By Russ Bauder
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This is the third of three articles about a Napoleonic miniatures campaign of the boardgame 1809 by the Avalon Hill game company. The first article provided a brief synopsis of the rules governing the campaign. The second article provided the forces for the campaign. This article provides the forces and quality ratings for the forces and leaders in the format established for playing the campaign with Avalon Hill's miniatures rules system, Napoleon's Battles. The Leader names in some cases have been changed to match the counters provided in the 1809 boardgame. THE AUSTRIANS - Starting ForcesArmy Commander: Archduke Charles: 23"E(10)+O (may start with any of the following units): III CORPS (III): Hohenzollern: 7"G(5)+1D (W4730)
2B/1/III: 48 AuLN 2ND DIV. (2/III): St. Julien: 3"P(4)+O)
2B/2/III: 48 AuLN 3RD DIV. (3/III): Vukossovich: 5"A(5)+O
2B/3/III: 16 AuJG, 12 Aul-C, Au6# CORPS ART.(III): Au12#, Au12#, Au12# V CORPS (V): Louis: 7"A(4)+0 (W4730)
2B/1/V: 48 AuLN 2ND DIV. (2/V): Reuss: 6"A(6)+O
2B/2/V: 24 AuLN 3RD DIV. (3/V): Schuestekh: 6"A(4)+0
2B/3/V: 16 AuGRZ, 12 Aul- C, Au6# CORPS ART. (V): Au 12#, Au 12#, Au6# IV CORPS (IV)- Rosenberg: 8"A(5)+0 (W4928)
2B/1/IV: 48 AuLN 2ND DIV. (2/IV): - Hohenlohe: 6"A(4)+O
2B/2/IV: 24 AuLN, 16 Aul-W 3RD DIV. (3/IV): - Somariva: 6"A(4)+O
2B/3/IV: 16 AuGRZ, 12 Aul-C, Au6# CORPS ART. (IV): Au12#, Au12#, Au6# I RESERVE CORPS (IR): Lichtenstein: 8"G(7)+1D (W4928)
2B/I/IR: 56 AuGN 3B/1/IR: 24 AuHC, Au6# 4B/I/IR: 24 AuHC, u6# 5B/1/IR: 24 AuHC, Au6# II RESERVE CORPS (IIR):.Reisheim: 6"A(4)+O (W4928)
2B/1/IIR: 24 AuHC, Au6# 3B/1/IIR: 24 AuHC, Au6# VI CORPS (VI): Hiller: 9"A(5)+O (W4134)
2B/1/VI: 48 AuLN 2ND DIV. (2/VI): Nordmann: 4"G(7)+1
2B/2/VI: 48 AuLN 3RD DIV. (3/VI): Vincent: 6"A(5)+0
2B/3/VI: 16 AuGRZ, 12 Aul-C, Au6# CORPS ART.: Au 12#, Au 12#, Au 12# LANDWEHR CORPS (L): Maximillian: 7"A(4)+O (W4533) May be used as a separate corps, as replacements for regular army units, as garrisons, or as other detached forces (see part 2).
2B/I/L: 24 Aul-W 2ND DIV. (2/L): Noyer: 3"A(5)+0
2B/2/L: 24 Aul-W 3RD DIV. (3/L): Bock: 3"A(5)+0
2B/3/L: 24 AuLW II CORPS (II):(Partial) (W4824)
2B/4/L: 16 AuLW 5TH DIV. (5/L): Neustadt: 5"A(5)+0 (W4821)
6TH DIV. (6/L): Argenteu: 5"A(5)+0 (C1423)
2B/6/L 24 Aul-W 7TH DIV. (71L): Ubrecht: 5"A(5)+O (Vienna)
THE AUSTRIANS - ReinforcementsApril 13 or 14 I CORPS (I): Bellegarde: 7"A(6)+O (W1 701)
2B/1/I: 48 AuLN 2ND DIV. (2/1): Ulm: 4"G(5)+1
3RD DIV. (3/1): Fresnel: 6"A(6)+1
2B/3/I: 16 AuJG, 12 AuLC, Au6# CORPS ART. (1): Au 12#, Au 12# April 13 or 14 II CORPS (II): Kolowrat: 8"A(6)+1 D (W1 701)
2B/1/II: 48 AuLN 2ND DIV. (2/II): Truenenfels: 3"A(6)+1
3RD DIV. (3/II): Klenau: 6"A(4)+0
2B/3/II: 16 AuJG, 12 AuLC, Au6# CORPS ART. (II): Au12#, Au12#, Au6# May 9 or 10 LANDWEHR CORPS (2L) (Cl 102) May be used to create a separate Landwehr corps as presented below, added to existing under strength divisions of other corps, as garrisons or as auxiliary troops in a Reserve Corps (see part 2).
2B/1/2L: 24 AuLW 2ND DIV. (2/2L): C.Kinsky: 3"A(5)+0
2B/2/2L: 24 AuLW 3RD DIV. (3/2L): Schonthl: 3"A(5)+0
2B/3/2L: 24 AuLW 4TH DIV. (412L): F.Kinsky: 3"A(5)+0
2B/4/2L: 24 AuLW LANDWEHR INF. DIV.: O'Rielly: 5"A(6)+0 (Vienna)
2B/5/2L: 24 AuLW June 24 or 25 Army of Inner Austria (IA): John: 11"G(4)+0 Enters the east end of the map at the First minor road, north of the Danube River. The army may be considered a corps under the command of Archduke Chartes when in range. The army consists of the following.
2ND DIV. (2/IA): Mescery: 4"G(7)+0
2B/2/IA: 16 AuLN 3RD DIV. (3/IA): Davidovich: 3"A(7)+0
4TH DIV. (4/IA): Bezan: 5"A(5)+0
ARMY RESERVE ART. (IA): Au 12#, Au 12# THE FRENCH - Starting ForcesVII CORPS (VII-): (Partial) (W4721)
VII CORPS (VII-): (Partial) (W2118)
2B/2/VII: 28 BvLN 3B/2/VIl: 12 BvLC, Bv6# VII CORPS (VIl): (Partial) (W1631)
2B/3/Vll: 32 BvLN 3B/3/Vll: 12 BvLC, Bv6# III CORPS (III): (Partial) (W0815)
2B/7/III: 12 FrLC 3B/7/III: 12 FrLC THE FRENCH - ReinforcementsApril 13 or 14 III CORPS (III-): Davout: 10"E(8)+1 (WO016)
2B/1/III: 40 FrLN DIV. ART.: Fr6# 3RD DIV. (3/III): Gudin: 4"G(6)+1
2B/3/III: 28 FrLN 3B/3/III: 28 FrLN DIV. ART.: Fr6# CORPS ART. (III): Fr12#, Fr12# April 15 or 16 VII CORPS (VII-): Lefebvre: 9"E(5)+1D (W0433)
2B/1/VII: 28 BvLN 3B/1/VIl: 12 BvLC, Bv6# CORPS ART. (VIl): Bv1 2#,Bvl 2#, Bv1 2# April 15 or 16 III CORPS (III-): (Partial) (WO009)
2B/2/III: 20 FrLN 3B/2/III: 16 FrLN 4B/2/III: 16 FrLN DIV. ART.: Fr6# 6TH DIV. (6/III): St. Sulpice: 5"A(6)+1
2B/6/III: 16 FrHC DIV. ART.: Fr8# April 15 or 16 III CORPS (III-): (Partial) (WO016)
2B/4/III: 36 FrLN DIV. ART.: Fr6# IND. CAV. DIV.: Nansouty: 5"G(7)+1 (W0016)
2B/?/?: 20 FrHC 3B/?/?: 20 FrHC DIV. ART.: Fr8#, Fr8# April 19 or 20 Army CinC: Napoleon: 23"E(10)+3D (WO025)
WURTTEMBERG CORPS (W): Vandamme: 8"E(5)+2
2B/1/W: 28 WtLN 3B/1/W: 16 WtLT 2ND DIV. (2/ft Wollwarth: 6"A(7)+1
2B/2/W: 12 WtLC CORPS ART. (W): Wt6#, Wt6# III CORPS (III) (Partial)
2B/5/III 12 FrLN PONTOON TRAIN April 19 or 20 II CORPS (II): Oudinot: 9"E(5)+2 (WO134)
2B/1/III: 20 FrLN 3B/1/II: 16 FrLN 2ND DIV. (2/II): Claparede: 3"G(7)+1
2B/2/11: 24 FrLN 3B/2/11: 16 FrLN 3RD DIV. (3/II): Colbert: 5"A(5)+0
4TH DIV. (4/II): d'Espagne: 6"A(5)+1
2B/4/III: 20 FrHC DIV. ART.: Fr8#, Fr8# CORPS ART. (II): Fr12# IV CORPS (IV-): Massena: 10"E(8)+2 (W0134)
2B/I/IV: 48 BdLN (Baden) DIV. ART.: Fr6#, Bd6# 2ND DIV. (2/IV): St. Cyr: 5"G(6)+0
2B/2/IV: 40 FrLN 3B/2/IV: 32 HsLN DIV. ART.: Fr6# 3RD DIV. (3/IV): Molitor: 4"E(7)+1
2B/3/IV: 28 FrLN 5TH DIV. (5/IV): Marulaz: 5"G(6)+2
2B/51IV: 12 FrLC 3B/6/IV: 12 BdLC CORPS ART. (IV): Fr12# April 21 or 22 Unassigned corps commander: Bessieres: 9"E(5)+1 (WO025) IND. INF. DIV.: Rouyer: 5"G(6)+0 (WO025)
2B/?/?: 20 AnLN (Anhalt-Lippe) 3B/?/?: 20 WaLN (Waldeck) IV CORPS (IV): (Partial) (WO134) 4TH DIV. (4/IV): Boudet: 3"G(6)+1
2B/41IV: 24 FrLN April 27 or 28 IMPERIAL GUARD (G): Mouton: 6"A(4)+0 (WO025)
2B/1/IG: 20 FrYGD 2ND DIV. (2/G): Dorsenne: 4"G(6)+1
3RD DIV. (3/DG): Arrighi: 5"A(7)+1
GUARD ART. (G): Lauriston: 3"G(7)+1
May 1 or 2 IND. MIXED DIV.: Dupas: 3"A(4)+0) (WO025)
2B/?/?: 12 FrLC DIV. ART.: Fr6# May 5 or 6 IX CORPS (IX): Bernadotte: 8"G(4)+0 (W1701)
2B/1/IX: 24 SxLN 3B/1/IX: 12 SxLC 2ND DIV. (2/IX): Polenz: 3"A(6)+1
2B/2/IX: 20 SxLN 3B/2/IX: 12 SxLC June 30 or July 1 XI CORPS: Marmont: 10"G(7)+1 (E0432)
2B/1/XI: 20 FrLN 2ND DIV. (2/Xi): Clauzel: 4"G(7)+1
2B/2/XI: 20 FrLN June 28 or 29 ARMY OF ITALY (AI): Eugene: 10"G(7)+1 Enters the east end of the map by the first road south of the Danube River that is not controlled by the Austrians.
2B/1/M/AI: 16 FrLN 2ND DIV. (21M/AI): Lemarque: 6"A(4)+0
2B/2/M/AI: 16 FrLN GRENIER'S CORPS (GR/AI): 7"G(7)+1
2B/1/GR/AI: 12 FrLN 2ND DIV. (2/GR/AI): Durette: 3"A(6)+0
2B/2/GR/AI: 12 FrLN GROUCHY'S CORPS (GY/AI): 5"G(5)+1
2B/1/GY/AI: 12 FrLN 2ND DIV. (2/GY/AI): Sahuc: 5"G(5)+1
3RD DIV. (3/GY/Al): Pully: 5"A(6)+1
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