The first Battalions In Crisis! World War II miniatures tournament was held at Historicon '94. The tournament was organized by Phoenix Military Simulations and sponsored by Quality Castings, Tactical Conflict Systems, and Vac-U-Cast. Designed to test each player's all around tactical skills, the tournament used a duplicate bridge type format. Each player participated in an attacking, defending, and meeting engagement round. -Each scenario was unique, with different terrain, objectives, and victory points.
The players had to design their own armies using the point system from Module Hof Battalions In Crisis! Each player had to design four units. All players had to organize two German armies, one based on a 1,000 points for attacking and one based on 450 points for defending. Players also had to have Allied (American, British, or Russian) armies of 1,000 and 450 points.
Shown below are the terrain setups and objectives for each round. The opponents in the first round were matched randomly. In the second round, the highest scoring defender faced off against the highest scoring attacker, and so on for all the contestants. In the third and final round the players were matched based on their overall scores.
Round One: Attacker v Defender
Attacker's Obiectives:
Enemy casualties
Enter anywhere along edge of board on turn 1.
Defender's Objectives:
Enemy casualties
Set up on your half of board.
The best attacker for round 1 was LTC John Gordon with a German army. The best defender was Bill Faranda with a British army.
Round Two: Attacker v Defender
Attacker's Obiectives:
Command post
Enemy prisoners
Supply dumps
Evacuation of command post
Enemy casualties Enter anywhere along edge of board on turn 1.
Defender's Objectives:
Command post
Enemy prisoners
Supply dumps
Enemy casualties
Set up on your half of board.
Highest scoring attacker in the second round was Kevin Garbelman and the defender was LTC John Gorden.
Round Three: Meeting Engagement
River crossings
Exiting the board
Enemy casualties
Enter from your end of board.
In round 3 Bill Faranda scored the most points, followed by LTC John Gordon.
Overall Historicon '94 Tournament Results
LTC John Gordon had the highest score to take First Place. Bill Faranda took Second Place, and Mike Vogell placed Third. Rob Mani won the Best Sportsman award. All four players received gift certificates supplied by Quality Castings or Vac-U-Cast and a certificate suitable for framing.
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© Copyright 1994 by Mike Vogell and Phoenix Military Simulations.
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