By Victor O. Schmidt
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One of the best things I ever did to both simplify my rules, games, and table top systems was to institute a deck of "chance cards" -- one of which is drawn each turn. Using these, I no longer have to rely upon complicated charts, tables, and laborious bookkeeping to get variety and excitement in the game.
Further, it meant that in my own rule system "OH GOD "ANYTHING BUT A SIX!" I could frame the game using very simple, easy to remember principles and allow the complexity (mostly exceptions to the basic rules) to flow from the cards. This is in keeping with my theory of game design, which is: "Simple Rules / Complicated Scenarios." The bulk of this article is therefore a detailed list of the cards and their effects.
Now I understand that any such card system has to be rules
dependent. That is, the cards will invariably, no matter how general you
try and make them, refer to a specific rule set. Further, depending upon
their vocabulary, they will have drastically different effects if directly
imported into another rule system. For example, initiative, and who has
it, is a big part of my game, and obviously games which do not use it, or
use it in a different way will not apply the results on the cards the same
way. Indeed, they may be unuseable! However I have tried to make
these cards as generic as possible, and the IDEAS, if not the specific
application of the cards should be adaptable to any rule system. At the
same time you could use, or not use, this card or that, depending upon
your predispositon.
Here I freely admit that my point of view is unique. While I am
completing my Ph.D. in Early Modem European History (Renaissance
and Reformation) my approach to wargames is only indifferently
historical. When I was much younger I used to think that if I won a game
of Africa Corps (Avalon Hill Board Game - ED) playing as the
Germans, it mean't that I could have won the war in North Africa for the
Germans. Now I realize it simply means that (occasionally) I can win a
game of Africa Corps.
Therefore you can understand how I take a jaundiced view of
the claims of my fellow hobbyists about historical accuracy and "leaming
how the armies worked and how the generals felt. Considering my own
favorite period the odds of my commanding an army (let alone one that
uses pikes and arquebus') varies between slim and none, and Slim was
last seen leaving town in a hurry. So any pedagogical utility of the game
has little validity. As to competition, I don't know about you, but I tend
to game with my friends, and I take little joy in beating their brains out.
I'm told that things are somewhat different on the other side of the pond,
but I don't know for sure.
Therefore games at Victor's use a research methodology
somewhere between C.B. DeMille and P.T. Bamum. (I understand that
this may be hard for you English to accept but remember this is America
where TV's Xena Warrior Princess passes for classical history.) We are
more interested in spectacle than simulation. (And frankly I'd pay
money to watch Lucy Lawless read the New York Telephone book.)
What all of this means is simply that the cards are to be used as models
or "idea sparkers." If you like them, use them, if they don't fit here and
there, change them, but at all costs don't overcomplicate them.
Making the cards is easy. You can use simply blank business
size cards and write on them by hand, or use index cards if you want a
larger size. If you have access to a word-processor and a computer with
some graphics capability, depending on how fancy you want to get the
sky is the limit. I have included an sample of some of my cards that I
made using COREL DRAW as an illustration of what might be done.
Once you print these out, mount them on a sturdy bristol
board stock using a spray fixative. This can be a chore, but it's worth
the effort.
Below is a listing of the cards in the "Oh God Anything But a
Six" event deck. Each card is numbered at its lower left hand corner for
reference and these numbers are used here to refer to the cards. In order
to save space and avoid repetition identical cards are listed separated by
commas. In most cases identical cards will exist for the side with
initiative and that without, and in this case the side without initiative's
cards are enclosed in parenthesis. Thus on the first entry below we have
001,002,(003,004). This means that there are two cards like this for the
side with initiative, cards 001 and 002, and two more (enclosed by
parenthesis) for the side without initiative, cards 003, and 004. In the
text itself the "side with initiative" is always used and this must be
changed to "the side without initiative" when making cards 003 and 004.
Note that this specification of side may occur many times in the card.
This must be "flipped" between the two as appropriate. Those cards
with numbers underlined apply to BOTH sides.
001,002,(003,004) BOLT FROM THE
The side with initiative chooses two leaders or officers. The side
without initiative cannot chose these. The side without initiative may
chose any two other leaders in the army of his opponent and roll for
them. On the following chart.
005,006,(007,008) KEEP INITIATIVEALOSE
The side with initiative keeps it this turn and does not have to roll or
use an initiative card.
009,010 LULL IN THE
For some reason the action dies down. both sides toss in one initiative
card and both cannot fire or charge. They may only move those units
not within 1 measure of an enemy unit. They may move their special
pieces (headquarters, camp, line of retreat).
011,(012) NO
All officers and leaders of the side with initiative are hampered by being
temporarily out of couriers. All officers of that side are reduced by two
ability points for this turn.
013,014,015,016 WEATHER CARD - LIGHT
A light rain has begun falling each turn until a 1 or 2 is rolled or another
weather card of any type is drawn, in which case all weather of any
type stops. The new card is ignored. Until then All non artillery fire is
reduced to a range of 1 measure and hits only on a 1 which is a D.
Artillery fires two measures and hits on a 1 or 2, which is a D.
A heavy rain has begun falling. It will fall each turn until a weather card
of any type is drawn, in which case the weather stops. The new card is
ignored. All officer and troop abilities reduced TO one. No firing at all.
It will be extremely hot until another weather card of any type is drawn,
when the heat stops. All unit and officer abilities reduced by one. All
troops that make their movement receive a disorganized marker. All
charge abilities reduced TO one.
02,022,023,024 NIGHT HAS
Night has fallen but the game continues. Either side may retire at will
and force a draw. If neither retires, the battle continues normally into the
late evening. All unit and officer abilities reduced to 1. All fire at
maximum of I measure where only a 1 is a hit and the result is a D. Any
troops rallying off markers which roll a 6 are broken.
Monsoon, sandstorm, blizzard, torrential downpour - whatever blows
your hair back... Each turn each side discards one initiative card, no
firing, or long moves and everything moves one measure. All troop
values reduced to 1. Event canceled when any other weather card of any
type is drawn, in which case all weather stops.
A dense fog envelopes the battlefield. No long moves, all movement
abilities reduced to 1. All fire reduced to 1 measure and hit with a 1
which is a D. In charges BOTH sides use the following table instead of
the standard melee table.
After 1590 this card only serves as a weather card to remove other
weather cards. Before that date roll one die for each side.
I= Army interprets it as a sign of divine favor. Rally, stand, and
charge value raised to 5
2= The same as I but only raised by 1.
3=4 Your general loses confidence. Toss in one initiative card.
5= The Army interprets it as a sine of divine anger. Rally, stand, and
charge reduced by 1.
6= The same but Rally, sand, and charge value reduced to 1.
Oh G'won... you really didn't think we'd put in something like that do
you? How sick do you think we are? This card just ends any other
weather card. If no weather card in play, then both sides, when rallying
this turn, if they roll a six on the rally the unit is broken. What the
heck... why shouldn't you suffer.
029,(030) HEROIC
The side with the initiative may, on this turn only, attempt to rally
BROKEN UNITS. If they do rally the broken marker is removed.
(Note, if you are playing that you can normally rally broken units then
this card allows you to attempt to rally ELIMINATED UNITS.
However, regardless of its rally factor, the unit has a rally of 1. Officers
can be used to better this.
031,(032) OFFICER
The side with initiative chooses three officers from his own side and
rolls for them on the following table.
033,(034) OUT OF
The side with initiative rolls one die for each unit with fire ability. If the
roll is a 5 or a 6 it is out of ammunition and cannot fire until it is
replenished by having an ammunition wagon within I measure and
rolling anything but a six.
037,038,(039,040) DEVASTATING FIRE
The side with initiative in any fire it makes this turn which is NOT ON
the table below. Range of the firing unit is unaffected.
041,042,(043,044) UNIT
The side with initiative chooses three units from the enemy army. The
side with initiative rolls one dice for each and applies the result.
The commander of the unit decides which values will go down and
by how much. He may break up the penalty among any values. One
attribute may be substituted for one point.
045,046,(047,048) UNIT
The side with initiative chooses three units from his own army. He
rolls on one die on the following chart for each.
The commander of the unit decides which values will go up and by
how much. He may break up the increase among any values. One
attribute may be substituted for ALL points of increase.
049,050,(051,052) OFFICER
The side with initiative chooses three officers from his own side and
rolls for them on the following table.
Officers can't be reduced to less than 1.
053,(054) PANIC
The side with initiative has wild but unfounded rumors sweep through
the ranks. That side must roll one die for each unit.
055,056 EXPERT PLANNING (There are no
matching cards for this one for the side without initiative as that side
cannot make long moves).
All Long moves by the side with initiative this turn are successful
unless a 6 is rolled. On the first six rolled this card is cancelled and sent
to the discard pile.
057,058,(059,060) FORTUNE
The side with initiative has all the abilities of its troops increased by I
for this turn only.
061,062,(063,064) FORTUNE DOES NOT
The side with initiative has all the abilities of its troops reduced by I for
this turn only.
065,(066) PARALYSIS IN
The side with initiative cannot use any officers this turn to modify troop abilities.
067,(068) BRILLIANT
The side with initiative can, after making one action with a unit attempt
to make a second wit the unit (including the same type of action). This
can be done for each unit in the army. Each time he tries roll one die.
The side with initiative has, for this turn only, one free "one" which he
may use on any die roll (except initiative). Once used the card is sent to
the discard pile.
073,(074) SOUND THE
The side with initiative may recall any troops making an off-theboard
march and enter them on any hex on his own side of the board. This
card cancels the LOST card. If no such troops making off the board
movement, he may remove three green disorganized markers from any
of his units.
075,(076) WILD GOOSE
The side with initiative must roll as below and remove the officers and
units shown to guard against a rumor (completely untrue) of a flank
The side with initiative chooses three mercenary units in his opponents
army (if any) and rolls on the following chart. If no such units, he can
move three enemy units one measure for infantry and two measures for
The side with initiative chooses four units from his opponents anny. He
then rolls one die for each.
081,(082) PETULANT
The side with initiative chooses three leaders from the other side's army
and rolls a die for each one.
Troops under control of the side with initiative may do anything
except fire on or charge their compatriots.
083,(084) LOST
Any forces of the side with initiative making off-the-board-movement
are lost and cannot enter the present battle ever. If no forces of this side
are making such movement then the side without initiative must place
four disorganized markers on the units of the side with initiative.
085,(086) TERRAIN
The side with initiative can change three hexes of terrain one step in
either direction. Thus rough can become clear or very rough. Very
Rough can become an Blocked terrain, or Rough and so forth. The
umpire has veto over any change.
The side with initiative has a few light troops or commando-partizans
who have infiltrated the enemy lines and may attempt to destroy three
of his ammunition wagons. Roll one die for each.
089,090,(091,092) STONEWALL
The side with initiative may, when charged, declare a "Stonewall
Defense" and stand automatically. Use the chart below instead of the
normal charge process.
093,094,(095,096) STEAMROLLER
The side with initiate may, when charging declare a "Steamroller
Attack" and charge automatically. The chart below is rolled on instead
of the normal charge process.
097,(098) OFFICERS
The side with initiative may bring back into play any two officers
removed due to rolling a 6 on officer use during the game. This cannot be
used to recall officers who are with off the board movement or LOST.
099,100 SMOKE. Clouds of smoke envelop the
battlefield. Both sides place three smoke markers. On each subsequent
turn after the initiative phase, each side may either add, move, or remove
one smoke marker. Any unit within I measure of a smoke marker cannot fire
or be fired on. If the other SMOKE card is drawn while smoke is in
play, all smoke markers are removed.
101,(102) FIND THE
Any forces of the side with initiative making off-the board movement
arrive when and where they desire. if no such forces then the side with
initiative may move one unit of the side without initiative one move.
103,(104) IDIOT WITH
An officer of the side with initiative takes it into his head to pull off a
really dumb move. The side without initiative may move three units of
the side with initiative on a completely successful long move.
105,(106) UNEXPECTED
The side with initiative may enter from his own board edge, unexpected
reinforcements from troops uninvolved in the battle. Roll one die.
107,(108) EDICT FROM THE
For some reason the side with initiative has determined it has lost the
battle. The battle is over the other side has won.
109,(110) MORNING HAS
The day of battle has ended but there was no opportunity for a night
action. The battle is now in a successive day. Untip all officers, and
remove all markers (broken and disorganized). All units of the side
without initiative remain in place. All units of the side with initia
tive must be further than I measure from them. Both sides get two
initiative cards back, chosen at random.
111,(112) ASTOUNDING
During movement the side with initiative may move over rough,
very rough, or blocking terrain as if it was clear terrain. Roll on the
following chart.
113,(114) SURPRISE
The side without initiative may place from forces not involved in this
battle, one unit and one officer anywhere on the field. He may not put
this within 1 measure of any enemy unit or special piece.
The side with initiative may, if he has lost one of his special pieces,
create a new one from materials on hand. This is the work of a brilliant,
but heretofore unrecognized subordinate. You also get to change the
value of an "1" rated leader to a 5. If no special pieces was lost you still
get this leader.
117,(118) RETROGRADE
The side with initiative suddenly becomes concerned for the safety of its
leader, supplies, camp, or line of retreat. That unit must move one unit
from the field to "headquarters, camp, or line of retreat". If you are not
using special pieces then one unit must be located to a table edge for the
rest of the game. Simply pick up the unit and move it.
The side with initiative may move one unit of the army
of the side without initiative.