by Don Lowry
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We're going to have to reverse our field from what we told you last time. Due to financial difficulties not directly related to either magazine we just will not be able to to continue with CAMPAIGN. We've tried to find someone who would take it over, but so far no takers. So until we do find someone or from here on out if we don't, CAMPAIGN is now re- united with PANZERFAUST. We really hate to do this but be have no choice. Neither magazine is self-supporting. That is, they don't make enough profit to pay for my time or that of the rest of the staff. Myself, Julie, Pete Bennett and Tom Wham all worked on the magazines in between our duties with Lowrys Hobbies and Guidon Games. Unfortunately the whole triad just hasn't been making enough to support us all, so reluctantly we've had to lay off Pete and Tom. With such a reduction in the work force we have to eliminate some of the work load. Julie and I just can't do it all. It is difficult enough to find time now to put out one magazine let alone two. So CAMPAIGN subscribers are receiving this issue of PANZERFAUST in lieu of a full issue of CAMPAIGN and will continue to receive PF on an issue-for-an-issue basis unless we find someone who wants to take over and revive CAMPAIGN. Those of you who subscribed to both magazines will not receive duplicate issues. We'll extend your PF subscription one issue for each CAMPAIGN issue you had coming. We realize this is not exactly what you paid for but is is the only solution immediately within our capabilities, Perhaps one of you subscribers has the ability and desire to take over CAMPAIGN. If so, write me for details. Now for some more bad news. We've been holding the line against inflation for as long as we can. Subscription rates are going up. We probably should have done this when we raised the cover price to $1.50 (#58) or even before. Anyway, a one- year sub will hence-forth cost $6.00 instead of $5.00; two years $11.00 and three years $15.00. Not a soul took us up on the 5 year sub and we're dropping that. Instead, we're now offering Lifetime Subscriptions for $75.00. That's right, PANZERFAUST for the rest of your life at the cost of 5 3-year subscriptions! So if you plan on living longer than 15 years it's definitely a bargain. Also it saves you the bother of renewing and insures against further increases in subscription rates. And we'll send you a fancy certificate, suitable for framing, with which you can prove to us, or anyone, your "lifer" status (and impress those people who are easily impressed by fancy certificates). You can cancel a current term subscription and replace it with a Lifetime Subscription. Just send in the $75.00 and we'll refund $1.00 for each issue remaining on your current subscription. (NOTE: Lifetime Subs will be available for a limited time only -- maybe a year, maybe only a few months, depending on how fast they come in. Our goal is 100 "lifers.") Another new offer is a First Class Subscripttion. This means your Panzerfaust will arrive via First class mail instead of third class. It will arrive one or two weeks sooner, be less likely to be lost, and will be forwarded if you move, go off to college, or return home for the summer, etc. (In spite of what the Post Office says, they very seldom forward magazines. Beside, PF goes third class instead of second class, the normal rate used by large circulation magazines.) For first class service, just add $2.00 per year to any regular term subscription (thus 1 year for $8.00, 2 years for $15.00 or 3 years for $21.00). The ultimate in PF subscriptions, THE FIRST CLASS LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION for a mere $100 even (thus saving a further $5 from the cost of 5 three-yea Subs). and your "lifer" certificate will also indicate your first class status. The "Return Fire" results from the last PF are very interesting:
Future of Wargaming 6.56 Thumbnail Analysis 6.46 Design Analysis 6.44 ANZIO'S Heirs 6.43 The Fog of War 6.33 Battle of Finger Ridge 6.16 Strategy in OVERLORD 6.05 Passing in Review 5.56 Airpower in FRANCE, 1940 5.55 Game Design 5.52 Line of Communications 5.48 Reconnaissance In Force 5.46 DUNKIRK Openings 5.37 G2 Reports 5.35 Afterthoughts On ALEXANDER 5.33 Some Gripes With OPERATION GREIF 5.23 And Then There Were Three 5.19 Miniature Warfare 5.14 Mail Call 5.12 Once again all articles are rated above 5. And once again the "overall" rating is up (from 6.78). But what's really unique is that the "overall" rate is higher than any single article! This means that no one article was the universal favorite, but that almost everyone was well pleased with the general "mix" of material. Another fact worth noting is the very high placement of one of our staff-written columns: "Thumbnail Analysis". I assume this is due to interest taken in the games being reviewed. (Incidentally, some of you who ordered QUEBEC or WAR OF 1812 on our discount coupon are, at this writing, still waiting. The demand for these far exceeded what we had anticipated, and our stock soon sold out. We've ordered more, but they have to come from the west coast of Canada to the east coast of the USA, through customs, etc. I expect them to arrive any day, and perhaps you'll already have yours before you read this.) Now compare the above with the voting for best articles:
Anzio's Heirs - Holland $3.00 The Future of Wargaming various $2.00 A real sleeper from back in the nack forges to the lead! A notable feature of the balloting this time was the great variety of combinations chosen. Usually there'll be one or two articles that appear on almost all ballots in either first, second to third. But this time they came and went and changed places like an over-worked kalidescope. And now for the results of CAMPAIGN #I:
Soviet Air Force 7.35 The High Seas Fleet 6.55 Book Review 5.75 The Vietnam Campaign 5.65 Editorial 5.50 An interesting point here is that the top two articles both rated higher than any article in PANZERFAUST ever has! Lundstron does it again. Incidentally, for those of you who missed, Campaign #1 (and only) it is still available, at $1.50, The best-article voting agreed perfectly with the above.
Soviet Air Force Mazurkiewicz $3 The High Seas Fleet - Dick $2 In view of the recombining of Campaign with PF, the latter will be carrying more history articles again. Unfortunately this issue had been almost completed when the decision on CP and PF was made. So we weren't able to insert more than the Tonkin War article this time. But in the future we'll be having the return of the Guide to the Civil War and, hopefully, more of the Guide to the Russian Front among others. Incidentally, beginning with the next issue, we will be paying for articles in credit good for purchases from Lowrys Hobbies, Guidon Games, or PF instead of in cash. Another economy move, The rate will go up to $3.00 per printed page, however. Back to Table of Contents -- Panzerfaust # 60 To Panzerfaust/Campaign List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1973 by Donald S. Lowry. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |