by Dick Bryant
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Quality Castings has announced several additions to their 1 5mm WWII line. The new German vehicles are a Ferdinand 88mm SP TD, an Elefant 88mm SP TD, and a SDKFZ 250/7 81 mm mortar halftrack. The Russians finally get some recon vehicles with BA 1O and BA 6 armored cars. There is also a sorely needed new version of the US 2 1/2 ton truck, now in three variants: open top, open top with troops, and canvas top. US infantry, German panzergranadiers, and Russian infantry are now available in platoon packs of 35 to 44 figures, as well as in the usual infantry packs. Promised for the future are infantry of the British 8th Army and the Afrika Corps, new versions of US halftracks, and Japanese and Russian trucks. P.O. Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312. Pendragon Miniatures is concerned about rumors that Wargames Foundry figures are available only from the UK. Pendragon and Brookhurst Hobbies in California are the only authorized U.S. stockists of WF figures after a recent reduction in the number of outlets. As noted in the last issue, Wargames Foundry has recently brought out a batch of new lines: 25mm WWI, 20mm WWII, 25mm Zulu Wars, 25mm Boer War, 25mm Romans and Gauls, 25mm Chinese, 25mm Hundred Years War, and Vikings/Saxons/Normans in 25mm. Among other additions, the War of the Roses line now has 256(!) figures. Pendragon Miniatures, 1549 Marview Dr., Westlake, OH 44145. Tel. (216) 871-4587, fax (216) 892-5887. Sudan Battlegame is a new set of rules forwar in Egypt and Sudan in the 1880s and 1890s, produced by CaperConflicts. Intended forinclividually mounted figures, it claims to provide fastand easy play. Priced at $12, it is available from Pendragon Miniatures, 1549 Marview Dr., Westlake, OH 44145. Tel. (216) 871-4587, fax (216) 892-5887. True Colors offers a painting service and historical research on uniforms, maps, orders of battle, flags, weapons, leaders, and references. Prices start at $1.75 for a 15mm foot figure, $3.25 for 25mm. A two-page monthly newsletter is also offered at .50 a copy. The June issue has the tail of a two-part piece on the Great Redoubt at Borodino, some reviews and rumors -- and a plug for a competing painting service. True Colors Wargameing Service, Rt. 1, Box 586, Brownsboro, TX 75756. Tel. (903) 852-3390. Minifigs USA has signed a cotnract with Skytrex to manufacture under license in the the Skytrex Action 200 WWI 1, Vietnam and Modem lines, the 1/144 scale WWI aircraft and the 1/76 scale WWII armor ranges. The operation will be carded out by an autonomous subsidiary of Minifigs USA, called Skytrex-USA. HOUSTON'S TRACKS (Lyzard's Grin) has newly released 12 new 20mm equipments for WWI and WWI I including Japanese 4 horse limber and caisson, pack horsewith radio, forge wagon. Houston's Ships has 14 new ships for the 1869-1904 period. P.O. Box 14522, Oklahoma City, OK 73113. MILITARY BOOK EXCHANGE 82 Dean Rd., Stoughton, MA 02072. Hundreds of historical military and wargame titles available. Military/Historical/Wargame book collections bought and sold. Now accepting special offers on a complete collection of Tradition magazine. Send stamped, self-addressed business size envelope for list. Pass of the North Wargames has a line of 25mm Mexican Revolution figures they call "Bugles and Bandits", priced at $1.00 perfigure, $1.50 per horse. There are two dozen figures, both US troopers and a variety of Villistas. At this point there is only one horse (galloping) for each side. 1060 Esplanada, El Paso, TX 79932. Osprey has issued two new titles in their Elite series, one on the Deutsche Afrika Korps, the other on the Early Samurai. Their Campaign series now includes a book on Agincourt and one on First Bull Run, and there are three books out on Desert Storm, one each forthe land, sea, and air forces. Frontier has a variety of new 25mm figures out, now being cast by Modelers Mart. These include some Confederate infantry, an assortment of Vikings pillaging, Lafitte's pirates for refighting the Battle of New Orleans, and a group of Santa Anna and staff forthe Alamo. There are also British Colonial infantry, officers, NCOs, medical group, correspondent, gunners, and limber riders along with dismounted Durban Rifles, a mounted Boer with shotgun, and three Zulus. Available from Modeler's Mart, 1183 Cedar St., Safety Harbor, FL 34695. Tel. (813) 725-5168. Antiquitas Miniatures, Ltd. are now the exclusive manufacturers of Battle Honours 15mm Ancients in the US. They are producing Camillan Romans, Sassanid Persians, and City State Greeks, available either in packages of 12 foot or 6 mounted, or in units of 60-130 figures. P.O. Box 3909, Mililani, Hawaii 96789. Tel. (808) 949-4176. Outpost Miniatures has added to their line of 25mm French Foreign Legion in Mexico, with Mexican Line advancing, an Imperial Empress Lancer and officer, and an Imperial Mounted Rifleman. They have also released half a dozen 25mm figures for the French and Indian War, including four Indians, French infantry and trapper, British in field dress, a frontiersman, and some Rogers Rangers. Available form Modelers Mart, 1183 Cedar St., Safety Harbor, FL 34695. Tel. (813) 725-5168. Old Glory has now released 15mm 1809 French in campaign dress to go with their earlier full dress series. These figures come in bags of 100 plus figures for $15(!), with a large variety of poses and uniforms in each bag. This series includes fusiliers and elites, both in either march attack or charging, voltigeurs skirmishing, and command figures. Box 20, Acme, PA 15610. Tel. (412) 547-2731./ The Emperor's Headquarters has published a campaign system for the ACW that includes a huge 4 part color map and a brief set of rules. 5744 West Irving Park Rd., Chicago, IL 60634. Tel. (800) 59 EAGLE, (312) 777-7307 in Illinois. Redoubt Miniatures, notable for a very extensive line of Peninsular War figures in 25mm, characterized by as many as 20 poses of each type of figure, are now available in the U.S. from Miniature Service Center. They have just released a new line of French Foreign Legion and Tuarges,also in 25mm, with over 30 figures and more on the way. 5910 River Rd., Newport Richey, FL 34652. Tel. (813) 842-7064. George Nafziger has published five books on Napleonic era armies, priced at $12.95 each. Two of these, The Armies of Brunswick, Hanover, Hesse-Cassel, and the Hanseatic Cities, and Armies of Germany and the Confederation of the Rhine 1806-1815, are completely new material. The Armies of Westphalia and Cleves-Bern (1806-1815) is an upgrade of the Westphalian information from his older Bavaria/Westphalia RAFM book, with added material on Cleves-Berg. The other half of that book went into the new title The Armies of the Kingdom of Bavaria and the Grand Duchy of Wurzburg. upgraded with material and extending back to 1792, extensive details on the National Guard, and all new material on Wurzburg. The Wurttemburg Army 1792-1815 is a reissue of his older Raider book, with expanded sections on the landwehr. These are 70-100 pages long with black and white illustrations and a GBC binding. G.F. Nafziger, 8801 Tammy Dr., West Chester, OH 45069. Naval Institute Press has released the second edition of American Naval History, an illustrated chronology of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps from 1775 to the present up to and including the Iowa turret disaster and Operation Desert Shield. $36.95 (384 pgs., 121 illustrations) from Customer Service, Naval Institute Pess, 2062 Generals Hwy., Annapolis, MD (800) 233-8764. Lance Runolfsson has begun producing 15mm generic Spanish Civil War and 25mm mid-19th Century figures, mostly ACW with some contemporaneous European figures. In 15mm he lists aT26 A or B, a Panzer I and II, truck, armored car, staff car, motorcycle, and AT gun. Infantry are .25 each in 15mm, .50 each in 25mm. SASE for list from Adventure Books and Games, 249 East Pine, Central Point, OR 97502. Tel. (503) 664-3898. Back to Table of Contents -- Courier #55 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1991 by The Courier Publishing Company. 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