
by Dana Lombardy

The following books and periodicals will prove useful for gaining further insight into the topics covered in this issue of Conflict magazine.

Soviet Air Power/NORAD

Braybrook, Roy, "Heavy Fighters," Flying Review International, XXIV (April, 1969). 34-39, 63.
Breyer, Siegfried, Guide to the Soviet Navy, Annapolis, Maryland: United States Naval Institute, 1970.
Erickson, John, "Soviet Military Power -- The Development of the Soviet Air Force," NATO Review, XIX (September-October, 1971), 7-12
Gatland, Kenneth, "Directory of Air-Launched Missiles, Flying Review International, XXV (November, 1969), 45-49.
McKee, General Seth J., "Against Air Attack," Ordnance, XV (November-December, 1970), 250-253.
Pretty, R.T. and Archer, D.H.R. (Eds.), Jane's Weapon Systems 1969-70, London, England: Purnell and Sons, Ltd., 1969.
Taylor, John W.R. (Ed.), Jane's All the World's Aircraft, London, England: Purnell and Sons, Ltd., 1969.
? , The Military Balance, 1971 - 1972, London, England : International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1971.

The Confederate Navy

Jones, Robert A. "Aftermath of an Ironclad," Civil War Times Illustrated, XI (October, 1972), 21.
Jones, V. C. "Mr. Lincoln's Blockade," Civil War Times Illustrated, X (December, 1972), 23.
Long, E. B. The Civil War Day by Day: an Almanac 1861 - 1865. New York: Doubleday and Company. 1971.
Melton, Marice. "Bringing in the Fingal," Civil War Times Illustrated, XI (August, 1972), 25.
Merli, Frank. "The South on the Seas," Civil War Times Illustrated, XI (November, 1972), 6-8.
Nash, Howard P. Jr., A Naval History of the Civil War. New York: A. S. Barnes and Co., 1972.
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion, Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1824 -- 1927.
Potter, E. B. The United States and World Sea Power. Inglewood Cliffs New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1955.
Still, William N. Jr., Confederate Shipbuilding, Athens, Georgia: University Press, 1969.
Still, William N. Jr., Iron Afloat, Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1971.
Wells, Tom H. The Confederate Navy: A Study in Organization. University, Alabama: The University of Alabama Press, 1971.

French Armored Divisions, 1940

Benoist-Mechin, Jacques, Sixty Days That Shook the West, New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1963.
Bingham, Major James, Chars Hotchkiss, H36, H39, and Somua S35, Windsor, England: Profile Publications, Ltd., No. 36, 1972.
Bradford, George, "The French Char B1," AFV News, I (May, 1966), 2.
Home, Alistair, To Lose a Battle: France 1940, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1969.
Serre, M. Charles(Ed.),LesEvenements Survenus en France de 1933 'a 1946, IV-V, Paris, France: Imprimerie de l'Assemblee Nationale, 1951.
Zaloga, Steve, "Char Leger 1935 R (Renault 35) R-35," AFV News, VII (July, 1972), 6-8.
? , Arme Blindee Cavalerie, Paris, France: Historama, No. 9, 1969.
? , Les Grandes Unites Francaises: Historiques Succincts, I-III, Paris, France: Imprimerie Nationale, 1967.

Les Grandes Unites Francaises is the equivalent of the English Orders-of-Battle series giving divisional histories and unit organization. This and Arme Blindee Cavalerie were the primary sources of information drawn upon for the article on French armored divisions. Personal accounts by the commanding generals of the French armored divisions appear in Les Evenements Survenus en France de 1933 'a 1946, which was a series of volumes completed by the French government from the post-war investigation of the 1940 defeat. If you do not read French or have access to these works, the other books and periodicals listed in this bibliography should be helpful, although not as detailed.

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