by Scott Mingus
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It has been gratifying this summer to watch the crowds return to nearby Gettysburg. Several shopkeepers have reported better sales than in past years. A number of stores have started selling miniatures and/or wargaming-related items, Greystone's, the fine bookstore affiliated with The History Channel, had brisk sales of Osprey books, several regimental books, as well as gaming-related materials, including Brother Against Brother. John Zabawa of Gettysburg Miniature Soldiers told me the 4th of July weekend saw "steady" sales of figures and accessories. A couple of souvenir shops also sell 15mm figures (mostly Musket Miniatures). A large 25mm diorama of Pickett's Charge is on display in the Cyclorama building, featuring hundreds of detailed figures from a variety of manufacturers. I have noted large groups of kids enthralled by this display, as well as the huge 20mm diorama at Artillery Ridge Campground. The upshot - miniature soldiers are making somewhat of a comeback, at least in Gettysburg. John has been introducing kids to wargaming with these figures, including a recent 20mm Vietnam game at his store. Unfortunately, no 25mm ACW games were played this year at Greystone's large tent, where authors such as Michael Shaara of Gods & Generals fame threw crowds. As autumn approaches and HMGS-East's Fall-In convention returns to Gettysburg, I'll be presenting more 15mm gaming demonstrations to help publicize the convention to potential gamers in the region. Lets all do what we can in our localities to help promote ACW gaming - at libraries, history gatherings, Civil War Round Tables, schools, regional conventions, and the like. Publicize, publicize, publicize - it's a key to attracting new gamers to the hobby. Coming attractions in CHARGE! #5 Miniature Balloons, Part 3 of Hood at Atlanta (Ezra Church), more from terrain expert Doug Kline, Harris Farm after-action report, review of Larry Brom's new ACW rules, and lots more of interest! Scenarios and Articles Needed! Please feel free to send us your Johnny Reb gaming scenarios (Civil War, American Revolution, or any other period that works with the JR rules system). Send all submissions to the Johnny Reb Gaming Society at Articles will be used based upon space and availability per issue, and may be edited by the star Keep `em coming, soldier! Back to Table of Contents -- Charge! # 4 Back to Charge! List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2004 by Scott Mingus. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |