Mail Call

Letters to the Editor

by the readers

Dear Don:

I couldn't let my rating sheet go in without a comment or two. The best article was Unliquidated Revisionist by Louis Coeney and for that reason, I voted it the best. However, I cannot let you (or him) feel I am in complete agreement.

Mr. Coatney criticizes the placement of charts on the mapboard. I must disagree. Having juggled charts for many games and then having them printed on the mapboard, I must vote for the mapboard.

Next, he would remove the factors -- combat and movement -- from the counters. To do this would complicate the work of the player. One reason Guadalcanal went down the drain was the combat reduction form. More realistic to reduce unit effectiveness and rebuild with replacements, but also terribly time consuming.

I also believe accessory counters such as railway disruption counters are necessary, useable and useful. However, I too would like to see more spares.

Most other comments I will agee with.

Your articles on the ACW - OBs have been most interesting. I would like to see more along this line.

I also hope the historical articles continue to appear in Panzerfaust. Frankly, I get so many publications, that one more, such as Campaign would break this camel's back -- or eyesight.

Very truly yours,
R E Thorne

Dear Don;

I may have been the one who coined the phase "Anti-SPI Crusade". Recent develments have led me to believe that this judgment may be a bit unfair. My reference is specifically to your response to the Oleson letter in PF #64. Even so, if I there really is such a thing, it has calmed to within the limits of reason.

Maybe it was a phantom all along.

I am most supportive and pleased with the work that SPI does. I suppose that this tends to make me somewhat protective of their image (to me). This led to negative reaction about some of the critical earlier PF articles. Because of recent comments of yours and some soul searching on my part, I realize that the positive and negative for the hobby, about all its aspects, is much needed. We can understand how SPI or anybody, might be a bit reluctant to face certain grim truths.

Michael Bartnikowski

PS Booo! ... on special miniatures editions, unless they include stuff on naval minis. What ever happened to Tony Morale?

Good Question! -- DSL

Dear Don:

I take back All those nasty things I said last year. Panzerfaust is getting with it. Issue #63 was good.

For someone like me, with limited time and resources, the critiques of other games is not only interesting but most helpful. Please keep a strong emphasis on this area. And the ads are valuable -- lets me know what's going on. AH games miss the boat for me. But SPI is really getting into a "sameness" pattern. Your SICILY game is good, but the quality is poor. But your ATLANTA game is something else -- really good! Realistic and yet playable. Perhaps more steps per unit would help.

Keep it up!

Barton Campbell

Dear Don:

Speaking of the Swedish National Army; there was an error in me of the mini-modules in that article. I listed the rate of fire of the Swedish Regiment Gun as 8 rounds per minute. That should be 8 rounds per 6 rounds of musket fire. The error was done while transcribing notes when half asleep.

Kent H. Clotfelter

Dear Don;

Pfaust 63 arrived today and at first glimpse looks to be even better than the previous one. However I am writing to ask if you could answer a couple of problems to set my mind at ease, although your editorial goes a long way to do this.

Firstly, with the demise of 'Campaign' as promised the subscribers would have the outstanding copies transferred to their Pfaust subscription, this would give my expiry of PFaust at 68, however, my address label still states expiry at 65. I realise that possibly it was not worth changing address lables for three issues, but I am writing to make sure. I don't want to be sitting on my backside, when in England after I have had # 65, waiting for 66 which may not arrive.

Yours sincerely
P.A. Swinbourne

You're right: Too much trouble to change the labels --especially when there was any chance that Campaign would be revived and they all would have had to be changed back. However, they are now all being changed.--DSL


This issue is really not worse than the last... I guess I'm tiring of the Civil War.

The best thing about your book (you may not like this) is the ads, especially the variety of stuff being done. That and the game reviews have caused me to buy at least one game per issue, this issue two games, neither of which I knew existed.

The variants on different themes, like the Chainmail article, while poorly written, are interesting and should be encouraged. I'm nearly temptad to write something that a few of us have played hereabouts called "Siege of Gondor" and send it along to you. It's good to know folks are experimenting out there. "Revisionist" was somewhat strong stuff, but likewise ought to be encouraged. Keep punch n'.

Your crusade against SPI is irksome and in questionable taste. It's your mag and you may have your reasons, but to the uninitiated, it sounds pretty childish and reeks a bit of sour grapes. I'd call it quits; You have a nice litle book coming along and take no backseat to anyone. And you have kept the personal touch which SPI, in its growing pains, must inevitably lose and which I feel contributed to their success not a little.

Are you ever gonna republish Alexander? I think that one of the half dozen all-time favorites.

John van Devender

AH will be republishing a revised Alexander the Great soon. --DSL

Dear Mr. Lowry:

I am sick and tired of seeing pages of your fine magazine wasted on this senseless arguing over SPI. Don't you have better things to put into your magazine otherthan this bickering? I realize that SPI has many faults (which some count as desireable), but you can't please all of the People all of the time. I suggest if in the future you criticize anybody, you do it very constructively or don't do it at all.

Doug Bates

What did I say now? The only mention of SPI in #64 was in the "mail call" column! Am I supposed to start censoring letters now? Come on, have a heart. --DSL

Dear Don:

Included is the voting for PF # 64.

In 64, as well as 63, you carried an ad from Taurus Ltd. I sent them $2.00 for their catalog and as of yet have received nothing. They have cashed my check. I have sent them a letter but have received no answers.

What do you know about them?

Also, will you be reprinting back issues of PF prior to # 55?

Thank you for any info you send.

Steven Brooks

All I know about Taurus is that they pay for their ad space--anyone else have these problems? How about it? I don't have the money to reprint old issues any time in the future --DSL

Mr Lowry:

I would also like to take this time to commend you on your excellent magazine, which, since I started reading a year ago, continued to become better with each issue; more than any other magazine I subscribe to. Your game service has been excellent also in the past. I look forward to continued good service and an excellent publication, as shown by the enclosed order.

Gerald Clever

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