The Hexagon Papers


By Dana Lombardy

I suppose the matter most in need of discussion here is that of name change. Until a very short time before this issue went to press, our magazine was to ba known as Tactics and Variants.

This change was made in response to the changing nature of the field of simulations. The development from 'wargames' to 'conflict-simulations' to 'integrated simulations' which has begun is a developmont from the specific to the general -- each category becomes a part of the subsequent one. As the field of simulations grows, this development becomes automatic.

As to the size of the magazine, a major restrictive factor has been a lack of high-quality essays. We must plan issues many months in advance, and have had to keep the size of our issues down, in accordance with our projections. If you can be pursuaded to provide the necessary articles, the magazine will be increased in size and frequency of publication.

Also, readar responses to articles published in the magazine are encouraged. For instance, the Japanese Fleet Order of Battle in this issue is the first attempt by anyone (so far as we know) to deal with the topic; it is therefore quite likely to contain errors which the readers, we hope, will point out. Such responses will be published in the magazine.

The staff members of this magazine are quite young (19 to 22 years) and altogether lacking previous experience in publishing. We hope the size and abilities of the staff will increase over the next few months, but ask you to bear with us if we tend to screw up from time to time.

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