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Dan Levy from VAC-U-CAST sent me his newest resin building, a Seigfreid Line Bunker. Dan was in France for the D-Day activities, and used the opportunity to get a personal look at the fortifications in France and Gennany. The bunker is 1/76 scale, and can be used for 15 or 20 mm figures. The bunker is solid, so figures do not fit inside, but it looks good on the terrain table. The bunker is composed of two pieces, a separate observation dome, and the gun position itself. The gun turret sits in a round fitting and rotates easily. The base of the bunker looks like ground and can be finished to match whatever terrain it will be used on. There was very little flash on the model, and the material is both lightweight and hard. The bunker sells for $4.95. VAC-U-CAST's address is P.O. Box 6310, Colorado Springs, CO, 80934, their phone is (800) 281-3289. Tactical Conflict Systems (TCS) has a series of European buildings for 10, 15, 20, and 25 mm which are very detailed. The buildings are solid with nice detailing and there is a large selection to chose from-49 different buildings. The majority of the buildings are designed for 15 mm with a few for 25 and 10 mm. Depending on how picky you are, some of the 20 mm buildings could pass for 15 mm and vice versa. However, some of the 15 mm buildings seem a little small even for 15 mm, and more suited to 10 mm. I have picked out just four to review for this issue. Building ER 33 is a thatch and stucco house (IM from a set in 20 mm to 25 mm scale. There are four houses in this set, each a little different. This building has a stone chimney in the center of one long wall and the door at the end of the other long wall. There is little flash. The wood beams look like wood and paint up nicely. All of the textures are well defined and great for using a dry brush technique. ER 34 is number IV in this group. It is basically the same as ER 33 except that the door is in the center of one long wall and the chimney is at the comer of the other long wall. This provides you with the ability to construct a small village without all of the buildings looking the same. At the same time, the buildings look like they belong together. Building ER 18 is a nice small Russian wood and shingle church. It is rated as 15 mm, but it seems a little small. Still, it looks nice, and most people will never notice. It has the onion dome with a couple of stained glass windows and a couple of small round windows. The front entrance has a covered double door and looks quite realistic. Like all of the buildings in this series, the details are deeply cut so as to make dry brushing easy. Building ER 37 is a large stone church for 15 mm. This building comes in two pieces with the steeple being separate. It has three stained glass windows on each side, and three larger windows in the rear. Double doors on the front look just right with 15 mm figures. I like these buildings very much. The stucco and shingle could be used for early North America, the American Civil War, and both Western and Eastern Europe. For more information, you can contact TCS at: 545 Newport Avenue, Suite 155, Pawtucket, RI 02861. Back to Table of Contents -- Combat Simulation Vol 1 No. 2 Back to Combat Simulation List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1994 by Mike Vogell and Phoenix Military Simulations. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |