By Keith Mercer
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Wildwood keeps to himself, very rarely venturing into Crimsonvale for supplies. If he should be visited, he often gives the impression of being aloof and boorish, but this is only due to his long hermit-like lifestyle. Those that do call him friend also know that he doesn't like to be disturbed in the early morning or early evening just before dusk, since these are the times when he chooses to spend time in close contact with the local creatures which are truly his closest friends. DESCRIPTION FOR NUMBER AREAS 1. Twelve 12' high white marble pillars border a single altar of granite which measures 10' square, three feet high. It is thought that this area was made as a shrine to some antediluvian elven king, long before Crimsonvale came into existence, but no one is certain (save perhaps the oldest elves of the Silverwood Forest?) Wildwood suspects it was built for other reasons but isn't certain/ At time of eclipses of both the sun and the moon he has had a horrible sensation as if pure evil were trying to reach out to touch him. He has never attempted to move the granite slab, though it appears that a narrow top portion is moveable. Should the granite block be removed, nothing will happen. But if one of the stone pillars is either removed, destroyed, or altered, and the granite altar covering slab is removed at the time of the next eclipse of the sun by the moon, a interdimensional portal will be opened, allowing the freedom of access of demons from the Abyss to the Prime Material Plane. These pillars are in fact transformed high priests of a long forgotten religion, who sacrificed their souls to form a lock over an interdimensional hole in the only way they could manage. The pillars can be moved by a combined strength of 30 or more, with those having exceptional strength (18) getting an additional point for each 10 percentage points they have, rounded down. Of course leverage and stance to support a column is important, so that a five foot high creature with the requisite strength couldn't lift and move the column by carrying; rather, he could topple it and drag it away if a successful STR check was made. A couple of giants would have little trouble carrying a pillar off. The pillars can withstand 10 points of structural damage before being destroyed. 2. These are the sleeping quarters for the druid. It has the bare essentials for his sparse living. Several containers of foodstuffs can be found in he corner for the winter months, as well as jars of preserves and the like. Other than a kitchen area, the only other thing in the building is the druid's bed. 3. A small grove of oak trees stands just east of the druid's home. In this grove exists Wildwood's longtime friend and lover, the dryad Nyia. If she or he is endangered, the other will come to her or his aid. Nyia will also summon six of her dryad sisters should it become necessary. Wildwood The DruidSTR 14
Patron Deity: Silvanus (Oak Father)
BACKGROUND: Wildwood's father had taught him of nature at an early age, but from a different perspective: his father was a ranger. When he was of age to learn of the many wonders himself, Wildwood sought the seclusion of the woods through the assistance of a druid that lived not far from them. It took some time before he had gained the respect of the old druid and even longer until he really understood what was expected of him. For seven years he trained under the old druid, until the day of the Summoning. At this time a grand council of druids gathered deep in the Silverwood Forest, hosted by their friends the Elves of Silverwood. Wildwood had to remain in the background with the many other young and raw druids in training. Whatever it was that had been discused, it was decided that a small patch of woods south of the human settlement of Crimsonvale would be placed in their custody. Wildwood was not chosen as custodian until just five years ago. The only instructions he had received were to prevent the shrine from being destroyed. He has suspected much over the years but as to the actually origin and purpose of the shrine he has no firm idea; none but the elder druids of the council will divulge any of the information. In the 10 years before he was given the task of "the watch," as they call it, he adventured with a small band called "The Wanderers." Occasionally this band will travel through the Crimsonvale area, though they seldom stay for long. During this time Wildwood became acquainted with the ways of the outside world and has felt no remorse about retreating into his hermit-like lifestyle. Shortly after taking up "the watch" he encountered Nyia and made a very strong impression with her. To date the only problems he has encountered have been from local drunkards that have become lost and stumbled into the shrine. A few quick bats with his staff usually send them on their way without further incident. It isn't that he doesn't like people, he simply doesn't trust them. That point has stuck with him since he was with the Wanderers and witnessed several of them taking advantage of the others. Back to Chainmail Issue #18 Table of Contents Back to Chainmail List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1991 by Dragonslayers Unlimited This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |