By Lord Rick Ernerich and Initiate Frank Young
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OUESTION: Does a multi-classed wizard or priest need to use their representative THACO when casting a spell that requires the target to be touched, or do they use their best THACO in such an event? Comments From Fighter Frank
Recently, in a game I DM'd using the AD&D second edition rules, a player had a half- elf mage/thief. I told the player that her PC would need to use the wizard's THACO if the PC cast a spell that required the target to be touched. I based this on the sub-section of the multi-classed section of the Players Handbook that states a multi-classed wizard can't wear armor unless the are elves clad in elvish chainmail, which allows them to cast spells without penalty. My understanding is that if a multi-classed wizard is not allowed to wear armor (in general) then when casting a spell the PC is operating as a wizard class (obviously) and that in such an operation must use his wizard class THACO. The player did not agree, and cited the rule in the multi-classed section that states a multi-classed character always uses the best combat value. [Page 44 of the Players Handbook states: "A multi-class character always uses the most favorable combat value and the best saving throw from his different classes." - Editor] It seems to me that a problem is how to take the word "always": is it meant to be taken literally or figuratively? I tend to believe that the latter meaning is intended. If the half-elf in question attempted to use her thieving ability which enables her to surprise an opponent and attempt a back-stab, but instead of using a weapon, casts an ice knife spell (see the new Wizard's Handbook) which requires the target to be individually hit (not in an area of effect spell such as fireball) I would say the attack must be carried out using the thief THACO since the half-elf is attacking as a thief. Had the attack originated from the front or side I would deem the half-elf to be attacking as a wizard class and should use the THACO calculated on the wizard level of the character. In other words, the character does not take the literal meaning of "always" and the THACO to be used is dependent on the situation in my opinion. Comments From Ranger Rick By Lord Rick Emerich The statement in the Players Handbook on page 44 is specific and definitive as far as I am concerned: "a multi-class character always uses the most favorable combat value and the best saving throw from his different classes." The word "always" is key. In Frank's cited case, a mage/thief PC casts a spell with a effect requirement of needing a successful touch in melee to affect the target creature. The advantage of having a multi-class PC is to not only increase the variety of the PC's skills, thus making him more useful to the group and more easily able to defend himself, but also to make up for the cut in hit points resulting from the multi-class by allowing the PC to have the best combat advantage of his classes. The fact that multi-classed PCs advance in experience level at a slower rate and have armor limitations is the offsetting factor to the advantage of being able to use the best THACO of their various classes and fully use the skills of all their classes. Just because a PC is using a spell in melee, in this case requiring a successful "to hit," does not mean that the PC suddenly forgets all the training and skills learned as a participant in his other classes. As a multi-class PC he has been learning by experience how to use the strengths of each class, alone and in combination with the other classes, to form a hybrid in which he excels. Therefore, in my opinion, the PC should, as the PH states, use the best THACO and saves of all his classes. The matter Frank cites, of wearing or not wearing armor with regard to which classes' THACO, is irrelevant to the argument; the wearing or armor applies only to the ability/ inability of a spell caster to function in his wizard class. I allow elves and half-elves wearing elvish chainmail to function without restriction to their wizard class. The wearing of leather, magical or mundane, is also permitted to these two race types since it contains a minimum amount of metal. Priests must abide by their mythos restrictions which may or may not allow metal armor use. Back to Chainmail Issue #21 Table of Contents Back to Chainmail List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1992 by Dragonslayers Unlimited This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |