
by Ben Wilkins

I believe that there is a demand 'out there' for another wargames magazine. This belief has been bolstered by many rambling post game and show discussions with fellow wargamers (often in the pub - so the reliability of this data may be suspect!). Now Dave and Partizan Press are allowing me to put this theory to the test. The fact that you are now reading this indicates that there is at least one other person who agrees with me (which drinking establishment do you frequent?).

I want 'Battlefields' to serve the interests of the more serious side of our hobby and as such complement rather than compete against the many excellent existing titles which are already being published. Please don't be put off by that word 'serious', we do intend this magazine to be fun (after all, why do we wargame? Because we have an interest in history and research? Because we like competing? Because we enjoy painting and modelling?

Yes to all of these, but surely the 'bottom line' is that we wargame because it's fun. I want 'Battlefields' to be an enjoyable and stimulating read. 'Serious' as applied to 'Battlefields' means well researched and original articles, enjoyable and challenging scenarios, provoking and refreshing discussions.

First and foremost 'Scenarios'. This is after all a warGAMING magazine. Each issue will cover a wide variety of periods and offer many different styles of game. These will include suggestions on how how to refight historical battles, 'what if' encounters or historical variants and examinations of a particular type of operation (i.e. the river crossing or recon mission etc.) with suggestions on how this can be applied to the tabletop.

Secondly there will be historical analysis of military events and theory. These will be well researched and original, covering many aspects of military history but concentrating on the tactical and always with a view to the 'tabletop' encounter. They will include articles on particular actions and papers on how troops fought.

Thirdly there will be discussions about aspects of battlefield events and their impact (or lack of!) on the wargame. Current topics of debate at my club include Command Control and how should it be modelled? What is morale, who and what does it effect. What is the importance of terrain? What is melee combat and when and how does it occur? What is the role of the player? What are the most important factors in determining the result of a battle and are they same in a game? What exactly is a 'wargame' and what do we want from it?

Most importantly I see all the above as mutually complementary. As an example I would like to see a historical article stimulating future scenarios on how the events or tactics could be transferred to the tabletop and encouraging debate and discussions on how the crucial factors which determined the outcome could, be simulated on the table.

I don't want to dwell on what 'Battlefields' won't cover, but topics we do not envisage including are '1500 point super armies', uniforms and uniform plates, and why army 'x' will always beat army 'y' under rules 'z'. 'Battlefields' does not champion any particular rules system or publisher. Indeed, I would encourage you all to write your own rules - especially when wargaming one particular action or event (and make sure you send them into this magazine!).

Of course, for 'Battlefields' to succeed I need your input on all of the above. Because of the wide ranging objectives outlined above I will welcome all types of contribution. Don't worry if you on;y feel prepared to write under only one of the general headings outlined above. If you're a 'historian' send me your historical articles. If you're a 'gamer' I want your scenarios. If you want a forum in which to broadcast your views or thoughts send them in! Let me emphasise that I see a place in 'Battlefields' for all of these and I think it vital that there is always a variety to ensure a 'cross fertilisation' of ideas which are stimulating for wargaming as a whole. The exact mix of articles will be largely dependant not only on what you the readership want, but also what you the readership send in!

Some of you may have noticed that this is issue 'zero'. This is not only because we wanted to 'test the water' before a full launch but also to allow us to get your views , ideas and thoughts before full publication. Tell me what what you would like to see (and what you wouldn't!). I therefore ask all of you wherever possible to both complete the questionnaire and return it to us but also include with it your thoughts, comments and suggestions. I have firm ideas on what I want out of 'Battlefields', I hope to ensure that it also provides what you want.

For now, I hope you enjoy this new venture and I look forward to taking it further in the next issue. Until then - have fun.

I'll be back.

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