by Dave Schueler
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This is a modification to Arty Conliffe's CrossFire W.W.11 rules for gaming Vietnam War actions. There are very few changes to the basic rules, the main ones being in the troops and weapons that are involved in the game. If you have played with the CrossFire rules before, you will have no trouble incorporating the changes for Vietnam. When using these rules I highly recommend using the Hidden Placement (section 5.3) and Recon By Fire (section 6.7) rules. The basic rules for CrossFire remain in effect except as noted below. Rules Changes and Modifications4.0 Movement/Command Control The following rules reflect the command control for the troops used in the game US/ ANZAC/ ROK/ NVA/ VC Main Force: A Squad must have LOS to its PC if it wishes to move. It may end the move out of LOS of its PC but may not move again until LOS is re-established. ARVN/ VC Local Forces: A Squad must have LOS to its PC if it wishes to move and must end its move within LOS of its PC. 4.4 Feature Capacity/Protective Cover The following rule adds a distinctive type of terrain found in southern Vietnam. All other terrain is covered by the standard CrossFire terrain rules. Rice Paddies These are treated as fields or open ground (depending on the time of year of the battle). During the growing season rice paddies are treated as fields, otherwise they are considered open ground. However, rice paddies typically have small or medium size dikes separating the fields from one another, when it is not the growing season these dikes should be placed between fields and treated as walls. Also, during the growing season vehicles (except for helicopters and air cushion vehicles) may not move into a rice paddy. 6.4 Fire Procedures - Firing Dice The number of firing dice for a squad is listed on the Squad Characteristics chart shown below.
7.0 Indirect Fire - Forward Observers For US, ANZAC, and ROK forces a PC or CC stand may act as a FO stand for off-table indirect fire support. The off-table indirect fire support weapon type (including the number of fire missions) should be designated before the start of the game. If a PC or CC is used as a FO stand to call for indirect fire, it must meet the restrictions placed on a normal FO stand (i.e. it must be stationary and cannot be suppressed). 11.0 Vehicles 11.1.3 Helicopters Helicopters are special vehicles with different characteristics than normal in CrossFire. Helicopters move as other vehicles with the following exceptions:
11.2.3 Anti-Helicopter Fire Because of the special characteristics of helicopters, the following special rules apply to all attacks on helicopters:
11.3.1 RPG Fire An RPG is treated like a Bazooka in the normal CrossFire rules. The Vehicle Information Chart has the information for the RPG. 12.0 Organizations The organizations given here represent standard organizations that were typically used in the field and not official organizations. These organizations may vary depending on special circumstances. ARVNRegular Infantry Battalion Battalion Headquarters 1 BC (+0)
Weapons Platoon **
1 HMG 3 Rifle Platoons each with: 1 PC and 3 Rifle Squads Notes:
The 1st Platoon contains a +1 PC; the others contain +0 PCs ** Weapons Platoons were equipped with 90mm Recoilless Rifles, but these were typically left at base. When using APCs with this organization add 3 M-1 13 APCs per Infantry Company and 1 M577 for the Battalion HQ. ARVN Airborne/Ranger Battalion Battalion Headquarters 1 BC (+1)
Weapons Platoon:
1 HMG 3 Rifle Platoons each with:
1 Rifle Squad 1 Rifle Squad w/M60 1 Rifle Squad w/M79 Notes:
The 1st Platoon contains a +2 PC; the other 2 Platoons contain +1 PCs ANZAC (AUSTRALIAN/NEW ZEALAND FORCES)Infantry Company: 1 CC (+1)
1 Rifle Squad 1 Rifle Squad w/M60 1 Rifle Squad w/M79 Notes. Morale = Regular NORTH VIETNAM AND NLF (VIET CONG)NVA Regular Infantry Battalion Battalion Headquarters 1 BC (+1)
1 107mm Recoilless Rifle 1 HMG 3 Companies each with:
Company Heavy Weapons
1 Heavy Weapons Squad OR 2 Heavy Weapons Squads 3 Rifle Platoons each with: 1 PC (+1) and 3 Rifle Squads* Notes. Morale = Regular in certain cases indicated by the scenario a Rifle Squad may be armed with an RPG weapon. NLF (Viet Cong) Infantry Battalion Battalion Headquarters 1 BC (+1)
1 57mm Recoilless Rifle 1 HMG 3 Companies each with:
Company Heavy Weapons: 2 Heavy Weapons Squads 3 Rifle Platoons each with: 1 PC 3 Rifle Squads" Notes: Mora
VC Main Force units = Regu VC Local Force Units = Green * For VC Cadre Force units one PC is +2 and the other 2
are +1. For Main Force units all PCs are +1. For Local Force
units one PC is +1 and the others are +0.
REPUBLIC OF KOREA (ROK)Regular Infantry Battalion Battalion Headquarters: 1 BC (+0)
Weapons Platoon *:
1 HMG 3 Rifle Platoons each with 1 PC (+1) and 3 Rifle Squads Notes.
* Weapons Platoons were equipped with 90mm Recoilless Rifles, but these were typically left at base. UNITED STATESArmy Infantry Battalion Battalion Headquarters: 1 BC (+1)
4 Companies each with:
Weapons Platoon *:
1 HMG 3 Platoons each with:
1 Rifle Squad 1 Rifle Squad w/M60 1 Rifle Squad w/M79 Notes:
* Weapons Platoons were equipped with 90mm Recoilless Rifles, but these were typically left at base. ** When using APCs with this organization add 3 M-1 13 APCs per Infantry Company and 1 M577 for the Battalion HQ. Army Airborne/Airmobile Battalion Battalion Headquarters: 1 BC (+1)
3 Companies each with:
Weapons Platoon:
1 HMG 3 Rifle Platoons each with:
1 Rifle Squad 1 Rifle Squad w/M60 1 Rifle Squad w/M79 Notes.
* The 1st Platoon contains a +2 PC; the other 2 Platoons contain +1 PCs Army Armored Cavalry Squadron Squadron Headquarters: 1 BC (+1)
Weapons Platoon: 1 M-1 25 (81 mm Mortar) 3 Platoons each with:
1 Rifle Squad 1 Rifle Squad w/M60 1 Rifle Squad w/M79 4th Troop ** Notes:
* The 1st Platoon contains a +2 PC; the other 2 Platoons contain +1 PCs ** A fourth company was comprised of light armor units (M551 Sheridans or M48 Pattons). When using APCs with this organization add 3 M-113 ACAV APCs per Armored Cavalry Troop and 1 M577 for the Battalion HQ. Marine Infantry Battalion Battalion Headquarters: 1 BC (+1)
Weapons Platoon **: 1 HMG 3 Rifle Platoons each with:
1 Rifle Squad w/shotgun 1 Rifle Squad w/M60 1 Rifle Squad w/M79 Notes:
* The 1st Platoon contains a +2 PC; the other 2 Platoons contain +1 PCs ** Weapons Platoons were equipped with 90mm Recoilless Rifles, but these were typically left at base. *** The Combat Support Company was equipped with jeep mounted 106mm Recoilless Rifles, but these were typically not used in Vietnam.
Adding Interest to the GameEveryone has their own tricks for making a game interesting. For the Vietnam CrossFire games that I have run, I like to add interest by giving each player command of a platoon (or task force) with one leader (typically a PC) and some special characteristics. The games usually work best if the players do not know the special characteristics of the other players on their side. Listed below are several of the special characteristics that I have used for games. These characteristics could also be adapted to fit W.W.II CrossFire games. Short Timer You only have one week left in 'Nam until your tour is up and you don't want to get hurt now. Your troops realize you want to go home in one piece, so they know you will get them out of a bad situation, but the may not follow you into one. Rally: +2 Note: If your PC is killed, you automatically lose. Keeping up the Tradition Your family has a long military tradition. Your father was a big hero in W.WII and he (and the rest of the family) expects the same from you. You are a good leader, but your troops know that you are looking for a medal and that they may be expendable in your quest. Rally: +1 Note: Your PC must attempt to enter close combat sometime during the game or you automatically lose. Patton Wannabe You've wanted to be a soldier all your life and lead men into baffle. While this hasn't made you very popular with your men, they know they can count on you if things get tight. Rally: 0 Note: Your PC must direct fire or be involved in a close combat that kills enemy troops or you automatically lose. Fresh Meat You've just arrived in country and haven't even had a chance to meet all the men in your platoon. Your combat abilities are a complete unknown to your men and yourself. The first time that you try to rally troops and the first time you are involved in close combat, roll one die to determine your abilities: 1 - 3 = 0, 4 - 5 = +11, 6 = +2. Good Luck Rookie. Rally: ?
Note: Your mission is to survive long enough to unpack your gear. You automatically lose if your PC is killed. Back to Citadel Winter 1998 Table of Contents Back to Citadel List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1997 by Northwest Historical Miniature Gaming Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |