by Dick Bryant
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This issue we have two new items; A new cartoon strip by John Kovalic, entitled "Dork". Many of the types of Wargamers we all know are represented here - you may be here yourself, check it out. The other is the Best of The 'Old' Courier. The original Courier was a digest sized publication that started in the late 60's. Many of the "movers and doers" of the hobby wrote in these pages back when we didn't have the cornucopia of reference books and figures that we have now. I had once considered publishing a two volume set of these still great articles in a magazine format. But as I started to select the articles to publish, I realized that many articles covered material that is now readily available in reference works. Once I cull the painting and organizational guides, and the scenarios & battle reports for rules that are no longer available, I found that there was not enough to produce a separate publication. So to insure that these still gleaming gems reach you, i will from time-to-time publish a "Best of The old Courier" . This issue contains the first one written originally by Ralph Reinertsen back when he was gaming with the old NEWA in my basement. THE COURIER WEB PAGE We are working fervently on a WEB page with a goal of having it up sometime in November. The plan is to provide beginners and non-gamers a site they can access that will have most of the information they will need to get started: A dictionary of terms, where to find figures, paints, rules, terrain, reference works; what is needed to start in a particular period, etc. We will have a special subscribers section where subscribers to The Courier will be able to access the many reviews that we never have room for in the print issue each quarter, a chat room, scenarios, Opponents, sales and trades with photos. There will be a complete integrated index of all back issues. Another feature will be a "time line" that traces the history of the hobby to the present day. There are many surprises therein. This will be a "work in progress" that is constantly updated from the inputs of the readers for the edification of their fellow gamers. The idea is to make it an adjunct to the printed issue, with a more frequent update cycle. I would like to hear what you would like to see included. ARTICLES Periodically any editor has to make a call for more articles and this editor is no exception. Many of you are hiding out there with the great scenario, rules, terrain or how-to idea that the rest of your fellow gamers would profit from. Send them in! You may have a complete set of rules that are too short to print as a separate publication or they may be for a period that is not mainstream or played by many. The Courier loves to expand the awarness of its readers to new periods to try. Send them in! Send a Stamped, Self Addressed Envelope (SSAE) for our Author's Guide and get into print! Back to Table of Contents -- Courier #77 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |