by Ed Teixeira
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The scenario is set in central Spain around 1030 AD. The land is in turmoil with the Cordova Caliphate beginning to disintegrate. The Christian Spanish kingdoms are starting to regularly raid Muslim territory and the caliph's authority is being repeatedly challenged by his once loyal Qaids or governors. Brigands and unemployed mercenaries abound. The Caliph is trying to restore order and has imported Berber tribesmen to help police the land.
The PlayersCount Pedro of Castile You are Count Pedro, a Castilian nobleman of the premier Christian kingdom of Spain. You have made a reputation for yourself of skill and daring. For the past few weeks you have been raiding Moslem territory, dodging Moorish forces and accumulating a sizeable booty. It is almost time to go, but first, one more raid. The area you have picked contains a small Andalusian fort somewhere to the east, -a walled villa, and small village. The fort is too tough to take and the village would yield only a small booty of mostly livestock. But the villa is rumored to belong to the governor himself. It should be well protected. Under your command you have 1 unit of Hidalgos (CV5 AC4 Mtd melee knights) of the highest loyalty. The remainder of the forces are under the control of your subordinates. Silvio Rodrigues - a wise old veteran. He leads:
Geraldo Sempavor A young firebrand eager to make a
name for himself, but a good warrior. He commands the
Count Juan de la Vaca of Leon - You have arranged a rendezvous with a Christian Count - Juan de la Vaca of Leon. He has agreed to help you fight any Moors for a share of the loot you capture. You might need his help if the Muslim army-shows up. You wouldn't mind giving him a cut of the loot. Your objective: Raid at least one target and safely exit the board from where you entered. Victory points: (cumulative)
Loot village 50 points Each archer unit lost -5 points Each infantry unit lost -10 points Each Jinete unit lost -10 points Each Hidalgo lost - 25 points Baggage train lost -100 points Leonese units lost who cares! Before the game begins brief Rodrigues and Sempavor about your plan. You do not know where or when the Leonese will arrive. Silvio Rodrigues (Castilian infantry commander) You are Silvio Rodrigues, an experienced Christian Hidalgo. You have joined forces with Count Pedro and Geraldo Sempavor. For the past few weeks you have been raiding Moslem territory, dodging Moorish forces and accumulating a sizeable booty. It is time to go, but unfortunately Sempavor has convinced the Count to try one more raid. The area they have picked contains a small Andalusian fort somewhere to the east, a walled villa, and small village. The fort is too tough to take and the village would yield only a small booty of mostly livestock. But the villa is rumored to belong to the governor himself. It should be well protected. Under your command you have: 1 unit of Hidalgos (CV5 AC4 Mtd melee knights) of the
highest loyalty.
Your objective: Avoid any prolonged fight. You want to get your men home safely and no additional loot is worth the risk. You will not, however, desert Count Pedro as you have sworn devotio. Victory Points: Your reputation is more important than any loot or your life. You start with 50 victory points and modify as follows.
Each other unit lost -25 points If the Count dies and you survive -25 points If you die fighting after losing 4 units +50 points If wound or kill an enemy leader +10 points Any additional loot gained +10 points Geraldo Sempavor (Castilian cavalry commander) You are Geraldc, Sempavor, only surviving son of the
Sempavor family. For the past few weeks you have been
raiding Moslem territory, dodging Moorish forces and
accumulating a sizeable booty. Count Pedro, your leader,
wants to head home - encouraged by that old fool Silvio
Rodrigues who commands the infantry. You want to gain
more riches and increase your fame. The area you have
picked contains a small Andalusian fort somewhere to the
east, a walled villa, and small village. The fort is too tough to
take and the village would yield only a small booty of mostly
livestock. But the villa is rumored to belong to the governor
himself. It should be well protected. Under your command
you have:
Your objective: Get as much loot as possible, in particular you want that villa. Victory points:
Raid villa and village 100 points Raid village only 0 points If wound or kill an enemy leader 25 points You have heard a rumor some Christians from Leon may be trying to get a piece of the action. You must try to prevent this. Count Juan de la Vaca of Leon (Christian nobleman of Leon) You are the third son of the King of Leon. As such, your chance of inheritance will be doubtful. After weeks of slim pickings, raiding the Muslim province of Baclajoz, you swung east and came into contact Count Pedro of Castile and discussed the possibilities of cooperating in a raid against a wealthy villa nearby. The area also contains a small Andalusian fort somewhere to the east and a small village to the South. The fort is too strong to take but the Caliphs forces are too weak for an open battle. Reconnaissance has determined the villa to be guarded by the private army of the Ibn Mardanish Qa'id of Saragossa, the local governor. He is having troubles with the local villagers and a band of brigands under command of a self-proclaimed "bandit king", Ahmad al Sayrf. He may be willing to make a deal in exchange for your help. Of further interest is the fact that the local army commander working for the caliph of Cordova wants to crush Ibn Mardanish Qa'id of Saragossa and force him to pay his taxes. Clearly there are opportunities for a third son to make a deal for himself. You really don't care if you side with the Christians or Moors. It would be nice to secure a cushy job in sunny Saragossa. It definitely beats rocky old Leon any day! You have under your command: 1 unit of Hidalgos (CV5 AC4 Mtd melee knights) of the
highest loyalty.
Your objective: Secure the best deal possible for yourself. Victory Points:
Loot the villa by yourself 50 points Loot the village by yourself 10 points Obtain land to settle 100 points Paid loot to leave the area 25 points Each unit lost -20 points Yusef ibn Hawann (Commander of the Caliph's Field Army) You are Yusef ibn Hawann, a Berber currently working for the Caliph of Cordova. Your main task is to crush any rebellion but also keep an eye on any Christians in the area. Ahmad al Sayrf, a leader of lawless brigands, is said to be in the area. Crushing him would do much to please the Caliph back in Cordova. You have under your command: 1 unit of Heavy Cavalry (CV5 AC4 Mtd Melee)
Your objective: Crush any brigands you run across. You can deal with the Christians as you like, it is the brigands that you are concerned with. Victory Points:
Kill Ahmad al Sayrf 25 points Any loot or cash payments10 points Each unit lost -10 points Punish any brigand sympathizers +10 points Ibn Oasir (Commander of the fort to the east) You are the commander of the garrison at the fort and responsible for the peace in the area. Intelligence reports have confirmed Christian raiders in the area. You sent reports of this back to Cordova and rumor has it that the Caliph is sending his private forces to the area. He seems to have little faith in your ability. You also are having trouble with Ibn Mardanish the governor of Saragossa. His men have looted and stolen from a nearby village and the peasants are demanding justice. However, you have no jurisdiction over Mardanish. In fact he has refused to pay his taxes to the caliph and they are due shortly. Mardanish has a strong private army and any action against him would be dangerous. However, if no action is taken, it will cause the village to rebel and could drag your garrison along with them as they are all local men. A Christian nobleman is also wandering the area but he seems to be more interested in land than on plunder. He is Count Juan de Vaca of Leon and has expressed an interest in helping you in return for land. But unless you seize the villa and the surrounding estates, you would have nothing to offer as you have no money or land yourself. You have under your command: 1 unit of Cavalry CV4 AC2 Mounted Melee
Your objective: Do what you can to keep the peace. The villagers must be avenged. The legal system will not help you-if the Caliph finds out you moved against Mardanish and failed. You could have your head removed. Victory points:
Your troops rebel -50 points You offer cash to the Christians -10 points You offer land for them to settle -20 points The village is destroyed -25 points Your troops directly attack Mardanish or other Muslims -50 points Any loot or cash you gain +10 points Ibn Mardanish Qa'id of Saragossa -(Governor of Saragossa) You are Ibn Mardanish governor of Saragossa. You control the area around here as governor of the Caliph. However, Cordova is far away, and you are almost strong enough to break away from the Caliph's hold. Your men, mostly mercenaries, have been having their way with the local villagers. You suspect there may be some trouble brewing from them. There are also brigands about, but a more important problem may come from the commander of the fort to the east, Ibn Oasir. He is Cordova's lackey and in fact you haven't paid him your taxes, but he could still cause trouble. Interestingly, a Christian force led by Count Juan de Vaca of Leon is in the area and has approached you about finding land to settle. Possibly he could help you with your current dilemma. You have the following units under your command: 1 unit Christian mercenary Hidalgos (CV5 AC4
Mounted Melee)
Your objective: Try to defuse the situation but failing that, make the best deal for yourself as possible. You have no problem sacrificing your men (except the Christian Hidalgos) if need be. Victory points:
Become in combat of any sort-25 points If the villa gets looted-50 points If you give the Christians anything -10 points Any loot or money you gain+ 10 points Ahmad al Sayrf- (the "bandit king") You are Ahmad al Sayrf the "bandit king". Your forces are composed of ex-slaves, deserters, and unemployed mercenaries. Your following is getting to where you can almost challenge the Caliph's forcesbut not yet. You need to recruit more troops and this seems to be a likely place. The local governor is hated by the villagers as his men have repeated had their way with the town folk. They could provide sympathetic volunteers. The local commander of the fort to the east hates the governor also and his garrison is local so they may possibly help you. There are Christians raiding the area, but you are not sure how they will respond to your group. You have under your command: 1 unit of Spearmen (CV4 AC4 melee)
Your objective: Win the support of the village and gain new recruits. Victory points:
Each unit of fighting men recruited 25 points Each unit of rabble recruited 10 points Each unit loss -50 points Roll 2d6 when enter the village. On a roll of 7 you recruit a unit of Spearmen as above. On a roll of 6 or 8 you recruit Rabble as above. You are allowed one roll for each turn the village is not attacked. Back to Citadel Spring 1998 Table of Contents Back to Citadel List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by Northwest Historical Miniature Gaming Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |