by T. Cardoza
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This article grew out of frustrations I had as a rookie WWII gamer. I had just bought a copy of GDW's COMMAND DECISION, and I was eager to build all sorts of esoteric units like Soviet cavalry regiments, Italian parachute battalions, etc. Unfortunately, information on HO/20mm figures and equipment was not prolific or easily obtainable other than in bits and pieces. I knew all about the obvious Airfix, Matchbox, and ESCI plastic vehicle kits and figures, and I'd already tracked down Platoon 20 lead figures through Ulster Imports' ad in THE COURIER, but I wanted to know more. I wasn't satisfied with slowly building up an army of standard units; I wanted it all right away. I even went so far as to write a fairly obnoxious letter to Frank Chadwick, in which I complained that he didn't list sources for equipment in his rules. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly apologize to Mr. Chadwick. It is not his responsibility to provide wet-behind-the-ears tyros with every bit of information they need to start gaming. He provided an excellent set of innovative and enjoyable rules, and that is enough. However, that still left me with my original problem; where to get all the weird stuff I needed. Being an historian by profession, I did what I'd been trained to do (and what I should have started out doing) -- I researched. Eighteen months later, I have a fairly good idea of what's available out there, and this article is my attempt to share that information with others who may have a similar problem. One problem with gaming WWII and Modern periods in 20mm is that you aren't exactly in the majority of the hobby. Most publications cater to earlier historical periods, and even within the 20th Century crowd, micro scale is much more prevalent. And while microarmor enthusiasts have at their disposal virtually every vehicle ever built from tanks to amphibious ferries, available kits in HO scale are much less numerous. Even the manufacturers that are out there are not alway seasy to find, but they do exist. In fact, my untrained eye tells me that 20mm gaming may be going into a new "golden age", if you'll forgive my using that well-worn term. Recently, a number of manufacturers have entered the 20mm market, including such notables as RAFM, Wargames Foundry and Brittania. The rest of this article will be an attempt to outline what's available and from whom. Although the focus is on WWII, I have also noted other 20th Century ranges when possible. The list of addresses I provide at the end of the article should not by any means be considered exhaustive. It is as complete as I can make it as of this writing, but I am always finding new sources. If you know of any I've missed, please write me via the magazine. I haven't included the obvious plastic kit manufacturers like Airfix and ESCI. These are available at almost any hobby shop, either in stock or through special order. Ask to see the specific catalog you're interested in for exact listings. For Roco, ask to see the William Walthers catalog. This is primarly for model railroaders, but has a wealth of material suitable for wargaming, including hundreds of excellent building kits, Roco and Eko 1/87 scale vehicles, and a large assortment of plastic military and civilian figures and vehicles suitable for cletailingwork or conversions. (Hint: This is where you could get suitable figures for bicycle troops, or a civilian vehicle for a staff car.) If your retailer doesn't have the Walther catalog he will have one from a comparable distributor. One final note; I did most of my research before August 2, 1990. Since then, rising oil prices and the plummeting US dollar have no doubt drastically affected the price of plastic or imported items. Check with the manufacturer before ordering. Akheton USA A great company if you want the really off beat or only mildly different. Their 20mm figures include five poses of Russian cavalry, plus Italian cavalry and paratroopers. They also produce a number of artillery pieces ($2.50 each) and some very interesting vehicles. Ostfront fanatics will enjoy their BT-5, BT-7, and T-26 A, B, and S, while Italophiles will like their AB-40 and 41 armored cars, not to mention their five varieties of Italian tanks. New items include British and Polish armor. Akheton also has a 25mm Spanish Civil War range, a WWI range, a small line of 20mm WWII bunkers, and a truly phenomenal line of 20mm Vietnam terrain and buildings (plus figs.). Almost all figures and equipment are available by the piece. Their prices are VERY reasonable, and I highly recommend them. Send SASE or call for a catalog. Brittania Miniatures This British firm has long been a leader in large 25mm figures, but this year they brought out their "Great War' range in 20mm. So far, they have the 1914 BEF, but others are sureto follow. Many of these could no doubt be adapted to service in your 1939-40 armies. Brittania's US agent is Simtac, Inc., but I don't know if they plan to carry the 20mm line. You can call Simtac and ask. If they don't carry it, you can order directly from Brittania. Cromwell Models This Scottish firm produces resin cast vehicles in several scales, but the 1/76 is what interests us here. I don't know too much about them, except that they make a ZSU-23/4 and ZSU-57/2 for .E5.00 each. Send two IRC's for a listing. The Emperor's Headquarters A truly unique gamestore. Stockist of MLR, Ahketon, RAFM, Roco Minitanks, and a bewildering variety of paints, terrain, buildings, etc. if you live anywhere near Chicago you simply MUST go see this place but be prepared to spend a lot of money. The prices are quite reasonable, it's just that there is so much good stuff under one roof! As of last August T.E.H. was planning to start a mail order service as well. Contact the store for details. Falcon Miniatures Falcon carries an expanding line of WWII figures, including German, US, and Japanese infantry. They also have a 75mm Japanese infantry gun and an entrenchment set. My only beef here is that while their prices are good, you have to buy figures in packs of 12. This makes for a lack of flexibility. Send $2.00 for a catalog. Hinchliffe Produced by Britain's Skytrexfirm, the Hinchliffe line includes a small range of infantry as well as an amazing variety of vehicles and guns from Germany, Britain, the USSR and the USA. There are many vehicles here that no one else produces, like the British A9 cruiser or the Soviet T35! Unfortunately, the prices are quite high, so that buying large quantities is out of the question except for the richest of gamers. But then, if cost was a problem you'd be gaming in micro scale, right? Quality on the Hinchliffe vehicles is excellent, though I am less impressed with the infantry. The US agent is Modelers' Mart. Lamming Miniatures Lamming puts out a line of Russian, German, US, British, and Japanese miniatures, the Japanese being a recent addition. Many of these figures come with open arms and separate weapons/ artillery shells, making them naturals for all sorts of conversions. The weapon packs alone are worth interest, for converting plastic civilian figs or merely for cletaili n g vehicles, etc. Lamming was formerly available from Soldier World USA, but I don't know if the new Soldier World will carry them. They are available direct from B & B Miniatures in the UK for 33 pence each. Send $1.00 to Soldier World USA for a listing. Lyzard's Grin Richard Houston's line of WWII artillery and crews is nothing short of fantastic. He carries a wide variety of AT guns and howitzers from Germany, Italy, Japan, the US, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union. Whether you need a French 25mm AT gun, or a Russian 203mm tracked howitzer, Richard has it. Guns range from $2.00to $3.50, with the above monster howitzer ranging in at $5.00. He also has artillery crews, command sets, and FOs for all the above countries (including North African theater crews for Germany and Italy). These figures run about 25 cents apiece, and many sets come with separate rifles and SMGs which I use for conversions. Richard also has such nifty accessories as Japanese limbers, a Stalinetz artillery tractor, Soviet ATR teams, and a GAZ AAA truck available with or without Katyusha rocket launcher. Late additions include a German limber w/team ($5.00) and German, Russian, and Japanese forge wagons! If you game in 20mm, you can't afford not to check out his stuff, espcially considering his amazingly fast mail order service, which other manufacturers would do well to emulate. Send $1.00 for a catalog. Milicast Another Scottish firm producing resin cast vehicles in 1/76. Their latest release is an M98 Greyhound armored car for £ 5.00. The quality looked excellent from the photo I saw. The M8 is also available for US CASTS by special arrangement. Send two IRC's to Milicast for a listing. MLR Figures This company puts out tall, slender figures that are closer in conception to ESCI's plastics than to the often squat, chunky traditional lead miniatures. They are beautifully detailed, easy to paint, and come in a variety of life-like poses. They are expensive ($2.10 per pack of three BEFORE the recent collapse of the dollar) and you have to buy MLR's pre-packaged sets. This is fine, but it often forces you to buy one or two figures you don'twant in order to get the one you must have. MLR would do very well to emulate Platoon 20, Raventhorpe and others and well their figures individually. Ranges include Wehrmacht, Waffen SS, US, Russian, and Commonwealth infantry, plus Russian cavalry. Available in the US from The Emperor's Headquarters. MMS This English firm works in 1/72 scale, which is still compatible with most 20mm armies. Send two IRC's for listing. Model Transport An English firm putting out resin vehicles in 1/76th, although I'm not familiar with any of their line. Send two IRC's for listing. Platoon 20 From Northern Ireland, this range includes all kinds of excellent WWII figures, including Russians; 1944 German infantry, Waffen SS, and Fallschirmjagers; US in 1943 combat dress, 1944 British infantry and airborne, Partisans, and 1941 US Pacific forces in old-style helmets and gaiters! Platoon 20 also has an extensive modem range covering Africa, Nato/Warpac, Vietnam, and the Middle East. They are available either from Ulster Imports, or direct from Ireland, and at 55 cents apiece are quite a bargain. Ulster Imports Catalog: $2.00. PMI Card Models For 75 cents, you can get their catalog of paper models in a wide variety of scales. These cover everything from castlesto farmhouses to the Eifel Tower. There are also paper ships, planes, and just about anything else you can think of. Many of these are adaptable for wargaming. I particularly like the Schreiber European village buildings, which feature in a number of photos in the Command Decision rulebooks. They're cheap, easy to build, and come in beautiful full color. Micro, 1/200 and 15mm scale gamers will find a lot to look at too. Highly recommended. Quality Castings Chuck Cook puts out an outstanding range of 15mm vehicles and figures for WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Modern gamers. I realize that this article is about 20mm, but Quality's line is just too good not to mention. If you are interested in any of the above periods, but do notyet have a large investment in 20mm, I urge you to write to Chuck and peruse his catalog before you sink a fortune into bigger figures. The number of pieces is very large and is constantly growing, and the detail and accuracy of his vehicles is superb. While the vehicles are comparable in price to commercial plastic kits ($4.50-$6.25), the infantry are much cheaper than 20mm. In addition, plastic prices have been skyrocketing lately, while Chuck's prices have stayed fairly steady, and his stuff is made in the USA. Send a SASE for a catalog. Raventhorpe Miniatures In a word, incredible! This British company produces a huge line of unusual figures at a very reasonable price (22p each). Ranges include British (of course) in BEF, Western Desert, Camel Corps, and 1944 garb, plus Commandoes, Australians, Indians, and King's African Rifles. Also US Paras, Marines in 1941 and 1942-45 gear, German infantry, Fallschirmjager, and tank crews, Poles, French 1940, Slovaks, Romanians, and Japanese. Also Russian tank crews. There is also a universal range of open-handed, separate head figures that can be com- bined with 34 different head styles to creat a truly bewildering array of custom figures! For Italophiles, 11 Duce's legions appear in desert and European gear, with East African and Lybian colonial troops in support. Hard to find Italian ordnance and vehicles are also available, as are a few truly unique Soviet modern items. A Raventhorpe catalog is a must for any 20mm WWI I gamer. Send three I RC's for a fat and very extensive listing. RAFM A recent entry into the 20mm market, RAFM has started producing 1/76 scale WWII vehicles. The quality and detail on these models is superb and the prices reasonable. Though limited, the range is growing rapidly, including such nifty vehicles as French R-35's and H-39's, British Mk VI lighttanks, and US M5 Stuarts and M8 Scott HMC's. These last two are especially nice since they aren't generally available anywhere else, so they save you a lot of conversion work. RAFM also has the ubiquitous Jeep, Universal carrier, and various other armored and softskin vehicles plus guns. Available direct from the manufacturer or through The Emperor's Headquarters. Prices range from $3.00 for an AT gun to $8.95 for a tank. Red Star This English firm specializes in Soviet vehicles in HO scale. I know that they produce various personnel carriers and tanks of the modern era, but I don't know if they do anything for WWII. Send two IRC's for a listing. Scotia Micro Models While their main line is 1/300, Scotia also carries Acropolis Designs' range of 20mm figures. These include German, French 1940, German 1944, and British 1944. These are traditional style big, chunky figures, and look quite good when painted, although a few figures suffer from being out of scale. The line includes infantry, mortars, and gun crews. Scotia's US distributor, Simtac, does not carry these figures, but if enough people call and botherthem, perhaps they will. For the time being, you must order directly from Scotia. Price is 25p or L1.20 for six. Scotia accepts Visa/MC so ordering is easy. Send two IRC's for a listing. S+S Models Another English firm, S+S puts out very affordable resin vehicles in 1/76. These include British, Canadian, German, Japanese, French, and American WWII plus many interesting NATO and Warsaw Pact modem items. Of special note to Command Decision players are the Horch Kfz 69, and the Panhard 178 A/car. Also notable are the accessories, which include various conversion and detail parts for plastic kits. For instance, a mere 70p will get you aCrusaderAA turret, which you can add to a plastic kit Crusader to get the AA version required for the 1944 British tank regiment. Vehicles cost either £ 2.00 or £ 2.50. Send two IRC's for a listing. US Casts This is a small firm operating out of my ancestral home of Santa Cruz, CA. Mr. D.J. Trengove produces a growing line of resin cast 1/76 WWII vehicles from the US, Japan, Italy, and Germany. Of particular note to Pacific players are his four types of LVT, and his LCVP with crew. They are $10 and $12.50 respectively. He also carries a Japanese Type 10 120mm coastal gun ($5.00) as well as some unusual Italian and German vehicles. Hetells me that hewill have a PzrI/sIG 33 SP gun and a Soviet IS-2 out soon. Resin kits aren't cheap compared to plastic, but they fill some valuable niches in wargaming armies, and you are supporting a dedicated craftsman, not some huge petrochemical company. Send a SASE for a listing. Wargames Foundry This highly respected British company has finally broken into the 20mm market with a new range of excellent WWII pieces, including British, German, American, Italian, French and Polish figures. I've heard rumors of Chinese and Japanese as well, but haven't seen any hard evidence. As of this writing, the range is still incomplete; there are basic infantry and command figures but no MMG, mortar, or artillery pieces or crews yet. Pendragon Miniatures carries them in the US for 70C each, but one phone call and two letters later, they still have not sent me a price list. Makes it pretty hard to put in an order! Check out the color photos in Wargames Illustrated #32, then try your luck with Pendragon, or contact Wargames Foundry directly. Two IRC's should do the trick. Ahketon USA R.D. I Box 125 Philadelphia, New York 136 Tel: (315) 642-3235 Britannia Miniatures 33 St. Mary's Road Halton Village Runcom, Cheshire WA7 2B) (Also see Simtac below) Cromwell Models Regency House 22 Hayburn St. Glasgow C1 1 6 DC Scotland The Emperor's Headquarters 5744 W. Irving Park Rd. Chicago, I L 60634 Tel: (312) 777-7307 Falcon Miniatures P.O. Box 444 Medford, MA 02155 Tel: (617) 488-3541 Lamming Miniatures In the USA contact: Soldier World USA P.O. Box 547 Radford, VA 24141 Tel: (703) 633-0236 (after 6 p.m.) Lyzard's Grin P.O. Box 14522 Oklahoma City, OK 73113 Milicast No. 7, 990 Pollockshaws Rd. Glasgow G41 2HA 73 Scotland MMS 26 Crescent Rise Luton, Beds. LU2 OAU England Model Transport 18 Bevan Way Aylesham, near Canterbury Kent CT3 3DN England Modeler's Mart (Agents for Hinchliffe and Firelight 20) 1183 Cedar St. Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Tel: (813) 725-5168 Pendragon Miniatures (Wargames Foundry stockist) 1549 Marview Drive Westlake, OH 44145 Tel: (216) 871-4587 PMI Card Models 9910 S.W. Bonnie Brae Dr. Beaverton, OR 97005 uality Castings P.O. Box 11714 Alexandria, VA 22312 Red Star 1 Grange Road Barcombe, near Lewes East Sussex BN8 5AU England Scotia Micro Models 32 West Hemming St. Letham, Angus DD8 2PU Tel: (030) 781-494 Simtac, Inc. 20 Attawan Rd. Niantic, CT 06357 Tel. (203) 739-3609 Soldier World USA (See Lamming Miniatures) S+S Models 22 Briar Close Burnham on Sea Somerset TAB 1 HU Tel. (0278) 780193 Ulster Imports (Platoon 20) Box 1748 Champaign, IL 61820 US Casts P.O. Box 3229 Santa Cruz, CA 95063 (408) 425-8437 evenings Wargames Foundry 4a Parkyn Road Daybrook, Arnold Nottingham NC5 6BG England Tel: (0602) 260163 Fax: (0602) 260163 Back to Table of Contents -- Courier #55 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1991 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |