A Background
in Military History

Reading List

by Dana Lombardy

For those of you interested in starting your own broad-based military history library, the following list is suggested as a starting point as it covers a wide range of subjects within the area. The list has been developed by Dr. Alvin D. Coox Professor of History at California State University San Diego for his new two semester course, History of War and Civilization (History 105A-105B).

F E. Adcock The Roman Art of War Under the Republic
F E. Adrcock The Greek and Macedonian Art of War
Marc Bloch Strange Defeat
Napoleon Bonaparte Letters
Leon Bramson (Ed ) WAR -- Studies From Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology
Julius Ceesar The Civil War
Julius Caesar The Conquest of Gaul
Clarke Voices Prophesying War
Craig War Politics and Diplomacy
Moshe Dayan Diary of the Sinai Campaign
Armand Caulaincourt With Napoleon In Russia
Edward M. Earle (Ed. ) Makers of Modern Strategy
Dwight D. Eisenhower Crusade in Europe
Cyril Falls The Art of War from the Age of Napoleon to the Present Day
J.F.C. Fuller The Generalship of Alexander the Great
J F C Fuller Julius Caesar
J F C Fuller A Military History of the Western World (3 Vols )
Heinz Guderian Panzer Leader
B. H. Liddle Hart The War in Outline
Saburo Hayashi Kogun the Japanese Army in the Pacific War
Hibbert Waterloo
Morris Janowitz The Professional Soldier
Josephus The Jewish War
Herman Kahn Thinking About the Unthinkable
Harold Lamb Hannibal
Robert Leckie The Wars of America (2 Vols)
Roger Leonud (Ed.) Clausewitz On War
Livy The War With Hannibal
Luvass Frederick the Great and the Art of War
Mackinder Democratic Ideals and Reality
A. T. Mahan The Influence of Seapower Upon History
Garett Mattingly The Armada
Walter Milis Arms and Men
Bernard L. Montgomery A History of Warfare
Lynn Montrose War Through the Ages
Samuel Eliot Morrison Strategy and Compromise
John U. Nef War und Human Progress
C.W.C. Oman The Art of War in the Middle Ages
Panichas The Promise of Greatness
Richard A. Preston Men In Arms
David B. Ralston Soldiers and States: Civil-Military Relations in Modern Europe
Matthew B. Ridgeway The Korean War
Theodore Ropp War In the Modern World
Sun Tzu The Art of War
Barbara Tuchman The Guns of August
Alfred Vagts A History of Militarism
Russell F. Weigley The American Military
Russell F. Weigley History of the United States Army
Quincy Wright A Study of War
Xenophon The March Up Country

Most of the works 1isted are available in soft cover. A very useful supplement is THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MILITARY HISTORY by R. Ernest Dupuy and Trevor N. Dupuy Published by Harper & Row. Although it is only available in hard cover.

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