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The "Club Profiles" enable each member to introduce themselves to the club at large, following a loose format. If you wish to participate, send a SASE to the Editor for a Profiles Form. Terrence P. Micheau BIRTHDATE: January 27
I am an imagineer, a person who takes things of fantasy and makes them real. I have developed a Live Action Role Playing system called Dragonrealm. I am running a Warp campaign, using Torg and Rifts; a western campaign, using Gurps Western rules, Boothill, and Western Hero; a vampire campaign, the same on by White Wolf, and a Star Trek campaign. I am currently studying to be a "shrink." Robert L. Willsey II BIRTHDATE: August 31 I have been playing role-playing games since I was in junior high school. Let's see, that was 11 years ago, almost 12. 1 play D&D, AD&D, Battletech, Star Trek, Star Frontiers, Hero, Middle-Earth, and almost anything that deals with Tole-playing. I've played so many because I'm a member of the military stationed overseas, and I'm itchy... have been for the past six years. I'm interested in reading (almost anything), book collecting, collecting D&D and AD&D stuff, and of course playing and being a GM. I've also started to write a little, mainly modules and short stories. I married an Italian girl that I met when I first arrived here. I'm a fun-loving guy who works with computers all day. Include computers on my list of things I like to do. All in all, I am happy to be a member of the military and be overseas. I;m also glad I found such a club as this one. S. Will Nesbitt BIRTHDATE: July 14 In high school I was a founder of an amateur radio station and our high school's first broadcast club. I was active in drama, public speaking, and creative writing. I entered the army to save money for college, but when I got out I used the money to buy my first house. I am happily married to a Californian who understands my hobby but is bored by it. She's the glamor girl but I'm still the nerd. When I returned from California (and the army) I returned to "DJ-ing." I work as a club DJ and often tire of the "scene," but never tire of the music and energy. I started wargaming before role-playing and especially enjoy WW II and Civil War games. I despise racism of any sort and I am in no way a neo-Nazi, but in gaming I love to play Nazi Germany. One of my most favorite games of all time is definitely Diplomacy, but I have only recently started playing it by mail. I stated with the original D&D but now am fairly satisfied with the second edition AD&D system. I enjoy playing with novices as much as experts, for they both can give to the game. I love the Lord of the Rings and some Robert E. Howard Conan but in general I am very unimpressed by most fantasy or science fiction "literature." I prefer reading classics and all types of non-fiction information books. Two of my favorite books are Gone With The Wind and Frederick Douglas' autobiography. I love history from the Roman Empire to World War II and because I am a native of the Shenandoah Valley, I have a soft spot in my heart for Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee. (Please don't mention Gettysburg). My other hobbies are varied. I was born, raised, and will die a Redskin fan, and I love football. I play football every weekend in the fall and winter, but never miss a "Skins game." On the computer I like "John Madden Football," "Earl Weaver Baseball," wargames, and a few adventure games. Brian D. Jennings BIRTHDATE: December 14 I'm just a 15-year old that likes to play AD&D. My friends my age, when I try to play role-playing games, aren't serious enough so I joined this club to get some playing done. I mainly like to play AD&D, specifically Forgotten Realms. I've been thinking about playing futuristic games like Robotech or Rifts. I'm also interested in computers. I love mail, so any people who like pen-pals who write back, look me Up in the membership directory. My favorite hobby next to AD&D is drawing so look for my artwork in the newszine. [This issue! - Ed.] Back to Chainmail Issue #21 Table of Contents Back to Chainmail List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1992 by Dragonslayers Unlimited This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |