The Vanguard


by Dick Bryant

We received a lot of comment and kudos about last issue cover. It was the first by Bill Keyser as is this issue's cover. Bill is a professional photographer who makes his living doing add shoots for major magazines and has all the photographer's 'toys' and the skills of a professional and it shows. luckily for us, bill is an avid wargamer and author of the Napoleonic rules Valmy to Waterloo. Bill also does all our review photos.

Some of the comment decried the thick bases on the figures. I use thick bases so that the figures are picked up by the base rather than the figure, saving the paint job. For skirmish gaming I like to label the back of the stands with the individual's name for ease of play, the thicker bases are better for that. The bases are made by Renaissance Ink and are magnetized for storage.

Many also noted that it looked like a wargame rather than a set piece. It was from a wargame (as will be all our covers) and thus the phony hiding of the bases under flock, etc is absent.

I can't make it to cold Wars this year (the requirements of my "real" job take me away), so I hope that many of you who attend will drop me a line or an e-mail about your experiences there. Please note that I now have an e-mail address where I can be reached to solve any problems you have with The Courier and its products, or for letters to the editor, even whole articles can be sent as attachments. ( some of you may remember Maximus Gluteus as my Roman general in his seemingly endless series of losses using 3rd edition WRG Ancient rules in The 'Old' Courier.


I was a little surprised at the rating the readers gave to part II of the WWI Air article. It rated a 5.39 with a 22% Not Interested rating! Yet, part I rated 8.08 (the top article of issue #74) with an Non Interest of 8%. Were the same people sending in Volley Fire? If you want a particular type of article to appear more frequently in these pages, the way to make you wants known is via Volley Fire. On the other hand, I usually able to discount those who vote an article a 1 or 2 because they feel that that is the way to stop those articles from showing up. NOT TRUE. The way to show that is by giving the article a "0" which means you are not interested in that TYPE of article. A low rating means that you thought it was poorly written, did not have the info it purported to have or was erroneous, or did not have enough depth. One person complained that "there were a lot of articles outside his area of interest, but there was not one "0" rating on his sheet!

I am constantly surprised by the number of people who send in the response card to renew or buy something, but don't take the 30 seconds requires to fill out Volley Fire - Maybe I should discontinue the exercise and just print whatever I get. Thoughts?


We published a couple of rule sets in these pages, With MacDuff to the Frontier was the title for both, one was for the French & Indian War, the other for the Colonial Period. The author, Ross Mcfarlane recently published errata for the rules on his WEB site. Those Errata can be found on page 56 for those of you who are using the rules.

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