

by Ben Wilkins

Welcome to 'Battlefields', Partizan's new venture in the wargaming marketplace. For those of you who missed the preview issue I will briefly recap on what we hope to achieve with this magazine.

As the title might perhaps suggest the emphasis will be on 'battles'. The major articles will include analysis of military events and theory, mainly (but not exclusively) with an eye to the tabletop encounter. There will be scenarios, ranging from guides on how to refight a specific action to how a particular type of operation could be simulated. These scenarios will be wide ranging, both in periods covered and type of game. Finally there will be discussions on the theory and practice of wargaming. I see all of these as being complementary and would like to see 'Battlefields' develop into a forum for wargamers, military historians and designers to air, develop and debate their viewpoints. We will not 'preach' a 'right' way to wargame (there is surely no such thing), but we do hope to stimulate. Wargaming and wargamers are a very broad church indeed, for me this is one of the major attractions of editing this magazine (it sure ain't the cash!) and I trust this approach will appeal to you the reader.

As this is a new venture we are still to a certain degree 'feeling our way'. We know where we want to go, but to get there we do need your support - and more importantly your suggestions, ideas and opinions. Those of you with 'feedback forms' from the preview issue or which you picked up at Salute please return them (and if you have already -thanks). As issues are published, if you like what we're doing please tell us (our heads won't swell.... much), but more seriously let us know if we're not doing what you want. If 'Battlefields' is to be a forum it is essential that we have your views and articles.

We are not (perhaps unfortunately) making any claims about bringing 'new blood' into the hobby, 'Battlefields' is aimed at the existing gamer. This does lead us to make assumptions concerning 'common wargaming practice'. If as a result we are being too vague - tell us.

Looking at the feedback forms we have already received you seem to agree with our general concept. In addition to the three main types of article the idea of reviews are also popular (currently rules, figures and then books). Our concept of reviews is that they should be 'in depth'. We therefore don't promise to be the first to tell you about a new product, but we would like to be the most detailed. For this to work we do need the support of those of you publishing and producing - we can't review what we haven't seen! Please be aware however that we aim to be objective, not sycophantic!

I hope you will enjoy this first issue of 'Battlefields'. I believe it covers not only a wide variety of periods, but also many styles of game. 'Ceresole' is a specific refight, Casalegas a fascinating 'what if' and Route 66 a rather more generic scenario ...with a 'twist in the tail'. Kieth Roberts' article has made me rethink some of my preconceived notions on how to prepare for a battle whilst Derek Henderson reflects how uncertainty can be put back into wargaming. If all this wasn't enough we also have a two suggestions for campaigns and the start of the 'wargames forum' (another popular 'readers choice from the feedback forms). It would be ludicrous to claim that there is 'something here for everyone' - but I hope we may have come close. This does lead me onto 'the question we wish we had asked' - would you prefer lots of smaller articles or fewer longer articles? I imagine the inevitable answer is 'a mix'. This being the case where we are having difficulty 'shoe horning' a long article covering one of your favourite periods into an issue would you rather 'go without' until the following issue or have it split into two parts?

The follow up question is - if an issue of 'Battlefields' does not cover your favourite period would you still buy it? I hope the answer will by 'yes', not only because of the other articles but also as many scenarios can be adapted for a different army (I am currently preparing to refight Quatre Bras set in the Peninsula with Portuguese and Spanish replacing the British allies) or a completely different period (again -see Route 66 this issue). If your period isn't covered in this issue it may be that no one has sent us anything. Start the ball rolling and write something for us!

We would like to see scenarios (be they refights, what ifs or completely hypothetical), analysis of military events or doctrine or examinations of battlefield events and their impact (or lack of!) on the tabletop.

Still enough of this introduction, I'm off to see the Red Army triumph in Paris (not the Soviets -Arsenal Football Club) so on with the first issue ... read ... enjoy ... game ... and write!

Until the next issue, Ben

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