Forward the Colors

Wargaming the Age of Napoleon

by David Marks

Well my merry troupe of wargaming funsters, 'The Napoleonic Wargamers' recreated an alternative history at the Napoleonic Fair. The thing that made this game different was the historical framework in which we have been told to work.

We staged a fictional battle set a few days after the battle of Vimeiro had taken place. The battle of Vimeiro was fought in Portugal in 1808 between the French and the British and resulted in a British victory. The twist in this tail was that it was assumed that the British had lost Vimeiro and were in full retreat, being hotly pursued by the victorious French army.

The refight was played using 'IN THE NAME OF GLORY' rules and resulted in a French victory. So as far as our alternative history went the French occupy Spain and Portugal. The Peninsular war was nipped in the bud and Napoleon went on to be the true master of Europe, while not having to suffer the problems caused by the Spanish ulcer.

As this is a wargaming article I decided to provide all you budding/ experienced gamers with a quick fire set of skirmish rules. You now have a golden opportunity to impress your loved one by taking on the persona of Richard Sharpe. If this fails you can always improve your image by getting your family members or friends to look at you through a used (sic!) toilet roll while humming the James Bond theme music.

These rules assume that each figure will be armed with a musket and a pistol, together with some form of bladed weapon such as a sword, bayonet or knife for hand to hand combat.

All you will need to play these rules are:

  • A six-sided dice, (1xD6) numbered 1 to 6.
  • A ten-sided dice, (1xD10) numbered 0 to 9.
  • A tape measure, indicating inches.
  • Some figures or counters.

Hand to hand combat


All movement is simultaneous. Players may move each of their figures either all, some or none of their total movement rate.

Throw 1xD6 per figure, to determine the total movement rate of each figure. The score on the dice throw will be the number of inches that figure may be moved. E.g. Score 4 = 4 inches.

Players may nominate a figure to help drag a wounded comrade at half movement speed.

Figures shot in the legs move at half movement speed.

When moving at half movement speed round up all uneven scores. E.g. score 3, round up to 4. Half of 4 = 2. Therefore the figure or figures may move 2 inches each.

Figures may move up to half their total movement distance and fire in the same game move or vice versa.


Players must declare which figures are to fire and the targets to be fired at. Players shall dice to see who has the initiative, i.e. who will fire first. Each player throws 1xD10. Highest score shoots first. Equal scores shall be rediced until a winner is established. Note: score of zero will count as ten.

A figure may only fire once, at a single target per game move.

The player who has the initiative measures the distance from their figures head to the head of the target figure. To see if the target is hit throw 1xD6 and consult the table below.

Note: Soft cover is a fence or hedge etc. Hard cover is a stone wall or building etc.

If the target figure is hit, the attacking player throws 1xD10 and consults the following table to see where the target figure has been hit.


Figures in base to base contact will count as fighting hand to hand. No more than 2 figures may fight 1 figure per game move. Figures in hand to hand combat may not fire. A figure may only fight one target per game move.

Hand to hand combat will be resolved by a straight dice roll using a 1xD6. When more than 1 friendly figure is taking part in the combat throw 1xD6 for each figure.

Heighest score wins, lowest score killed. All equal scores are a draw with no further combat being undertaken this game move. Another round of combat may be fought next game move.


Figure A is attacked by figures X & Y at the same time. A score's 5 on its dice throw. X score's 3 in its dice throw and Y score's 6 on its dice throw. Thus A kills X but Y kills A.

Players shall -1 from their dice score for each wound that their figure has suffered as a result of earlier shooting. E.g. figure shot in the arms and the legs will -2 from their hand to hand dice score.

As I've said in previous issues I need your feed back to help build this article into an informative and useful wargaming forum. Sadly no one has written to me, which is a shame because I like receiving letters, so come on put pen to paper and have your say. (Address as for 'In the Name of Glory' advert - p15)

All the Best and Happy gaming!!!!!

ScoreTarget hit inAction
0HeadInstantly killed - May not return fire.
1ChestKilled this game move but may return fire
2 or 3StomachFall to the ground and may not move unless helped. May return fire using pistol. Will die after 1xD6 game moves.
4 or 5Arms1st time shot in arms may return fire with Pistol. May only use pistol from then on. 2nd time shot in arms may not return fire or permitted to fire for rest of game.
6 or 7Legs1st time shot in legs may only move at half rate - May return fire. 2nd time shot in legs will fall to the ground and may not move unless helped.
8 or 9Just a scratchNot so keen to fight - Retreat 6 inches next game move

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