by Don Lowry
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THE INTERNATIONAL WARGAMER appeared once more out of nowhere a few weeks ago. This was Vol. 5. No. 9. John Bobek, editor. The format and contents are much the same as the last several issues. With the IW came a Ditto(Iraphed sheet called the IFW NEWS announcing a reorganization of the IFW and the death of the IW. This was the last issue. Your kindly old editor got his start in the fields of 4arqame writing, illustrating, and printing by working on the IW and it's sad to see it end this way. An appeal was made for some wargaming magazine to take over the IW subscriptions. We've offered to do this but don't know at this writing whether someone else offered first. MICHIGAN GAMING REVIEW is the official newsletter of the Michigan Organized Wargamers. Six issues come with each year's membership, 4hich costs residents of Illinois, Indiana, lichigan, Ohio, and Ontario one dollar. All 3thers pay $1.50. Editor is Len Scensny, 317 Linwood, Rochester, MI 48063. Issue #5 Is the latest one and consists of 24 8 1/2 x 11 mimeographed pages (counting cover and addressing area) corner-stapled. In addition to news of club events. etc., it contains a few reviews and other short articles. Not a bad newsletter. THE COURIER is published by the New England Wargamers Association (a misnomer since by "New England" they really mean "greater Boston") and has been reviewed here often. It's only concerned with miniatures but does an excellent job with that field. The main reason for mentioning it once again is that the latest issues (Vol. 4 & 5, mailed together) show a marked improvement in legibility and eye-appeal due to use of an IBM Executive typewriter for all type. Quality of content remains high and is recommended to all who are interested in miniatures. Subscriptions (eight issues for $4.00) are available from the editor, Richard Bryant, 45 Willow St., Brockton, MA 12401. HOOSIER ARCHIVES has also been mentioned here frequently. Unfortunately, it seems we've been giving you out-of-date information. Here's the latest: printed bi-weekly via Dittograph; subscriptions at 10/$2.00 or 26/$5; back issues 30t each. HA is the DIPLOMACY "gen-zine", with the best in articles, news, ratings, and demonstration games. If you din DIPLOMACY you'll love HA. Edited by Walter Buchanan, RR#3, Lebanon, IN 46052. Tell him PF sent you. GAMES & PUZZLES is a professionally done British monthly. It covers the entire field of indoor games and puzzles; traditional games, such as Chess, Bridge, Go, Wari, all card games, Backgammon, Checkers, Mah Jong, etc., as well as all commercially available board games. The issue I have (no. 17, Sept.) includes a large review of a British board wargame called DECLINE AND FALL by the Wargamers Research Group (well known for their miniatures rules). It is advertised that the January issue (#21) will have a feature article on DIPLOMACY by the game's designer, Alan Calhamer. Issue #17 is 40 pp, counting covers, on slick paper, with full-color cover and a lot of 2-color interior pages. The articles cover the entire gamut of games and puzzles (mostly games) and are.well-written. Subscriptions may be had for $9.00 per year from P.O. Box 4, London, N6 4DF, England. Be sure to tell them where you heard about them. THE AVALON HILL GENERAL is well-known to almost all wargamers. As we've mentioned in previous reviews it is being steadily up-graded lately by the new editor. Don Greenwood (founder of PANZERFAUST). The Sep-Oct issue (10/3) presents a new departure for the GENERAL, a free game! Actually it's not a complete game, but a MIDWAY variant is included complete with new ship and plane counters printed on light card stock (along with the discount coupon, Reader Buyer's Guide and Opponents Wanted form). Liberal use of color, diagrams and photographs continues to increase. Subscription price remains at $5.00 per year (6 issues) from 4517 Harford Pnad, Baltimore, MD 21214. Back to Table of Contents -- Panzerfaust # 60 To Panzerfaust/Campaign List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1973 by Donald S. Lowry. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |