by Scott Mingus, Sr.
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"They had disgraced the soil of Indiana with their most unhallowed feet.... "
BACKGROUND Col. Lewis Jordan As the great battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg were deciding the war, the dashing Confederate cavalryman John Hunt Morgan had determined to bring the terror of war firsthand into the heartland of the Union. On July 8th, Morgan crossed the Ohio River and marched northward into the Hoosier State. At 11:00 a.m., the Confederates reached the outskirts of Corydon. Blocking their way was a line of hasty works manned by the threatening muskets of the Sixth Indiana Legion. There was no question that Morgan's guns could have made short work of these farmers-turned-soldiers, but time was of the essence as the Union was already gathering troops for an effective pursuit. Morgan's main body could not be delayed. The Indiana Home Guard would have to be dealt with by the advance elements. Using an artillery section and one battalion to pin the defenders, Morgan's brother, Richard, launched a flank attack that quickly routed the Hoosiers just as the main body of the Confederate force arrived. Col. Jordan led his militia into Corydon, but soon surrendered when Rebel artillery fired a pair of shells into the town.. Recognizing their spirited defense, Morgan paroled all of the Home Guard as if they had been regular Federal soldiers. THE WARGAME The table size for this wargame is 3 x 3 feet for Johnny Reb 3, 15mm scale. Adjust as needed for other ground scales or rules sets. All units get a +2 opening volley die roll modifier, including the artillery if it is stationary and unlimbered for one full turn before firing. TERRAIN All woods were heavy and rough, with uneven slopes and considerable underbrush. Roll for combat visibility in half inches. All other terrain is broken (farms, fields, fences). The cornfield does not block LOS. It offers light cover. There is a 2" movement penalty to cross the hasty works. SPECIAL RULES 1. The Hoosier Home Guard surrenders at the end of the game turn in which either one of their units is removed from the game board routed or eliminated by combat. 2. The Federals get eight inches of hasty works, which must be placed astride the road. 3. The Union commander may only put a different order counter by a unit when the command figure is within one inch of that unit during the Mark Order Phase. If the command figure is further away, the unit will continue to follow the previous order. 4. The Hoosiers may begin the game lying prone. 5. Col. Morgan, Quirk's Scouts the 9`h Tennessee Cavalry, and the 2"d Kentucky Cavalry enter in a mounted column at Point A. The 8 Kentucky Cavalry arrives on turn 2. Bynie's Battery arrives on game turn 3. 6. The crest of the hill blocks line of sight. Fifteen-year-old Hoosier private W. B. Bryan stated, "Our position was unfortunate, because the brow of the hill obscured our field of vision so that it was impossible to see the enemy until he was upon us." 7. One company of the Ellsworth Rifles was arrived with new 1860 Henry Repeating Rifles. Prior to the wargame, delineate which stand of this unit has the repeaters. They may fire independently if so desired. VICTORY CONDITIONS Confederate - Force the surrender of the Home Guard by the end of turn five. Union Marginal Victory - Prevent the surrender of the Home Guard until turn six.
SourcesConway, W. Fred, Sr., Corydon - the Forgotten Battle of the Civil War, New Albany, Indiana: FBH Publishers, 1991 Horwilfz, Lester V. The Longest Raid of the Civil War, Cincinnati, Ohio: Farmcourt Publishing, Inc., 1999. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, 70 volumes in 4 series. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1880-1901. Order of BattleConfederateElements of Morgan's Cavalry Division Advance guard - Col. Richard C. Morgan +1
8`h Kentucky - 340 men, 11 figures, RM, veteran Quirk's Scouts - 60 men, 2 figures, RM, elite 9d' Tennessee - 140 men, 5 mounted figures, RM, veteran Byrne's Btty., Ky. Artillery - Lt. Elias D. Lawrence's section, 10lb. Parrott Rifles, elite UnionElements of Indiana state militia and home guards Harrison County Home Guard, Sixth Regiment, Indiana Legion - Col. Lewis Jordan +1
Capt. G. Lahne's Spencer Guards - 210 men, 7 figures, mixed guns, militia For JR2, fire effect is down two columns on Table 10. The Ellsworth Rifles are west, and Lahne is to the east.
Scott Mingus, Sr. 2004. Inspired by a scenario ŠAdventure Games, Inc 1983 that was first printed in the Johnny Reb scenario booklet. Used by permission of the author, John Hill. Heavily modified by Scott Mingus, Sr. (updated order of battle, map, and historical notes). Back to Table of Contents -- Charge! # 4 Back to Charge! List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2004 by Scott Mingus. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |