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Compiled by Major Bill Harting
Contact Events marked (SOANC) can count
towards the Society of Ancients National
6 June 99: Broadsword. The
Assembly Hall, Walthamstow Town Hall,
London E17. Contact: K.l. Brazier, 3 The
Mile End, Walthamstow, London, E17 5QE.
13 Jun 99: Valhalla 99. Ellis Hall
Community Centre, Farnborough,
Hampshire. Contact Barrie Tel. 01-420
4 Jul 99: "A fort full of models."
Newhaven Fort, East Sussex. Contact
David Allen, Tel. 01293-523856.
10-11 July 99: Attack '99. The Corn
Exchange, Devizes. Contact: Scoobie
Fisher, Tel: 01380 721683.
24-25 July 99: Redoubt, Eastbourne.
1 Aug 99: Sabre 1999. Host: Harrogate
Wargames Club. Venue: The Pavilions,
Yorkshire Show Ground, Wetherby Road,
Harrogate, UK. POC: Mr. John Elwen, Vine
Cottage, Main Street, Wetherby, West
Yorkshire, LS23 7DJ. Email: andy@suc5.
demon. co. u k
15 Aug 99: The Other Partizan.
Kelham Hall, Kelham, Newark, Notts, UK.
Free courtesy bus from Newark railway
stations. Details at
www.soton.ac.uk/-drb2/partizan or
email Laurence Baldwin:
18-19 Sept 99: Colours. The Hexagon,
Reading. Contact: Trevor Halsall,
Tel: 01734 714 473. Trade enquiries: Roy
Boss, Elm Farm, Hankerton, Wilts.
Competition and display game enquiries to
Jean Harper, 5 Oakley Road, Caversham
Heights, Reading, Berkshire, RG4 7RL. Tel:
0118 947 6196. Email:
100634.626@compuserve.com or slhals@reading.ac.uk
25 Sept 99: Shameless and
Impudent Lords - Wars of the the
Roses Megagame. Contact: Megagame
Makers, 69 Gleneagle Road, London SW16
6AY. Tel: 0181-677-5756.
Email: history.games@bigfoot.com
25 Sept 99: Phalanx '99, St Helens.
The Sutton Community & Leisure Centre,
Elton Head Road, St Helens, Merseyside.
Contact: Graeme Spencer, Tel: 01664
Email: g.spencer@virgin.net
26 Sept 99: Wargamer '99,
Birmingham. Contact: Carl Broadhurst, Tel:
0121707 6484.
2-3 Oct 99: Old Glory World
Championships, Derby. Contact: 29
Wade Ave, Littleover, Derby, DE23 6BG.
Email: j.grantCa)argonet.co.uk
7 Nov 99: Fiasco Ill. Royal Armouries
Museum, Leeds. Contact: John Smith, Tel:
0113 279 3974.
4 Dec 99: Recon '99. Northern DBM
Doubles League, Pudsey Civic Hail, Leeds.
Contact Colin Betts, 24 Taylor St, Hollingsworth, Hyde, Cheshire, K14
8PA. Tel. 01457 764471. Email
106464.430@compuserve.com or
Keith Nathan, email
HMGS Sponsored
Sponsoring Regions: M-S=Mid-South,
E=East; MW=Midwest; S=South; GL=Great
Lakes; HoA=Heart of America; TA=
Tornado Alley; GS=Gulf South;
PNW=Pacific Northwest; PSW=Pacific
Southwest; W=West.
11-13 June 99 G-S BAYOU WARS
Quality Hotel in Metairie, LA HIVI. POC:
Hilton McManus, 6612 Colbert St., New
Orleans, LA 70124 H (504) 486-5340 W
(800) 796-4696
email: HCMcManus@AOL.COM
21-25 July 99 E HISTORICON
Lancaster Host Resort, Lancaster PA. HIM.
POC: James (JT) Thomas Jr., 8314
Sprague Place, New Carrollton, MID 20784.
17-19 Sept 99 GIL ADVANCE THE
COLORS 99, Holiday Inn Dayton South,
Dayton, Ohio. HM POC: g a r b e e @ a o I .
c o m www.erinet.com/bp/advcolor.html
22-24 Oct 99 M-S WARGAMERjTS
REUNION IX Cobb Conf Center, 755 Cobb
Place Blvd., Kennesaw, GA Comfort Inn
770-419-1530 Mention HIVIGS MidSouth for
special rates. HM. POC:Tim Mullen, 537
South Summit Stone Mtn, GA 30083 404-
Tim@Travispruitt.com . The Center at
SW corner of 1-75 and Ernest Barrett
5-7 Nov 99 E FALL IN Eisenhower Inn
& Con Cntr, Gettysburg, PA. HM.POC:
Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City,
IVID 21043, Ph: (evenings before 9 P.M.)
410-465-7688, E-mail:
18-20 Jun 99 Tranquillity Base
3.999, Albert B. Sabin Convention Center,
Cincinnati, Ohio; SciFi. POC: sase to
Tranquillity Base1999, 8216
Princeton-Glendale Road #303, West
Chester, Ohio 45069-1675.
http://www.skypacer.com/tran base
1-4 July 99 ORIGINS 99 Columbus,
OH. Mxd, POC: Andon, POB 13500,
Columbus, OH 43213 614-856-3219
5-8 Aug 99 GENCON GAME FAIR 99
Milwaukee, WI. Mxd, POC: Anclon, POB
13500, Columbus, OH 43213 614856-3219
3.8-:11.9 Sep 99 NOVAGCON 99.
WestPark Hotel, Tysons, Corner, VA.
Vendors & gamers flea market. HIM, FM,
SFM. POC: John McConnell.
E-mail: firstva@patriot.net
Late Sept/Early Oct ANDCON 99
OHIO. Mxcl, POC: Andon, POB 13500,
Columbus, OH 43213 614-856-3219
23-24 Oct 99 HAMSTER CON
Eigenman Hall, Indiana University Campus,
Bloomington, IN POC: Chris Engle, 313
Hickory Dr, Ellettsville, IN 47429
H: (812)876-3540/ W: (317)831-0203
E:Matrixgamer@juno.com/Hamster@io. com
19-23. Nov 99 ExotiCon Two (Triple
Zero) Quality Hotel, 2261 N.Causeway Blvd
Metairie, LA 70001. SF, RP, Mxd.