platoon Sgt – M-16, 14 – 2
    1 x RTO – M-16, radio, 12
    1 x Medic – M-16, 16
    2 x M-60 gunners – M-60 machine gun, 12
    2 x AG – M-16, 12

    3 X Rifle Squads, each with:
    1 x Sqd Leader – M-16, 14-1
    1 x Asst SL – M-79, 14
    1 x RTO – M-16, radio, 12
    7 x Riflemen – M-16, 12

Fire Support

    4 x 81mm mortars, must have RTO to call artillery. Availability 14.
    4 x 105mm guns, must have RTO to call artillery. Availability 3.

    One call for support per turn, but can not call for both in same turn.


Forces are moving into position for the upcoming Tet Offensive. Supplies must be placed in preparation for the attacks. Troops must be moved with discovery to assigned assault location. Keep American forces from discovering weapons and supply caches placed in village area.

20 pts of weapons / supplies caches that must be placed within 10” of a hut.

Caches can be broken up into groups of 5 pts each (i.e.: 4 caches of 5 pts, 2 caches of 10 pts or 1 of 5pt and 1 of 15pts), but all must be placed within 10” of a hut.

Each action / turn an American figure is within 5” of cache, roll 1d20. Weapons discovered on a roll of 6 or less. Roll once for each figure within 5” of supplies.

There are 2 x 4 man bunkers and 2 x 2 man trenches that you may set up on board.

To represent the variety of forces that the American troops could encounter, roll 1D6. Your force make up will be determined from the chart below:

    Regional Force VC – Morale 10, 1 hand grenade each – dud on roll 16 or higher.
    Platoon HQ:
    1 x Platoon leader – AK-47, 12 - 1
    1 x Runner – SKS (self loading carbine)
    1 x LMG gunner – M-60 machine gun (captured)
    1 x AG - SKS

    1 Rifle Squad:
    1 Squad Leader – SMG, 10 - 1
    8 Riflemen – SKS

    3 x minefield / booby trap areas 6” x 6”. Each US figure rolls d20 per action in area. Hand grenade explodes if roll is 1-4.

    Same as above, but add 1 Rifle Squad

    Main Force VC – Morale 12, 2 hand grenades each.
    Platoon HQ:
    1 x Platoon Leader – AK-47, 14 - 1
    1 x Asst PL – AK-47, 14
    1 x Runner – AK-47
    1 x RPG – RPG w/ 6 rockets

    2 x Rifle Squad:
    1 x Squad Leader – AK-47, 12-1
    1 x Asst. SL – SKS
    1 x RPD Gunner - LMG
    6 x Riflemen – SKS

    Same as above, but add 1 additional RPG and all platoon members armed with AK-47.

    NVA – Morale 12, 2 hand grenades each
    Platoon HQ:
    1 x Platoon Leader – AK-47, 14-1
    1 x Asst. PL – AK-47, 14-1
    1 x Runner – AK-47
    1 x RPG – RPG w/ 6 rockets

    2 x Rifle Squad:
    1 x Squad Leader – AK-47, 12-1
    1 x Asst. SL – AK-47
    1 x RPD - LMG
    7 x Riflemen – AK-47

    Same as above, but add 1 additional RPG gunner and 1 12.7mm HMG to HQ.

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