By Frank Young
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Unless otherwise noted, the doors of "Down Under" are locked with fine quality dwarven locks. Fergus Furfoot: STR 17; INT 10; WIS 11; CON 15; DEX 15; CHR 13; 5th- level Neutral Good (retired) Halfling Fighter; hp 45; WPs Shortsword (specialist), Dagger, Club, Shortbow (specialist); NWPs Blind-fighting, Cooking, Firebuilding. Veldergin Underearth: STR 18 (55); INT 11; WIS 10; CON 16; DEX 15; CHR 11 (13 to dwarves); 6th-level Lawful Good (retired) Dwarven Fighter; hp 62; WPs Warhammer (specialist), Footman's Pick, Dagger, Battleaxe, Shortbow; NWPs DESCRIPTION OF NUMBERED AREAS 1. & 2. Common Rooms: Arranged about the rooms are many tables and chairs. At any time during business hours, which generally last well into the night, there may be anywhere from 10 to 40 (10+3d10) patrons in this room, while the recessed area adjacent (2), having a higher ceiling, is used by races other than the "weefolk." The owners employ six halfling barmaids who are nieces and cousins of Fergus. There is a beautifully maintained, polished cherry wood bar at one end of the room, behind which either Fergus or Veldergin can be found working during various times of day. Both co-owners alternate as bouncers and bartenders. Veldergin especially will keep an eye on guests of elven blood while acting as a bouncer. Though such guests aren't banned, they are permitted in only by invitation by a dwarf, gnome, or halfling patron who would sometimes bring fellow adventurers to Down Under. (Humans are tolerated more than elves, but also must be invited.) The patrons bringing human or elven guests must use Area #2 which has a much more somber atmosphere than this common room. 3. and 3A. Kitchen and Ice Box: Fergus' aunt and uncle prepare the meals in this large kitchen, assisted by a few of Fergus' nephews. The kitchen has two large wood-burning stoves whose stacks merge with the chimneys from the fireplaces in the Common Rooms to vent the smoke and heat from the kitchen to the outside. There is a ice room (Area #3A) at the one end of the kitchen used to store perishable foods and to chill ale and wine. 4. Uncle's & Aunt's Room: Fergus' uncle and aunt reside in this modest apartment reached from the kitchen. The furnishings are homey and comfortable. 5A. & 5B. Barmaids' & Nephews' Rooms: The barmaids reside in this apartment when not working. This room is furnished with the classic touches only halfling females could bring to an otherwise drab room. The nephews' room is furnished in a similar homey fashion, but lacks the feminine touch, containing instead items of interest to young lads. 6. Storage Room: This room holds racks of wine, and kegs of beer and ale for stocking the bar. 7. Office: The owners keep their books as well as their profits in this office. A locked, iron bound oak chest is stored in a niche under the stone floor; a secret compartment door, operating on a counterpoint system, gives access to this compartment if the correct areas on the floor are pushed simultaneously. The chest contains 100 to 700 sp (10+d6x100) and 40 to 160 (4d4x10) gp at any given time. The office's door is made of stout oak with iron bands, and is locked by two, high quality dwarven locks. The door just south of the office's door, which leads to the corridor outside the office, is similar to the office's door, but requires keys different from those used for the office door to open it. 8. Fergus Room: The contents of the room are typical of any halflings, being homey, generally clean and orderly, but filled with many strange collectibles in addition to the normal furnishings. Fergus has a shield +2 and a suit of studded leather armor hanging from a peg set in the wall south of the room's entry door, and above this, set horizontally and scabbarded, is his shortsword of quickness +2.. Fergus also has a secret compartment set into the stone floor beneath his bed, which contains his personal treasure of assorted coins of various denominations and a generous supply of fine pipeweed. A secret door at the back of the room leads to an emergency escape corridor which exits at the rear of the mound, or may be used to access Areas #4 and #9. 9. Veldergin's Room: Veldergin's room contains furnishings typical of any dwarf, with a few bits of memorabilia from his adventuring days in addition. He has a set of dwarvem platemail +1 and a hammer +3, dwarven thrower stored in a wooden wardrobe that is bolted to the stone floor and locked by two fine dwarven locks. He also has a secret compartment set into the wall of the wall opposite the room's entry door, which contains his personal treasure of assorted coins of various denominations. The secret door in the room leads to an emergency escape corridor which exits at the rear of the mound, or may be used to access Areas #4 and #8.. 10. Emergency Exit Corridor: This passage is available to the workers and occupants of the tavern in case of an emergency. The door is constructed of stout oak planking reinforced with iron bands. In addition, this door is barred as an extra precaution against unauthorized entry. 11. Secret Passages and Doors: This series of secret escape tunnels and doors leading to them were constructed in the event of an emergency such as fire, flooding, etc., or as access points to the rooms of the various occupants should they need assistance from others of the family. The two emergency exit secret doors (11A) are concealed with dwarven expertise to appear no different from the rest of the mound's exterior. The main entry doors leading in from the outside of the tavern at either end of "Down Under" are barred from within after hours and locked with a fine quality dwarven locks. Though the owners try to keep their entry doors clean, they frequently accumulate graffiti in many different hands using the common, dwarven, or gnomish languages, with such things as "orcs are two-legged pigs," or "goblins are tail-less rats," or "elves are tree-hopping fairies," etc. Back to Chainmail Issue #26 Table of Contents Back to Chainmail List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1992 by Dragonslayers Unlimited This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |