By Dave Hornung
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To start let me say that I enjoy John Tuffley and Mike Ellitts Science Fiction rule systems. Epecially I have found that Dirtside-II ©, published by Ground Zero Gamesฎ is a highly playable set of science fiction rules for ground combat. Dirtside is like any rule set in that there is a trade off between playability and realism. As has been stated many times before, in this and other gaming magazines, the faster and easier the game is to play there is always a corresponding trend to lose accuracy and detail. I feel that Dirtside walks this line very well. The playability factor is high in that almost all information for any given vehicle is on the vehicle card; everything you ever needed to know right there in front of you. Virtually every situation has been covered fairly well. Turns move right along and generally by the 2nd or 3rd turn, at least for vehicle units everybody is an expert (the infantry take a little longer, but not much).
Having said the above, when I was asked to run an introductory Dirtside game at my local gaming shop, Iron Crown, Buffalo, NY, I agreed. Being your typical arch type engineer I just could not leave well enough alone and had to so some work on the rules (scientific research has conclusively proved that this is a genetic fault in engineers).
I had been reading the World in the Balance series by Harry Turtledove, published by Del Rey Booksฎ. The series is based upon the premise that an advanced alien civilization invades Earth during WW-II. The Aliens technology is set at about a 2010 level, advanced but not unrecognizably so. Their technology changes VERY slowly. What humanity does in tens of years takes them hundreds or thousands of years. Thus when they arrived they expected to meet horse riding, spear carrying warriors, not armored vehicles. They had the superior equipment, but believing that they would only meet primitives they had transported only limited quantities of weapons and AFVs. Additionally they had never fought any really worthy foes so their tactics were very poor.
I decided that this would make for an interesting scenario. After all I had plenty of historic micro armor and having been in the hobby for more years then many of the readers of this article have been on Earth a pleura of Sci-Fi miniatures. The only problem was that the rules could only be back dated to roughly our current level of technology. Therefore if I wanted to use this idea and Dirtside, I would have to make a few modifications to allow the rules to be used.
Thus the variant presented here is my adaptation of Dirtside for earlier periods. I have run it for both the Sci-Fi idea discussed above and for several pure WW-II scenarios. While the variant, like Dirtside itself, lumps some vehicles and equipment into broad categories it is still very playable and easy to use. There are enough combinations, even in the broad-brush categories, of movement, weapons, vehicle size and sights to provide a definite feel for the various vehicles and infantry permutations. I have included a small sample at the end of the article to give you a feel.
For the purists among the readership it probably will not be to your cup of tea, but for those who want a set of quick play WW-II/Korean War rules or just want to expand their Dirtside universe I think it will fill the bill. As a note I ran a game at Cangames 99 in Ottawa with 4 players, none of whom had ever played Dirtside before. They all enjoyed it and they were able to finish a battalion size battle in 3 hours, try that with any other set of rules. Enjoy.
Design Cost
Fire Control System
Vehicles are limited as follows
Sights Limited to:
Very Basic: per standard rules, may move up to 1/4 move with no penalty, from 1/4 to 1/2 is one range band higher, may not fire if more then 1/2 movement; Casemate gun mounts cannot move and shoot, limited to 30 degrees to either side, except US M-3 Grant 300 L & 600 R; German 45 degrees L and R
Basic: US stabilized tanks, M-3 Grant and on, Lend Lease to British & French
Armor: Max Armor is limited to same Level as Vehicle Size; No Ablative or Reactive, unless spaced armor (PzKw IV, treat as reactive, does not increase in side value, decreases movement to the next lowest movement rate)
Speed: Wheeled Fast or Slow, per standard Dirtside Wheeled Very Slow BMF: 8, or Wheeled Very Slow X-Country BMF: 8; Tracked Slow, per standard Dirtside; Tracked Very Slow, BMF: 6; Tracked Improved, BMF: 10
Weapon: If in turret, can exceed vehicle size by no more than 1. If in casemate weapon size can be 2 larger then vehicle size.
Amphibious: Limited to Size 1 & 2 only
Field Phones: Field phone lines can be laid at 2 per turn. They can only be laid by dedicated F.O.s or Engineer units. Phones make contact on a 1 - 5 on a D6. If area where phones or lines are under artillery attack, on a 1 - 2 on a D6 line is cut and entire line must be relayed.
Towed Guns/Unguided Rockets: Towing Vehicle must be no smaller then 1 size less than the gun/rocket being towed. Can only carry crew and ammunition. LVC and MVC can fire every turn; UR can fire every other turn. Guns have Class 1 armor. MVC/ 1 & 2 on all sides, All others Front only. When towing a gun, vehicles move at 3/4 regular speed. Limber 1/2 move, Unlimber Full move.
APSW (MG): Note: If Firing Vehicle has multiple MGs these may fire at separate targets Machine Guns are classified as LMG, MMG or HMG
LMG: Range 6, pulls 3 chits, may be used in close assault
MMG: Range 8, pulls 3 chits, may NOT be used in close assault, For fire against soft skinned vehicles YELLOWs are effective needs 2 or more to immobilize.
HMG: (US 50 cal, USSR 14.5) range 12, if pindle mount may fire as AA local defense only, AA-1 chit damage, yellow only, multiple guns (US quad 50; pull chits adding 1 chit for each extra barrel against infantry only). Against soft targets and armor 1 targets HMG; Reds are effective; they must achive a 2 for armor 0 and a 3 on armor 1 for a kill.
Multiple Gun Twin 20 or German quad 20; pull regular number Mounts of chits and add one extra chit for each barrel firing. Example German quad 20 (MVC/1) 1 chit + 3 extra.
Infantry squads were larger. A full infantry squad takes up 6 capacity points. Specialist squads take 4 capacity points (FO, LMG/MMG, Cmd)
Squads can be broken down into 1/2 squads, pull only 1 chit for damage, still require 3 damage to be destroyed, carry 4 capacity points.
Paratroops nominate LZ, for each squad use artillery rules to see if they hit the LZ. If they scatter treat as off board artillery to determine scatter, there are no modifiers.
Infantry fire range 6. Infantry pulls 2 chits, US Infantry after 1943 pulls 3 (M-1 Garand).
Soviet SMG units have a range of 3, pulls 2 chits, pulls 3 chits in close assault.
WWII and Korean War Infantry need only 3 Points of Damaged to be Destroyed
Up to 1 regular squad of Infantry (Command, Rifle or SMG) may ride on a size 3 or larger AFV. Vehicle is restricted to no greater then Very Slow Track Speed. If the vehicle is hit, whether or no there is damage to the vehicle, the Infantry is destroyed.
Co. HQ Section have Radios, US only, Platoon HQ have radios or if noted
Anti Tank Rockets (Bazooka and Panzer Schreck), Limited to 1 per Platoon Range 4 Pull 2 Chits
Panzer Faust: Range 2 Pull 1 Chit, Limited to 2 per squad, no reloads
Against Reactive Armor Green Only
Against All Other Armor Yellow & Green Only
Anti Aircraft:
Only guns that are listed as having AA capability can fire. Must be noted as AA Capable or DP {Dual Purpose}, except VTOLs in NOE hover.
To Score a hit, Roll a 10 on a D10; multiple barrels does not increase chance of a hit, just better chances for damage.
For fire at a VTOL in hover, use regular Direct Fire Procedure.
Low Velocity Cannons LVC
LVC when firing HE rounds at either soft targets Armor 0 or Top Armor 0 or Infantry; have a burst radius. HE vs vehicles is RED/2 (for 0 targets must have at least a Red 1)/ vs Infantry as per HEF. Note for each gun firing of a given size you pull only 1 chit, for multiple tubes pull 1 chit for each and add the result. LVC 3/4/5 may fire AP for point targets, NO burst radius.
Artillery Correction
Artillery was not as accurate in this period. To call in artillery, if the communication roll is successful the firing player rolls a Die; Green D-12, Regular D-10, Elite D-8. On a roll of 1 or 2 for off board artillery or a 1, 2 or 3 for on board attached artillery, the shell comes in where called for.
Modifiers: [add to the to hit number]
If the target is missed the impact point is determined as follows:
Damage From Artillery: Pull 1 chit for each tube in a unit firing at the same target area, results are cumulative. Examples: a 2 gun section fires at an area, hits and pulls 2 chits for each target. A heavy cruiser fires a full broadside at a target and pulls 9 chits for each target; if it had fired a 3 template open sheaf broadside it would pull 3 chits for each target in the 3 areas. (note: for fire correction for open sheaf, shift the entire pattern not per template.)
WW II had aircraft not aerospace units. The following are the relevant modifications for their use.
For attacks by Aircraft us the same system as Artillery above, note only US Troops developed the same type of dedicated FAC teams like the F.O., after 1943.
Cost: unit design costs are the same as in regular Dirtside with the exception that the engines are considered to be HMTs instead of FGPs.
Speeds Aircraft were not as fast in this period
General Sizes:
Obviously you can design larger planes however the B-17, B-29, Lancaster and Condor were seldom used in a tactical role.
Dead fall weapons come in 3 sizes, all are classed as HEF:
Each Draws 1 chit per bomb dropped, for multiple bombs results are cumulative.
Typical examples would be:
Note: these are not perfect but give a feeling for the type of aircraft
Fighters attacking all other types of aircraft get first fire, if a kill is achieved the target does not have a chance to fire back. Fighters can have no more then 40% of their capacity given over to dead fall or UR type of weapons. Speed Moderately Fast
Dive-Bombers and Ground Attack Aircraft may not take opportunity fire against any other aircraft. Ground Attack aircraft (IL-2 Sturmavik) receive a +1 to hit targets in the open.
Speed Slow Flight
Bombers may attack several targets if they are in the same line of fight. Speed moderately fast
Observation Aircraft may only carry LMGs, only they may serve as airborn FACs or FOs. Speed Very Slow Flight
Weapons Attacks
Direct fire weapons and URs are done using the direct fire rules
Dead Fall Weapons attacks are done per the Artillery Rules above. Dedicated Dive-Bombers receive a +2 to hit. If the target is not visible to the aircraft, example targets in woods, they must be called in, use communication and artillery rules. If the aircraft misses the target when dropping bombs use the procedure for artillery scatter to see where they went (treat Dive Bombers as on board artillery and all others as off board). When an aircraft is dropping multiple bombs or firing multiple URs each weapon must be rolled for separately.
The following are some of the conversions I worked up. All have ECM D-4
Jeep (Kubelwagon): Utility Vehicle, Size 1 Target D-12, Fast Wheeled Armor 0/0 May tow Size 2 field piece
Truck: Utility Vehicle, Size 3 Target D-8, Slow Wheeled Armor 0/0 May tow Size 4 field piece
M-3 Half Track (US): APC, Size 3, Stealth 0, Target D-8, Fast Track, Armor 1/1 HAPSW (Gas engine)
Wirbelwind: AFV-AAA, Size 3, Stealth 0, Target D-8, Slow Track, Firecon: Poor, Armor 3/2 (Turret 1), Diesel
BTR-152: APC, Size 3, Stealth 1, Target D-10, Slow Wheeled, APSW + 2 Infantry